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Thread: Kylisha's Chronicles

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  1. #1

    Default Kylisha's Chronicles

    OOC: In the spirit of an impulse of an idea that came to mind after a discussion in Skype and also along the lines of BrightCat's idea, I was inspired to write a bit for my character, Kylisha Pyrrithia. I'm not sure how often I'll update it, but I certainly will when inspiration strikes! The point of view will likely not always be the same, and may change, depending upon what I need/want to convey, so I hope you don't get too lost with that shift in perspective!

    And some of this will be out of date... of course, by now she's a fair bit more experienced... but I'll catch her up!


    Wow, is it already the 25th Rising of Cramh?

    Six years is a long time for anything... wouldn't you think?

    That's about how long it has been since I left Istaria, due to the chaos that embraces our world, which I never wanted to have a part in fighting against.

    My name is Kylisha Pyrrithia.

    I'm the daughter of Kytitia Pyrrithia, the realm of Order's most powerful Sorceress, and step-kitten to Scarlitt Showers. I actually have three sisters, but my sister, Kytali Pyrrithia and I are her first kittens.

    It was only about... hmm... I think... two or three months ago that I learned my sister Kytali had decided to retreat from the battlefield and has been either inactive, or trying to recover her strength. I'm not yet sure specifically what her reasoning is, to be honest, though I hope she doesn't plan to stay away for too long and I also hope that she is alright.

    My father is... ironically, a dragon, as unexpected as that might be, but not entirely impossible either. His name is Moregla Umbar and he is a vassal to my mother. That in itself is a long story, but if you are curious to learn about him, I'll gladly share the details another time.

    As I said, about two or three months ago, mother sought me out and informed me that Kytali had retreated from the field of battle and felt that it was prudent that I at least know that about her. She also informed me that during my time away, after her bonding with Scarlitt that the two of them had decided that they would like hatchlings... or would it be kittens? of their own. Through a complex ritual, mother and Scarlitt were successful and thus, now I have two new sisters who aren't yet old enough to venture out.

    It feels a bit odd, actually, to be the older sister now, when I was the youngest before... but with Kytali gone and with two new sisters of my own, reluctant as I am, I feel I must step up to carry the torch that Kytali has left behind and fight alongside both of my mothers and to protect my two younger sisters, Xianvydami and Aaelifaria. Although, I have to wonder where did they get THOSE names?

    To share a little bit about myself with you, as I'd said earlier, I never wanted to be a part of this dreadful war and so I left to a secluded area... and no, I'm not going to tell you where, because that's MY place and my fortress of isolation. I decided to live with the land, cultivating it and making my living off it.

    It's why I say six years is a LONG time for anything... I've been doing it for that long.

    At any rate, after I learned about my new sisters and my older sister's retreat, I decided I should return and try to help mother, both of them, protect and defend our world. I know I already have six years of life experience... but I have absolutely no combat training in the least and fortunately haven't had to deal with the risk of death since I was born. Because of this, I don't know if the Gift actually protects me... let's hope I don't have to find that out...

    I felt that I should make notes on my adventures and journeys now though... since I both don't know if the Gift protects me and because if the worst should happen and it doesn't... I'd like there to be at least some memory of me...

    Mother feels that I need to go to a place called Spirit Isle, to speak with trainers there and learn to fight.

    Well, I suppose I'd better get started and hope that things aren't TOO bad... I'll write again soon.

    May Merrasat watch over and protect all of us.
    Last edited by Litarath; April 7th, 2016 at 08:00 PM.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kylisha's Chronicles

    OOC: I'll try to date these in about week long gaps...I think that gives it a good sense of progression... maybe even do something like... every week! Though, instead of on Thursdays, I'll go with Fridays or Saturdays, but that's not a promise! just an idea! Also... KINDA depends upon how much progress I make with her in game too.


    The first rising of Lirap....

    It's hard to imagine at how fast time escapes you, you know?

    I have to admit... this has been the LONGEST week of my... um... well, sorta short life.

    You see, after taking mother's advice, I spoke with someone named Ryson Stormbringer on the Spirit Island that mother wanted me to visit. Once there, Ryson told me a lot more about the Aegis threat that we Istarians have to deal with and about how he sacrificed himself to destroy Torrin Macalair and a large number of the Aegis army and forcing them into retreat... I think that would make it about... 16 years ago now?

    It's a bit hard to say with the way time flows for those of the Gifted... it seems many have lost track of it... so that's a bit vague... I suppose though, perhaps that might be a good thing too. At the very least, I'm aware of my own age.

    As I was talking with Ryson and his friends... I can't... recall their names at the moment...

    Hey, cut me some slack! I've been training night and day! They don't like to let you rest for very long!

    Anyhow, after talking with them, I learned about different classes of study both to learn craft trades and to obtain combat skills. I did think of my sister when we discussed it. I couldn't help but remember that she'd decided to follow the path of a Reaver, to tap into the power of her spirit and strike through armor.

    Mother has focused upon the power of Sorcery and her mind, my sister destroys spirits and armor... but I think we need those that should defend against our greatest threat... The Aegis....

    Its not just me that is in danger from the undead, but my younger sisters too... I need to protect them and destroy the Aegis, that's the only way to stop this. From what I learned, I think following the path of a Paladin may be best, they learn abilities meant to specifically destroy the Aegis.

    Granted, Ryson's sacrifice was all well and good, but I get the impression that it might have been a bit pointless. I mean... the Aegis are still here, but what is keeping them here? Shouldn't they have all run off once their leader was killed? That's not, of course, to make light of Ryson destroying a large number of them, as well as himself, but it makes one wonder... Is it possible to even end this endless skirmish?

    Maybe I'm just too exhausted right now and I really don't want to fight to start with... I wish that Kytali had not retreated... she and my mothers have both been fighting against them for years longer than I...

    At any rate, my training does seem to be going well, I've taken up the sword to join my family on the field of battle, but there's a lot I have to learn... This massive two-paw sword takes some serious strength and skill to use... no lying about that.

    Perhaps after a little rest I'll pick it up and train more... I'll be in touch and will talk with you again.

    May Merrasat watch over and protect you.
    Last edited by Litarath; April 7th, 2016 at 08:59 PM.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kylisha's Chronicles

    OOC: Thinking trying to make these 'entries' in a week's space time frame... might be a bit too restrictive... sooo many things have happened with her in the two weeks I've had her back xD so, won't do them on a 'weekly' basis, just whenever an 'important update' seems to pop up! and I may well need to break up multiple chronicles into separate ones as well, considering how much I've covered and done with her in the short time I've had her back ^.^;


    Sweet Merrasat! The eighth of Lirap!

    I've only been back in Istaria for two weeks and already so much has happened! Its unbelievable! I don't think I'd be able to tell you of my adventures every week, there's just soooo much going on! So, please bear with me this time... a lot has happened just this past week alone and I'd like to try to tell you all I can. I might even break it up to discuss a bit more later.

    I'm thinking though, maybe when I feel something important has come up, I'll let you know. That seems as good an idea as any! So things may come more or less often, at least I'd be able to keep up with it!

    How has so much happened, you ask? Well, you are going to find out why!

    So, here's how it is... All that training they gave me on Spirit Isle was BRUTAL! At first it didn't seem to be too bad, you know... kill a few gruok here, okay, easy! Got some pork steaks from there! They went down with little trouble, surprisingly...

    Then was some spiders there, also easy, if... surprisingly resilient... HOW COULD a spider survive TWO hits with a two paw smashy... slashy sword? At least though, they did fall pretty quickly. The creatures of Istaria are both odd... and wondrous.

    The final test they gave me, though, was fighting beetles. At first I looked at them and I was like 'really? what's the deal with this? They are TINY! What harm could they possibly do?'

    Well, I was soon to learn that those beetles are MUCH more dangerous than one might expect. You should have seen them when I struck one! My MASSIVE, HEAVY sword glanced off their shells!

    How is that EVEN possible? Not only that... but it was only as if I was merely chipping at them... especially when they hardened their shell. I had to use every ounce of my strength to smash through their armor and leave them open to my attacks. Merrasat above... I've never been so exhausted as I was after fighting those little buggers... If this is only the smallest and weakest of ALL the beetles... I'm going to need something extra... maybe fire or something to burn them...or better yet... a hammer so massive that it crushes them into paste.

    That's not EVEN talking about how POWERFUL their jaws are! Oh those... things hurt, even through the scale armor I was wearing... that's some serious power... Now I can understand why mother had so much trouble with Gritus on Kion when she was a kitten...

    Still, it was a hard won fight, true, but I successfully completed my training on Spirit Isle and the trainer sent me off to a place known as New Trismus, which apparently was once a safe haven for young learners like myself, but had been attacked and was now dealing with some serious problems. They couldn't give me the details at the time, but they assured me that it wasn't good.

    So, my first meeting with the Withered Aegis was to be coming up soon, from the gist of it....

    Well, they weren't wrong, they really weren't wrong... no sooner had I stepped free of the portal gate and gone down to the town to speak with the marshal, only to have to help them repel an attack before I could even speak with the Marshal. Judging from that alone, I had a feeling that things were much worse than I expected. Thankfully though, we repelled the attack and then the Marshal took me aside to speak with me, having somehow known that I was a newcomer to the Island.

    We talked for a little bit, but he felt that I should find the trainer that my trainer on Spirit Isle had wanted me to find first. He pointed me to a burned out building where I found him and then I undertook the next stage of my training.

    Oh right, in case you didn't know, or aren't familiar with the way our training works. I've decided to follow the path of a Paladin, but in order to do that, I must first train as a Warrior and then eventually as a Cleric to gain enough skill to be able to fight the Aegis both with blade and their ultimate weakness, Life magic, of which, we Saris tend to have a natural aptitude. I can see already that the path I feel I must walk will be both a long... and difficult one. Anyhow, that's a little besides the point.

    My trainer on New Trismus was a warrior known as Sergeant Gaedin, he felt that I needed to refine my skills as a warrior before undertaking the Marshal's task. He's the trainer... so I thought that I should trust him a bit more than the Marshal himself. I didn't like the idea of leaving the town undefended, but there were skilled town guards able to help protect it as I trained.

    It almost feels that my entire life has become about training, to be honest... but my younger sisters and family drive me to become stronger... I must grow so that I can be the bastion that the Aegis must destroy before they can get to my little sisters. I know it won't be easy... and it hasn't been so far, but I'll persevere.

    Merrasat and my family will grant me the strength I need.

    I'm sorry... I got a bit distracted...

    I'm really not used to having to do all this fighting and training... It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest. I never liked the idea of having to fight and I still don't WANT to fight, but I have no choice... not with my sister, who HAD to be the strongest Reaver I'd ever known, gone. It's so much to have to take on at once, even with my mothers and our family friends helping out... how DO you veterans endure it?

    I don't think I actually felt this worn out all the time when I was living on my own. It puts things into perspective on just how hard things really are for the Gifted that choose to fight to defend all of us Istarians. You Gifted... are honestly under appreciated and taken for granted... So I'm going to say it now, 'Thank you, all of you, for working as hard as you have to protect those of us who have never lifted paw or talon in this stalemate.'

    I also don't understand why everyone keeps referring to me as one of the Gifted... didn't I say before that I don't even KNOW if the Gift protects me? Do all these people just ASSUME that EVERYONE they meet is protected by the Gift? Seriously... they need to stop that stereotyping... What about those of us who don't know... or might not even be Gifted? It's... rather unfair that they assume this and make us do soooooo many things for them and say 'Oh, you are Gifted, that's fine, we'll just throw you at everything to deal with our problems, because we are too scared.'

    GRRRRR!!! That's so annoying... REALLY! I'm not doing this because I KNOW I'm Gifted, or that I think any less of those that AREN'T Gifted. I'm doing this... because there are those I need to protect... and there are those that have been defending us for so many years. I feel I must do my part to help... in some way or other.

    Sorry... sorry... I got off on another tangent... I'll try to get back to the matter at paw.


    Anyhow, now that I got that off my chest, I actually do feel a little better...

    Now... to focus... take a breath... relax *breathes in and breathes out* OK... set...

    Sergeant Gaedin's training was just as intense, if not more so than the Spirit Isle training, but it did help me become much better as well... Still, this two-paw sword is not easy to wield, nevertheless. I've needed extensive guidance and tutelage with it, but I don't want use another weapon, because my sister, Kytali's, weapon of choice IS a two-paw sword. I want to become as strong as she was... and using her weapon of choice, I think, brings me even closer to her.

    I still managed to successfully complete his training though and then took his advice to help the Marshal, since he felt I was strong enough to be able to finally help against the Aegis and break the Siege of New Trismus, but my role in that part will come at another time.

    I think, at the moment, I've talked about enough for one conversation, but don't worry! I'm not done with this tail *she winks with a giggle* yet. I always do enjoy the time we have together to talk about our lives with one another.

    Until the next time, may Merrasat watch over and defend you.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kylisha's Chronicles

    Okay, here we are again!

    You know, I feel I need to say this now. I really appreciate your willingness to listen, it is nice to have met some people I can talk with and just... share things with, you know?

    I mean, I now all of us have a lot going on for us... Gifted or not... but that you take the time to talk with me and at least hear me out, it makes us, or at least me, feel better. This whole stalemate has been going on for so long... its a marvel to see so many still fighting against our sworn foes. It's also nice to learn that there's others who have been in my booties....

    What? There's no need to look at me like that! I'm not insane! *huffs* Hey! Booties just sounds so much better and cuter than... shoes... or clogs... or boots... Besides, my footpaw armor LOOKS like booties... at least, a little bit anyhow... That's getting so far off tangent though! No need to tease me!

    ANYHOW! Like I was saying... *pauses* OH ALRIGHT! FINE! 'BOOTS!' then... *grumbles* but I like my booties better....

    Okay, all teasing and technicalities aside, thank you... There's still a lot to talk about, but the bottom line is; 'Thank you for being here for me.' It DOES mean a lot.

    Okay, now, for really real anyhow. When we last left off, I'd just finished my training with Sergeant Gaedin and he felt that I was ready to help against the Aegis and to protect New Trismus.

    This part will cover the role I played in fighting against the siege, but I'll try to summarize where I can.

    You see, what's really neat is that, shortly after I finished my training and spoke with the Steward Marshal, I ran into a LOVELY golden hatchling. While normally most of us bipeds couldn't really tell whether a dragon is male or female, I could actually scent that it was a girl, after all, my step-mother IS a dragoness and so are a large number of our family friends, which, ironically enough, are mostly dragons.

    HA! Take that you silly Lunus dragons... always wanting to dominate and make us submit to you... THESE dragons... mostly dragonesses, get along well with us bipeds and have been LONGTIME friends of my mother, Kytitia. Sorry, got sidetracked again... I tend to do that, so please bear with me. I'm a Saris after all, our attention is all over the place!

    So, back to the lovely hatchling, -hmmm... wonder if I'm just biased towards female dragons, but she IS a lovely hatchling-

    Right... right... I'm trying to pay attention! Sorry! I'll stop as best I can! This hatchling's name was Talenth Goldclaw, okay? She didn't seem to be TOO much older and I think she might actually be a little bit younger than I, but she was also speaking with the Steward and I overheard the discussion, which... pretty much was EXACTLY what he'd JUST told me! Seriously... we were BOTH there, why does he have to repeat himself when we both heard him just as well? Isn't that just wasting breath and time? There's Aegis to destroy!

    Okay, right, silly Steward aside... because I'd overheard them talking, right in front of me, I asked her if it wouldn't trouble her for us to work together to fight and attempt to break the siege. She seemed to be a little shy, to be honest, but seemed to have an overall, hmmm... gentle demeanor, but she was also very energetic... like a Saris wrapped up in dragon scales!

    She accepted my request and we joined forces to try to break the siege upon New Trismus. It was quite the challenge, really, this was my first time ever fighting the Aegis and they are very strong. Even using my two-paw sword, it took more than one strike to destroy them. I think it took me longer to defeat one than it did Talenth actually.

    I didn't really notice it before, but there was a sort of quiet, inner strength she had that suddenly... exploded with the ferocity of a Northern Berserker. Her magic was incredibly devastating! She was destroying them with just one and two spells! I couldn't help but get the impression that there's something more to her than she'd usually show when it came to fighting against those that threatened her, or those she's trying to protect. In a way, she reminded me of myself, the reason why I've taken up this sword to protect those that matter to me.

    We didn't talk together too much, as most of our attention was taken by the Aegis we were hunting and we needed to stay sharp to protect ourselves, although, admittedly, their attacks didn't seem to even faze her... How can a dragon that's around my age, if not a bit younger be so powerful? I'd like to find out her secrets eventually, maybe I could use them too.

    The Blight has more or less covered all of the Island of New Trismus... which makes it hard to believe that at one point, it was lovely. Mother had told me that before, the blight touching it was only in a very small pocket and that there used to be a lot more life there, as opposed to the unlife that now plagues it. The very thought of what they did to that island... extending even further than that... made me shudder. I can't let my sisters be without a defender in a world like this... I just can't... I have to m Iaster this path that I've chosen so I can destroy them where it hurts most.

    Talenth and I spent a lot of time running missions for the varying outposts and camps scattered all over New Trismus and I've come to understand, just how dangerous the Aegis really are. We fought tooth and claw, tearing through the Aegis ranks and making our way to the very heart of their stronghold, only to find that the one we thought had led the attack on New Trismus, was actually following orders from another, even more powerful Aegis. Both Talenth and I were shocked to learn that it wasn't at all anything that we'd expected. As we uncovered more information, we found the 'Invae' as they are called 'true hideout'... and it wasn't even in the Dreadlands of New Trismus.

    Weary, the two of us fought our way to their leader, but the creatures protecting Urdorakhh, I think is his name, were much more powerful than either of us anticipated. Talenth and I fought our hardest but they pushed us back... The creatures that did so were known as 'Aegrors'...

    *she shudders and shivers at the memory*

    They are hideous, twisted, creatures that might have once been human... or perhaps another race at one point, and yet, somehow, they strike with the fury of a terrible galestorm. I devoted myself to protecting Talenth and defended her to the best of my ability, but we were overwhelmed... or... at least I was....

    Its an odd thing... death... the path to it is agonizing... but when it finally claims you... its like a gentle, comforting embrace that steals away all your pain and suffering... yet in that moment... you also see everything you ever dreamed and hoped in your life... you feel it as if you actually had it and then... nothingness.

    It's true... in spite of our best efforts, the Aegrors managed to kill me as I defended Talenth. On the one paw... at least I discovered that, in fact, I am protected by the Gift, but on the other... the one thing I remember most... is the feeling of failure and regret at not being strong enough to defend those I wanted to...

    It is not a pleasant feeling... feeling that you are powerless to make a change... or a difference in a terrible world that will be wiped clean from existence if we don't do anything about it. There's also knowing the pain that those the Gift does not protect... I suppose now, I can somewhat understand why all of these people WANT us to be Gifted.

    There's two ways I feel about this though... One the one paw... to me... it feels like they are being selfish... that they are ungrateful and want to take us for granted, or that we are the ones that should do EVERYTHING for them. Death is scary, true... but how can anyone live with themselves... knowing that they aren't willing to stand up to protect and defend those that they care about. There's no explaining the rage I feel about that.


    Even before I found out that the Gift does, in truth, protect me... I was STILL willing to stand up and fight to protect those that matter.

    On the other paw... I can understand the desire to avoid death... to avoid facing a foe so heartless that they don't even think twice about cutting you down... no matter who you are. Kitten, hatchling, pup, baby, elderly, young... anyone... just another corpse to add to their army.


    I feel now, all the more strongly about following a path meant to destroy the Aegis. I'll become the best Paladin I've ever known and I'll fight my hardest against the Aegis, for my mothers, my sisters, those that cannot protect themselves and the ones they love... and yes... begrudgingly, the ones too cowardly to try to protect those that matter, though... perhaps I feel a bit less strongly about protecting them than any of the others....

    *sigh* I suppose there will always be those that don't have the willingness to fight...

    Anyhow... sorry that I got a bit introspective there....

    Just... dying brings a new perspective to life... and it... disheartens me to see first-paw as well as experience the Aegis like this...

    To get back to the story, I found myself back just outside the town, near the shrine, feeling a bit unwell, but otherwise whole. I think I might have brushed against that shrine as I'd run past it during some of my other training...

    At any rate, I called to Talenth and checked on her, she'd managed to defeat them after they'd defeated me and then had retreated to wait for me to return to her side. It... did take a bit of running... but we got back together and were a bit more careful in how we dealt with them.

    After a bit of effort, we managed to destroy the leader... or at least temporarily put him down and we returned to New Trismus, where we were hailed as heroes and defenders of New Trismus.

    After such a grueling sortie, Talenth and I decided to go our separate ways, for now, and get some rest, which I was rather thankful for.

    I think I'll try to find her again... I'd like to both thank her... and train to become even stronger with her too...

    So, will you let me know if you see or find her? I'd appreciate it, thanks.

    There's more to talk about, of course, but I think... that should do for now.

    May Merrasat keep and protect you until we meet again.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  5. #5

    Default Re: Kylisha's Chronicles

    There's no end to the wonders of the world of Istaria that I get to experience each day...

    I never really appreciated it before, since I'd left to live my life as I did... never went exploring... never tried to see what the world has to offer. I wonder... was that the right choice? Am I no better than those that are too cowardly to even try to defend those that matter?

    All these years... I've been living happily on my own, being like many of the citizens of Istaria, taking the Gifted and those that choose to fight for granted...

    Was I wrong not to want to fight? I still do not want to fight either... but the more I learn about the Aegis... the worse I feel about what I'd chosen to do for the last six years of my life. I don't like taking the lives of others... although, I guess with the undead, it doesn't matter one way or the other. They'd be just as quick to do so as me.

    In the course of my training... I've had to test myself against the innocent creatures of Istaria, to get stronger... as I gain experience and skill, I can't help but feel that the more I kill... the easier it will become. It's like... EXecution Progress... the emptier I let my heart become, the easier it is to raise my blade against others.

    Its a scary feeling... I don't want to become someone... or something that looks at life as just another thing to be quelled... doesn't that make us more or less just like the Aegis? Its an uncomfortable thought... execution progress... I must fight to preserve life... but I must take life to help life. Its a terrible paradox... if I don't, they will...

    Kytali always seemed to have a bit of a bloodlust, perhaps the dragon within her is more dominant than it is within me. Perhaps that's also why she was able to bring herself to follow the path of a Reaver, although it doesn't make me marvel at just how powerful she is too any less....

    I must train and become stronger, but so too must I try not to let the blood of so many upon my blade taint my own heart... It makes me wonder just how many people have given themselves over to the carnal desire of blood-letting... how many were once like I am now... but have changed into something different, something that wasn't them before.

    Merrasat give me the strength to hold onto my reverence for life.

    If its not already obvious enough, I'm conflicted here, my friends. What are your thoughts? I'd like to see your perspective on things too.

    Even so, as I said, I must yet train even further, which brings me to the next part of our discussion.

    If you recall, Talenth and I fought to break the siege on New Trismus and we hope that all that effort we put forth is not completely in vain. Perhaps the people on the Island can better defend themselves now...

    Unfortunately, I can't stay there forever, the trainers have nothing further they can teach me and Sergeant Gaedin feels that I should return home, to Kion, to see what I can do to help them. He says things are just as bad for them, if not worse than they are on New Trismus.

    Guess what is causing the trouble? Yep... you got it... of course, you also have years of experience already, so that shouldn't have come as a surprise, but yes, the Aegis... What place ISN'T under siege by them in some manner or other yet? Aside from Spirit Isle? I wouldn't know... I was isolated for most of my life and things have drastically changed in the six years since my departure.

    I did take Sergeant Gaedin's advice though and I moved on to Kion. It actually was kind of nice to return home to the land of my people, even if its not my actual home. I'd forgotten what it was like there, so I'm glad to have the chance to help them out.

    To be honest though... my training and guidance from Matthias has been... rather minimal, but what he has done though, has been to help me gain proficiency in my weapon of choice, the two-paw sword. Ironically though, despite that, his training has been even MORE brutal than the trainer on Spirit Isle AND Sergeant Gaedin!

    How is this possible? Well, he's been training me personally, day in and most of the day out. I was hurt a bit though... when he called me 'clumsy and ungraceful, ill-befitting a proud Saris'. I tried to explain to him that I've never had any combat training, aside from what I've JUST started doing with the other trainers. He didn't like the sound of that and doubled my training. I thought I was exhausted after the prior training I've endured, but this has been much worse...

    Our family friend, Ryshayria Kyshiryia, who is an exceptionally skilled Shaman and Spearmaster, has been there to help me as well. She says that she was once trained by Matthias himself, until she decided to specialize with the spear. She teased me a little, but has encouraged me as well.

    She has said that if I think Matthias is bad, then I need to meet Tareviel, her Elven Spearmaster trainer, who was even harder on her than Matthias has been on me.

    I flinch at the thought... if this training is difficult... just what would it be like to study under Ryshayria's Master? I think I'll pass... I don't even like spears anyhow...if anything would be my 'backup' weapon, it would be a sword and shield.

    Mother told me that Matthias wasn't always this hard on his students though, that it only really started to happen after the Aegis pressed forward and lay siege to Kion itself. If I'd trained under Matthias six years ago, things would have been much more different than they are now.

    I'm beginning to see a trend here... the Aegis are pushing forward stronger and stronger... and I'm beginning to think that those of us that have sworn to protect our realm... have become lax in our duties. Six years ago, New Trimus wasn't under siege... Six years ago, Kion wasn't under siege. I don't like the way things are looking like they are going... how much further have they spread and how much have we lost?

    At least though, Matthias isn't completely cruel with his training, he's also been very helpful as well and he told me more about what I'd need to do to be able to follow the path I desire to do so. He has said that while I'm training here with him, I will need to get accepted into the Clerical Order to be able to gain the skill in Life Magic that I would need for use as a Paladin. He was also willing to coach me further both while studying as a Warrior with him and studying as a Paladin with him. He can't guide me on the specifics for a Paladin, but in general he's willing to help.

    Matthias has also encouraged me to do a bit more... on my own, without guidance from a trainer too, which is what I have decided to do whenever I finish tasks he has set for me.

    In fact, I'd actually been doing a bit of that already, truth be told.

    The other day, I ventured to the Dalimond Peninsula, even though Matthias had not told me to go that far, but he'd said that I should explore and train... which is what I did, curious to see how much stronger I'd become. I found my way to both Bristugo and Dalimond and became attuned to them.

    I'd planned on returning to train more on Kion's warm beaches, but when I returned to Bristugo, I happened to run into another Saris. Her name was Asandra and she's been studying as a Cleric for as long as she's been fighting. I thought this might be a good chance to learn about what a Cleric does and how I'd be able to incorporate their battle style into my own. I asked her what she might be training with and she invited me to come along with her, which I was only all too happy to do.

    When I asked her if she could teach me a bit about being a Cleric, she was willing to do so and as we fought together, she showed me a variety of ways to defend, support, and protect my friends and family. Oddly though, her... demeanor changed as we were hunting together. I didn't think of her much of a 'severe' type, but she seems to have an even more deeply running hatred against the Aegis than I do... it was like... she'd changed entirely into another person as we fought them.

    Even her training methods changed and she became a bit more... ruthless. Like with Matthias, I tried to explain that I had no combat experience and asked her to slowly intensify the training, but she refused, which left me with no other choice but to try and keep up with her. In a way, she reminded me a bit of Matthias... These Aegis change people, even if they don't blight, or infect them... or whatever the case may be. partly why I felt as I did at the start of our conversation. Will I become like her? I hope not... I don't want to become like that... not ever, but by the same token, she was remarkably effective at dispatching our foes and protecting both of us.

    I want to be like that. If I learn anything from her, or pick up any of her habits or skills. I want them to be the ones that'll let me best defend my baby sisters and our world. Asandra, although she frightens me... also inspires me to become even better than I am now.

    I'll need some more time to think things through... and I hope my answers become more and more clear as I continue my training, but although there are things about Asandra that I don't want to become... there are things about her that I do want to become.

    Because of that... I'd like the chance to be able to find her again and train with her even more in the future.

    In the meantime though, you look a bit worn out, this might be a good spot to leave off until our next meeting.

    Until then, may Merrasat guide and strengthen your paws.
    Last edited by Litarath; April 11th, 2016 at 08:01 AM.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kylisha's Chronicles

    This is the first time I've had a break in a long while, at least, from training anyhow.

    My training is far from over, of course, but I think it's slowed down a bit, because my foes are getting stronger and I'm trying to rise to match against or put them down. I could train with some of the lesser creatures, but I've just about learned every trick they have to offer and I feel that my learning from them will be minimal at best, so I've been exploring Lesser Aradoth.

    Actually, that DOES bring to mind one thing of particular importance. You see, I was doing something for Matthias, which required me to run to Parsinia. Once there, I learned that there was a patrol that had been lost and the Sergeant stationed in Parsinia asked me to investigate it.

    A missing patrol didn't sound good, so I was more than happy to try to help. It's not good if Kion loses patrols, especially with the ongoing siege. As I went to investigate it, I learned that the patrol had come under attack by none other than an Aegis Patrol. I managed to defeat a few of the undead and found both ruined weapons and a few Saris as well as SSlik that had been slain.

    I'm sorry...

    I was too late to save them and by the time I managed to fight my way to them, I ran into the Aegis patrol's leader, as well as his lackeys. I saw them performing a ritual and I tried to interrupt it, but the Aegis Lieutenant's underlings kept me at bay. It's important to note that I was completely on my own this time... I didn't have either Talenth or Asandra with me and in the midst of battle, the patrolmen were returned to life.... or rather... given un-life and they immediately moved to intercept and defend the Lieutenant just as I destroyed the ones attacking me.

    I thought perhaps, moving to strike down the Lieutenant would be best and I charged through their numbers to engage it. Unfortunately, that also got the attention of others. As I fought the Lieutenant, their numbers grew and swarmed me. Just as I was about to be able to make a finishing blow, one of the Lost Patrolmen... a warrior, I think it was, caught me in a position where I could not defend myself. He struck a fatal blow to me and I fell there on the field of battle... again...

    As my vision faded and the world began to darken, I saw an... almost, ethereally glowing dragon swoop down and devastate them with powerful magic, but I saw nothing else, it was already to late for me, I felt the calling of my spirit in a sort of between world... everything was hazy, but almost immediately I felt a power like no other surge into my body and I was fully restored to prime fighting condition... I couldn't understand how, or why... honestly, but I'd been just about to make my soul recall me to Parsinia.

    As I looked over myself, still a bit confused, the dragoness....

    Yes, she was a dragoness, I could scent her... I'm pretty sure I told you that I could actually identify a dragon's gender. My step-mother IS a dragoness, I've gotten used to the slight changes and undertones to each of their genders. Also, one more thing, I AM half-dragon too, so its easier for me as well.

    Anyhow, she spoke and urged me to quickly look over the fallen Lieutenant's corpse and then escape. After we were at a safe spot, she introduced herself to me, Kaieriastieria Torcheflamme. I actually recognized the the name, since her mother is longtime friend of my mother's as well.

    At any rate, Kyrie, as she asked to be called, looked me over and made sure I was alright, then explained that she'd used a powerful ability to restore me to life without me having to recall... I think it was something... like... a sort of rebirth using primal magic.

    After she was satisfied and I assured her that I was alright, she departed to tend to her own matters.

    I returned to Sergeant Kipson, yes, that's his name, in Parsinia and told him about what I'd learned and what I'd seen. He was more than a bit troubled at the news, but as a token of gratitude, he showed me how to better utilize my weaponry to be more accurate and deadly in battle. Which, I definitely need to become...considering how many times I've been killed by the Aegis so far...

    GRRR! This is TWICE now! Am I not skilled enough to battle them? What's holding me back? How can I become better? Their smugness at killing me annoys me to no end... I must find a way to return the favor! Perhaps I should consider returning to Dalimond to speak with their Paladin, he might have some advice...

    Aside from that horrible misadventure, something else good, actually happened as well. I managed to run into Talenth again and she was with another hatchling... his name is so difficult to pronounce... I think... it was... Jaleeathik? Julaiathuk? Jyraiathuk? Jaliyathuk?

    Ugh... such a difficult name... I think I'll just call him 'J' yeah.. that seems easy enough... I'll refer to him as 'J', should help make my tongue not knot up.

    Anyhow, Talenth seemed pleased to see me again and she introduced me to her friend before inviting me along to train with the two of them. Still upset with the Aegis, I was only too happy to have some friends to train with.

    It's odd... really... I've never really had any friends, considering my long years of isolation, so seeing these two was really something to brighten my day. As I fought to protect them and refine my skills, I began to feel better, something about actually feeling useful made me feel so much better.

    While its true J and I had trouble against some of the foes we challenged, the three of us together worked really well... and effectively too. If you recall, Talenth specializes in magic and long distance battle, so she would draw them to us from a distance and J and I would move to intercept them before they got too close to her. It was a very effective system and I lose count of the number of foes we felled as a team.

    If only I could be THIS effective on my own... those like Kyrie, Talenth, J, or Asandra wouldn't need to feel like they have to protect me more than I want to protect them.

    We spent a long time training together and I have begun to feel myself improving more... even though I still have very noticeable limits, but there's some... feeling I get when I manage to be the one to strike down an enemy that tries to harm one of my friends. I don't want to say its a smug satisfaction, because I don't think that's what I feel...

    I feel... empowered, strengthened, useful, and capable. I know Matthias thinks I'm a clumsy, disgrace of a Saris at times... and... he's quite right honestly... I can swing my sword and miss something completely, even if I'm right there... I need to hone and refine my reflexes... as well as my strength. I don't like it that my trainer feels that way about me and I don't like how it feels when the Aegis strike me down.

    I think I should start to speak with the Clerics here very soon, I'm at least... a partially effective warrior, but Matthias, as well as Sergeant Gaedin in New Trismus have both told me that I need to expand my horizons and broaden my knowledge in order to become an effective and valuable member of a party.

    Maybe this is why the Aegis keep killing me... I've not been brave enough to try to broaden my horizons and knowledge... or... confident enough to try...

    Is this really why I am so weak? so.... helpless... and useless?

    How can I protect my sisters... or anyone... if I'm not even able to contribute and destroy the greatest threat of all?

    *she sniffles as her eyes moisten and fill*

    I think... I think I should go... and be alone for a while...

    I'm sorry...

    I'm sorry, everyone...

    *she picks herself up and rushes off, sobbing*

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

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