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Thread: So.. Where to my friends?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Blight.. where else?

    Default So.. Where to my friends?

    Now that Embrys has fixed his email, and made an appearance for us in-game, and answered questions (EVERYONE be sure to thank him for taking the time to do that in your E-Mails!), I would like to ask..
    Where to?
    I have played with some of you for years, you are all like family to me.. A family I do not wish to lose.
    I know that many of you have chosen to go down with our fine home, I respect those who are, and I hope to one day enjoy a game with you all again! You in this category can also post your new games here.
    But for those of you who are choosing to continue the fight, please, let us all know what shard you will choose to be going.. The good times don't have to stop with Blight, we may not be able to test, but we can still have just as much fun!
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Blight.. where else?


    Exactly 3 minuites ago, the Blight shard ceased to exist for us to play on. I speak for everyone there when I say it was a very sad final fifteen minuites in the history of Horizons, Blight, and its loyal players.
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

  3. #3


    Well soon as i can find where i left my chaos alts on what account ill be in chaos lol
    look for a conquest never ends guild that will be me think ill change it to blight never ends
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  4. #4


    Good luck to you both
    I'm not continuing on horizons as I have no trust nor faith anymore.
    As for another game ..... not sure this has kinda been like a divorce and has put me off mmo's
    Ash ( zarb ) is on WoW and has been since Illy left sometimes I wonder about there just to see the difference between the 2 games.
    Is one better ... dunno its like chalk and cheese .... but at least when a problem arrose they contacted him to fix it.

    As I said in the farewell blight thread i will log into the forum occasionally to check pms ... when they dry up then i'm out for good.

    keep in touch people

  5. #5


    hopefully ill be transfered to order soon, best of luck everyone
    Chromos - 100 Ancient Lunus, 100 DragonCrafter,100 Lairshaper
    Titles - Expert DragonCrafter - Expert Lairshaper

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Arrow i am going to chaos

    as that seems to be where most blighties who are staying will be going.
    that is contingent on whether vel gets transferred over, of course.....
    maybe it was me, but i go the feeling that maybe a chance exists to transfer plots, maybe. this would be nice. i am not overly concerned with where it is, as long as it is relatively safe and handy to a portal. but that's a want not a need. my need to continue playing would be vel transferred or remade intact with inventory and vault. seeing as i never got to a level to warrant it, i do not believe i have anything not already available to live shards, but would be willing to delete almost everything (illy jr stays, that is not an option) not acceptable.

    anyway, long story short, if vel lives on, i am taking her to chaos.

  7. #7


    Guess some-one took my last comment to heart
    username *********
    password ********

    Your user name and password were not found.

    I had to laugh at that one
    < hoists a foaming mug >
    cheers bigears this ol dwarf really is no more

    Lwc yn Brwydro Deifio

  8. #8


    Hi guys-n-gals of blight i have a dragon on chaos named Ozone lvl 26 adv and 24 craft , will mess with it until we find out if blight toons are going to be sent there . look me up will pop in every evening for a while as long as one of us remains blight will never die LONG LIVE BLIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9


    I don't speak for the entire server but I find Chaos a friendly community and have spent over two years there. Any blighters will be welcomed by my guild and my family. My sister, my mother and I are all very saddened by what happened and offer our help to any blighters who might need it. I'm sure many on Chaos will do the same.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  10. #10


    To all of Blight;
    OK I'm writing this at like 4:30 am Dec 30,2006 ( yes Ive gotten some sleep).
    The question was asked where to now that Blight is closed , for how long we don't know.
    Well I think I have and temporary answer to that question, I think for right now, I'm gonna be semi-inactive in the game,
    for several reasons playing a lvl 13 Cleric on Conquest is a lot different then playing Elek or Ruf or 20 other alts I can ramble off.
    Our "job" on Blight was to test stuff make sure this building worked this lair worked this spell worked with this tech, this buff didn't override this buff.
    for the better part of 2 years + thats what I have done, ( do you really think I'm that nuts to make that many alts w/o reason) what school combos worked the best
    what crafting schools were a better option then adv schools to make a better toon.
    On Live servers we are limited to only 1 main and 4 alts per account even with 5 accounts that would still limit me and my testing to make this game better for newbies and vets alike.
    I'm not sure that I can make a difference to Live servers anymore, and that to me was the best part of the game, trying different things and getting the "most bang for the buck"
    Maby when I get Elek and Ruf and some of my other "toons" onto live I will have a change of heart ,but for now I don't see how I can really be useful to the game in general. To me the game is about killing time playing, but also making it better for others.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Blight.. where else?


    Yep, I'm having that same problem buddy.. I think I'm just going to call it quits on Horizons untill we get word on our characters.. or they move, and see if its any more fun on my main. Untill then, its Guild Wars again for me.
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

  12. #12
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Arrow well, today is the first chance to try chaos....

    so i am about to head over there and create mourningwood......will see what i think, but imagine that i will not be as active as with vel, that's for sure....already have several things i could and should be doing.
    blight had me neglecting things, and now those things are demanding that i neglect horizons.......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  13. #13


    If you're leaving Horizons, EQ2 Test Server.

    Closest thing you'll come to the Horizon's community in a diferent game.

    Just FYI.

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