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Thread: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

  1. #1

    Default Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    Howdy Order!

    Recently got the e-mail update and it seems like a lot has been happening in the land of Istaria since I last played...

    First glance it seems they significantly changed storage volumes and what can store things? Is my reading of recent patch notes correct in that shops can store stuff now too? (remember making a suggestion like that a few years ago - whee!!! )

    It won't be anything major, kind of off and on at least during the summer...but currently downloading and installing the game again. Felt it was better this way instead of trying to do a partial resurrect from a saved file structure from a couple years ago. If all goes well I should be able to log in tomorrow afternoon/evening.

    Before hitting the bed I noticed Awdz name in the forums so it seems she is still around. Any old timers still around?

    Looking forward to seeing everyone, old and new...

    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    Yes! Shops can now store materials, quite a lot of materials too! Almost to the point where silos are unnecessary.

    There are quite a few old players still around, you may have to poke around a bit though.

    Glad to see another oldie coming back to the game, welcome back!

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In front of the computer, where else would I be?

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    RoArEtH! Welcome back! Gunna have to hunt you down for a good sit!
    Tamaracaran Thothalomadais: Dragon, As old as the world, Twice.
    Jamana Ternfaust: Gnome of 31 flavors!
    Erzat Ember: Dryad Battlemage, Construction Bug.
    Halfust Thothalomadais: Human somthing or other.

  4. #4
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    most welcome home, aael!! i believe i remember your name from moons ago. i am still around.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    Welcome home Aaelefein. Look forward to seeing you old friend.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    as always: Happy to see you again, Aaelefein
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    *serves Aaelefein a container full of klava presented with a towel and curtsy*
    welcome (back) home! :-)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Howdy, Looks like lots of new stuf...any Oldies still around?

    Thanks everyone...

    I once again reside in The Valley of Repose, Trandalar - the plot next to the broken woodshop wedged between the volcano and that (I want so badly) huge plot next door (Still looking for Jurgan) and Treyvan is in the Lair next to the road. Of the latter, hope to have all the hallways done within a couple days* and then I'll start work on finishing the T5 Shops contained within (Crystalshaping shop is done).

    Yes, it is very nice to be back...again - lol

    *Pending my eye operation - found out today I have a detached retina that happened Sunday and so have the surgery tomorrow.
    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

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