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Thread: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

  1. #21

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    A huge thank you to the devs for this event. :-D

    Loved being able to level up sorcerer so much in my limited play time. Still trying for a red present pet; how many ornaments do I need to collect from them if killing hundreds does not get me the red pet loot?

    The event on Blight was fun, chaotic as usual but nice mix of crafting and fighting. Dragons are big, and looking at them through a telescope lens emphasized that fact. Did anyone happen to catch all of the story that could post it here?

    Again, thank you devs for the fun seasonal challenges. Great work! :-)

  2. #22

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    I'll echo Awdz's comments - thank you devs! It was a fun time.

    As a long time Blight player (years ago) I never thought I'd see 77 people on Blight without it crashing and burning

    Can't wait to see what the devs come up with next.

  3. #23

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    I also want to thank the devs for the event. Am looking forward to seeing some grass growing soon! I liked the fact that a gnome was instrumental in helping to fix the world. For once.
    And: As a gnome, I agree with Awdz about the dragon size. When so many of them are in one place they are like being surrounded by walls of gems.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  4. #24

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Yep thx for great event. I wore out my setscale hotkey button i think shrinking all those big butted dragons (myself included :0) . Wish I could of made it to the end but had to bail after 3 hours . Still was lots of fun and being able to do stuff with both my dragon and my bipded (longshanks) we very nice as well.

    One thing that was wierd, on Smaug i was showing about 20 to 30 fps on lagwindow but on Longshanks (same puter dual boxing) his was 4 to 10. Several times had to relog him as he basicly locked up (not totally but enough couldnt do anything) don't know why. Smaug never had this problem.

  5. #25

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Thanks for the great event..
    Had a lot of fun....
    Can hardly wait for the next event..
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  6. #26

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Thanks to all of you for joining and giving us such positive feedback, it really encourages us to keep events like this going!

    For those that weren't able to make it, we'll be posting a recap, as well as summary of all the dialogue that was said in the event chat.
    A little female gnome pops up from the teleport pad, clutching a rolled up papyrus sheet to her chest. She startles at the amount of Gifted surrounding her, her glasses knocking slightly off her nose. Gathering herself, she straightens out her glasses and puffs out her chest. Behind her is a large Ancient Dragon, head held low and scales dulling from age.

    "Hello, Gifted! I am Zebrie, a gnomish astronomer! I'm pleased to meet you! As you all know, we've been cursed with a terrible winter for a long time now. The Empire also now knows that this winter has to come from somewhere in the Realm of Ice, perhaps started by a malicious being.

    This has been confirmed as many of you may have noticed; a small piece of this... elemental being has been sighted across Istaria, attacking anyone who goes near it or its army of ice golems. The plan is simple, but it's all we got: we open a portal to the Realm of Ice itself!

    This powerful portal might tempt the monster to step into our realm in its natural state, allowing us to destroy it once and for all. If it is the true weaver of this icy magic, then that should conclude this horrible winter... or so we hope."

    Zebrie falls silent for a long time, the howling wind underlining the desperation of the situation.

    Noticing the silence from the little Gnome, the Dragon lifts his head and speaks up for once. His voice is old and scratchy, showing the costs of age. "I spend most of my days asleep now, as many of you spry, young dragons will when you get to my age..." He begins, trailing off, blinking a few times, and then continuing.

    "This winter has kept me awake for ages now. At least it helps you; back in my age, the Gate of Embers was new! Not some artifact or mystical device. I remember the creation of the old gate and the process to link Realms together! Or... or so I think. I may have heard it from my father...

    Nonetheless! I'm here to help you Gifted fix this... mess of magic. However, I need a very clear image of the constellations that represent the Realm of Ice." The old dragon explains, trailing off while staring up at the sky, seemingly losing his train of thought.

    "So that is why I'm here! We will build a brand new telescope that can see through these dreadful clouds. I know we had that dragon fly up and make a star map, but while it's detailed, it's nowhere near accurate enough for these purposes! We need to find the exact constellation the Realm of Ice lies in to unlock a portal to it."

    "Let us begin! First, I'm going to need a bunch of tinkering components. This is a BIG telescope, after all! 480 Springs, Hinges, Gears, and Struts from *each tier* for the internal mechanisms! 1000 Glass Nodules for the lens! For the enchantment, we also need 100 Construction Sources from *each tier*!

    Please be careful! Adventurers, partner up and defend a crafter if you can; it's dangerous out in that blizzard and we don't know what might happen. Any other idle claws or hands; please scout the area. I have a feeling we're not safe here... "

    TASK 1: 480 Springs/Hinges/Gears/Struts from each tier. 1000 Glass Nodules. 100 Construction Sources from each tier. DRAGONS & ADVENTURERS - help your fellow bipeds! Gather raw resources or provide protection.

    Discuss amongst yourselves who will be put onto which resource to avoid frustration and overlap.
    Zebrie jumps up and down in excitement at the mound of things next to her. "Yes, yes, thank you! Thank you so much!" She quickly sets to work building up a large telescope. She works fairly quick, getting the thing twice her height standing in a matter of fifteen minutes. Other gnomes in New Rachival step out to help her assemble it and, before long, a large telescope stands before the Gifted.

    "Let's see if this works..." Zebrie sticks her eye against the eyepiece, angling the telescope upwards, the gears grinding and scraping. Thankfully this contraption has no potentially explosive magic on it... as far as you know. She frowns and turns the scope this way and that before sighing. "Nope, nada. I can see the stars, I promise! But they're blurry."

    "What about the magic that dragons use, little Gnome?" The ancient says impatiently. "Our magic is far more in tune with this world, it being of the prime and not your silly elemental stuff. We don't use Construction Sources; we use *Primal* Essences of Melding! We don't use nodules; we use Azulyte! Why don't you try using something a little less... useless?"

    "Oh… Oh that might just work! Thank you!" She seems startled by his interjection, the large beast nearly forgotten about. "Gifted!! Do as the old dragon sa- AH! WHAT'S THAT?"

    Zebrie peeks out from behind Karvanoth's large forelimb. "Is…is it over? Oh no, we're in trouble... this beast is on to us! Quick, do as the dragon says; fetch me 1000 Focused Violet Azulyte and 100 Primal Essence of Melding of each tier, please!"

    TASK 2: 1000 Focused Violet Azulyte. 100 Primal Essences of Melding from each tier.
    "Okay.. thank you, Gifted, thank you so much!" She looks nervous and tired by now, but is still excited. "I sincerely hope this works…" She mutters, fixing up her telescope and building in the new pieces with a few extra pair of gnomish hands. In a short while, once again, it is done, with the telescope standing proud once more.

    Does anyone have any ink or papyrus on them?"

    TASK 3: 50 Papyrus, 10 Squid
    "Thank you! Now let me mark the stars down annnd… done!" With a short curtsy, she scampers off through the portals.

    End of phase 1, 15 minute break.
    "Here you are! One fresh, giant duplicate of the star chart! I hope it's to your liking?" The gnome places a papyrus sheet nearly as large as a full-grown dwarf in front of the dragon, laying it out on the ground.

    "Hmm... " The ancient examines the image in front of him and nods slowly. "Yes, this will do. Thank you... little Gnome," he says, reluctantly.

    "I'm glad to help! Gifted... fix this winter. For the Empire! For New Rachival!" She cries, jumping in the air before, once again, scampering off.

    "Good riddance... Gnomes are fun to toy with but they are irritatingly confident in their skills," he growls before lifting his head. "Okay, Gifted... to open a portal to another Realm, we need more than just stars. We need everything and anything related to the Realm itself. In this case, ice-related things. Pieces of living creatures that are aligned with the Realm of Ice.

    From here, that'll just be a hassle to do; let us move to the naka city of Summit; it's far closer to the various beasts you'll need to take pieces from than this pitiful desert and tiny town," he says with a snort, standing and moving his old body towards the portal. "Come on now!"

    "Are we all here? Good, good. Now... spread out," he commands, coughing a few times and staring expectantly at the Gifted. "Adventurers; shoo. My fellow Dragons, fly far into the distance for your contributions. Naka'duskael and young hatchlings, hunt in the nearby area.

    Bring at least twenty of whatever you wish to collect and be sure that it is ice related! Sapphire Shredders, Ice Golems, Ice Beetles, Nix Beetles! Any of the nearby ogres or pygmies! Go!" He spreads his wings, sending you all off. "Now, crafters!" He turns to address those remaining.

    "Bring me a few hundred Frozen Essence Orbs... any tier will do, just make sure I have a couple hundred," he commands. "A portal needs power."

    TASK 4: Spread out and gather 20 components, trophies, or a mix of the two and come back to Karvanoth. Be sure the contributions are ice themed. You have twenty minutes to do so. Crafters, bring Karvanoth 500 Frozen Essence Orbs total of any tier. Everyone else; be on guard...
    "Excellent." Karvanoth examines the sizable collection of loot and orbs in front of him and looks to the crowd. "Now, I need one final object; something imbued with the power of ice magic itself, but not from an immediate natural origin like you just provided. "I just can't remember for the life of me what that could be!"

    TASK 5: Offer Karvanoth ice-related magic objects to jog his memory. Don't think too complex; it's likely something you have on you.
    "Ah.. ah yes! A crystal! A crystal of ice magic! Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. An ancient craft from Dragon claws. Yes, exactly... " Karvanoth examines the crystal before looking around again. "Now... we must go somewhere there is a high concentration of Ice magic. Come, Gifted; follow my lead."

    TASK 6: Follow Karvanoth to the final zone. If you get lost, set your sights on 25188 / 28840.
    "Here we are, Gifted! The heart of one of our most icy regions. A large flat expanse ready to house a portal! Are you ready to see the magic of only the most ancient of Dragons, Gifted?" He grins like a young hatchling. "Let it... begin."

    Karvanoth pulls out the star chart and stares unhappily at the sky. With the other donated items surrounding him, he begins to swirl primal magic in his paws, pulling and pushing the star chart and lifting the objects up. Surprising amounts of powerful magic spin around Karvanoth, hiding him in a ball of blue-white light.

    Then... it appears.

    "There she is!" He roars joyously, flapping his wings in excitement at the large portal ahead of him. "Oh my beautiful creation; I would have not thought it pos-" With that, Karvanoth hits the ground, speared through the back with a splinter of ice.

    The denizens of Ice are not pleased.
    The full recap will be posted on a later date.

    Now to answer any questions asked during and after the event:

    Will we see any mementos of the structures of the event on live?
    We have discussed this and have been given the greenlight to place a telescope in New Rachival, and a broken down version of the portal on the ice lakes, look forward to this in the future!

    When will the loot be distributed?
    We have some small paperwork to do post-event, but the raffle rewards will be distributed as soon as possible, the participation reward will be a new item, and thus will have to wait untill the next live delta. Do not fret as we recorded all names of those who participated around the time of the portal being raised, as well as all of those who requested to be recorded.

    If you have a specific character you would like to see the rewards on please contact us as soon as possible with which character you participated with in the event, and on which character you would like to see the rewards.

    how many ornaments do I need to collect from them if killing hundreds does not get me the red pet loot?
    Every 100 ornaments you will have a roughly 10% chance to get a present pet from the new "Growling Presents" on the gnomekindle cashiers. (currently only on blight)
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  7. #27
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    That being said, I want to pose a few questions to you, the community!


    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks? Specifically, do you feel this is a better alternative than using local chats or global for such things? Do you feel the story and dialogue was better delivered in this event than the Halloween one?

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event? The two cases of this were when the telescope was built and appeared and when the portal appeared.

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be? What did you like most? What did you like least?

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one? Lag is not something we can manage, so please leave this out of consideration. The prior complaints were lack of comprehensibility of the storyline, no breaks, too dragon-centric, and general chaos.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?

    __________________________________________________ _________


    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold? We know many were frustrated with the howling wind, but the concept of changing the world visually is what we are curious about. We understand the blizzard wind complaints. If unsupportive, if there was a way to opt out of these effects via an in-game menu, would you change your mind?

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later? The mimic pets are considered cosmetic since other pets in the game fulfill the exact same role; the only difference is the looks. While knock-offs will be available via the ornament cashier, they will lack the "Event 2016" bit in their description and have a different overall description / name.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  8. #28

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    The event channel worked really well this time, now that players could not longer talk in there.

    The only possible downside I can think of is when you CTD and log back in, that chat is lost. So you can lose track of the current task. The occasional update on what is left to do with the current task in market really helps not only with someone who disconnects, but also helps the different groups to be able to see what's left. So either in market, or possibly in a second event related chat channel where players can talk would help, so the groups can all chat together in regards to the task completion. We did have some duplication of efforts.

    The live world building was nice. Perhaps having an actual structure to be completed would be neat too for future events.

    The crafting plus adventuring is fine... but it can drag the event out. For normal events that would run simultaneous on both shards, that would span a few weeks, having some construction is fine. For the combined shard events that are meant to last a few hours, perhaps a bit less of that is best to keep the event length a bit more manageable. (But we did manage all the crafting tasks pretty quickly in any case).

    One change might be to run the attacks in some way that the players are spread out enough to keep the lag under control. So have say 4 fronts/npcs/etc that all need defending, and the players must spread out over several hundred meters. The attacks can stream in from multiple directions, maybe even each have their own boss, suitable for a group of 20 to handle, and be positioned 130m away from the other groups/bosses in any direction.

    I will try to make it to future events.

    The progressive changes in the world was great. Finally felt a little bit like the first year, where our actions as players had direct effects and benefits to the world. We saw Feledan go from being blighted and overgrown to being a nice clean city. We built bridges opening up new settlements. The world changed. This event felt like the world finally had some change, even if only temporarily, from being essentially static for many years.

    Cosmetic items are a nice reward. Hopefully some of our other ideas can be used in future events, such as armor dye kits with particle effects

  9. #29

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    I'd like to put my word in, and I'll answer it orderly:

    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks?
    I thought this was a perfect solution when it comes to GMNPC chatter being drowned out by players. At least with this, it was easy to read and easy to find, especially since everyone was told where they could read. Very organized.

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event?
    I LOVE this! It really tickles my fancy to see lasting effects or lasting items in the world, because it makes the event feel more real. Like the event REALLY happened in Istaria's lore, and in essence, that us Istarians really were a part of changing it. I like this a lot!

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?

    These were fantastic ideas. I know a lot of events and raids focus almost solely on adventuring, and killing things, but I know some people are more advanced in craft than they are adventure. This was equal ground, and gave variety to the goal. Honestly made it feel more involving, since pretty much everyone would be helping each other.

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be?
    I really don't know what I could particularly say I disliked about the event... Game wise and story wise I generally liked it.

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one?
    I addressed above, but I said it was more balanced and equal. I meant this for craft and adventuring, but I also mean it for all the races. This time there were times we had to rely on bipeds and I really enjoyed that. Dragons couldn't just do it all themselves.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?
    Oh yes, I'll never willingly miss another!

    -As for the general questions...

    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold?
    Very good with story and lore building. I enjoyed this a lot. Istaria changed around us and that made it feel even more alive.

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later?
    I agree with this. I like that you can still "get presents" later but they won't be the ones that were for this event. It's like a piece of history.
    "Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk on, but no flowers grow on it." - Vincent Van Gogh

  10. #30

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    I won't give a in-depth reply cause basically would be just repeating what Theeda said but with less elegance .

    I will say on one question absolutely liked the event channel where only the devs could post. Made it so much easier to know what was going on without losing it in all the other chatter. Marketplace channel was good for that.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it all from start to finish, well to finish where I had to leave just before the portal was opened it seems .

    Even the world being covered in snow and ice with the howling snow storms last week or so was nice touch. It made areas i have crossed many many times seem new as landmarks i was used to wasn't able to see. I will admit i turned off the environment setting in options last few days, great also to have that option.

    I will for sure be attending more and hopefully can last to the end next time

  11. #31

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks? Specifically, do you feel this is a better alternative than using local chats or global for such things? Do you feel the story and dialogue was better delivered in this event than the Halloween one?

    I liked it. My only problem was I couldn't figure out which chat channel I needed to filter to get the event chat to its own window and the text was scrolled away by gathering messages during the crafting portion. But that's just something I gotta figure out, the concept is great!

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event? The two cases of this were when the telescope was built and appeared and when the portal appeared.

    Very nice! I especially like the idea of having those items stay in the world from now on. I was playing this game in beta and after release, and helping to build bridges, and freeing the Satyrs/Dryads were events that I loved - my actions as a player can actually impact the world in a permanent way. I love that!

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?

    I liked it, but felt there was maybe just a bit too much crafting - especially when it got to the frozen orbs at the end. Those felt too specialized, as only a handful of players could actually make them, so a large part of the player base was left waiting around. The rest was great!

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be? What did you like most? What did you like least?

    4+ hours seems a bit long, and I know several people had to leave before it was over. If it could have been kept to 2.5-3 hours, I think it would have been better, but that's a minor gripe

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one? Lag is not something we can manage, so please leave this out of consideration. The prior complaints were lack of comprehensibility of the storyline, no breaks, too dragon-centric, and general chaos.

    Can't really answer this one - this is the first world event that I've been able to actually attend.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?

    Most definitely!

    Edited to add: One thing that would be nice, and I have no idea if this is even possible or not, but once the event is done, then the next time we log back in to the live servers, the presents and winter stuff should be gone. We players all banded together and vanquished the cause of the winter, but then we log back in to our regular servers and see no change until the next patch. I understand the logistics of this might prevent it, but maybe have a flag in the code that lets the winter stuff be disabled without having to restart or patch? Like I said, no idea if that is even possible, but it would be nice to see an immediate effect of the players' work
    Last edited by Kerech; February 20th, 2017 at 11:30 AM.

  12. #32

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Oh, I just noticed that the snow is gone... but the presents are still there

  13. #33

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks?
    I think this was great.

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event?
    I think its pretty cool, i saw the telescope. But I didnt even noticed any portal xD Its cool, but i can live without it.

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?
    Good idea, but uhhhhhh that crafting dragged on so much, of four hour event three hours were about gathering. But i noticed that enough people liked it so yeah ok.

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be?
    It was little bit to long, i expected it to be about 2-3 hours max. But other then that I think its pretty good.

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one?
    I feel like this event was several grades above Halloween one. While i liked the content of the Halloween event more, Hours of Frost felt much more fluid and professional. I think it was improved vastly.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?

    __________________________________________________ __________


    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold?
    Its great, maybe could be little shorter, but i like it.

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later?
    Yes. Very much.

  14. #34

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Edited to add: One thing that would be nice, and I have no idea if this is even possible or not, but once the event is done, then the next time we log back in to the live servers, the presents and winter stuff should be gone. We players all banded together and vanquished the cause of the winter, but then we log back in to our regular servers and see no change until the next patch. I understand the logistics of this might prevent it, but maybe have a flag in the code that lets the winter stuff be disabled without having to restart or patch? Like I said, no idea if that is even possible, but it would be nice to see an immediate effect of the players' work
    Spawns can only be changed upon a whole server restart sadly, hence why the presents are still around (consider them lingering, lore-wise haha), and the winterizing of istaria was hot-patched out the moment the snow-monster was defeated, but sadly that wouldn't take effect untill a player restarted their game due to technicalities.

    I mean we could kick everyone from the game the moment a world change is happening that big, but I'm not sure how many would enjoy that without a proper warning.
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  15. #35

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    The hotpatch is fine - I was just in Acul and didn't notice that the snow in the rest of the world was gone

  16. #36
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks? Specifically, do you feel this is a better alternative than using local chats or global for such things? Do you feel the story and dialogue was better delivered in this event than the Halloween one?
    That was by far the easiest way I've seen to coordinate a massive number of people over several groups. Global updates were also welcome and helpful but it's much more neat and compact when the instructions and updates are all in one nice channel.

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event? The two cases of this were when the telescope was built and appeared and when the portal appeared.
    F***ing impressive. I had no idea things like that were possible with the game and man... that really livened things up and gave us a visual reward to all of the work we put in. I'd be thrilled to see more of this in future events!

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?
    I love the idea of having parts of the event that only crafters could advance forward and parts that only adventurers could advance forward, it gave those of us who love those largest parts of the game a bit of pride to say "Yeah I helped advance the story of this event in multiple ways!" while giving people who only craft or only fight ways to contribute.

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be? What did you like most? What did you like least?
    I don't think there's much I would change about events like this. But a suggestion for a possible improvement would be to have a portion of the event that relies on adventurers and crafters simultaneously to keep everyone interested. I loved the event as a whole and my only (albeit constant) complain was about the lag, which can't be helped too much when there's that many players and that many mobs all fighting at once.

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one?
    I was only able to show up for the tail end of the Halloween event so I can't say much here other than I enjoyed what I experienced of both.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?
    I'd do my darndest to attend all future events after this roaring success.
    __________________________________________________ _________


    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold?
    It was refreshing to see the world change as much as it did after so many years of a largely static world. I loved how the sense of threat and urgency kept building as the winter progressed until even the hottest areas of the world succumbed to the cold.

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later? It's certainly a good incentive not to miss the events!

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  17. #37
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    not to toot my own horn or anything, but.....
    my first blog about the event is here:
    entire screenie collection is here:
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  18. #38

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarsilas View Post
    That being said, I want to pose a few questions to you, the community!


    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks? Specifically, do you feel this is a better alternative than using local chats or global for such things? Do you feel the story and dialogue was better delivered in this event than the Halloween one?

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event? The two cases of this were when the telescope was built and appeared and when the portal appeared.

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be? What did you like most? What did you like least?

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one? Lag is not something we can manage, so please leave this out of consideration. The prior complaints were lack of comprehensibility of the storyline, no breaks, too dragon-centric, and general chaos.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?

    __________________________________________________ _________


    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold? We know many were frustrated with the howling wind, but the concept of changing the world visually is what we are curious about. We understand the blizzard wind complaints. If unsupportive, if there was a way to opt out of these effects via an in-game menu, would you change your mind?

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later? The mimic pets are considered cosmetic since other pets in the game fulfill the exact same role; the only difference is the looks. While knock-offs will be available via the ornament cashier, they will lack the "Event 2016" bit in their description and have a different overall description / name.
    I personally enjoyed every aspect listed above. Though I do not want to see it all the time.. Each event has been different, lets see about keeping it that way. Some aspects can remain as with any event type situtation. Thank you all for the work and effort you all put into this event. I did get a bit eyesore, looking at all the snow constantly (headaches).. Let's just try not to go overboard.. but all in all.. it was Great, and My deepest Thanks to all involved.

    It is good to have some things that aren't detrimental to the game like cosmetics as you mentioned.. to be gone from game on perm basis. If we get into formula's, weapon's and such, that would be another story.

    Yes. I will be attending more events.

    I had no issues with the game play.

  19. #39

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    How do you feel about the use of the Event channel for dialogue, updates, and tasks?
    I thought this worked pretty well - there wasn't any difficulty for me in following what was being said or asked of us, and I didn't have to worry about being in range or missing something.

    What are your thoughts on the live world building that was introduced in this event?
    I was pretty impressed by this. Seeing the telescope appear was nice, and then the portal was even more impressive.

    How do you feel about the integration of crafting and adventuring together?
    As Istaria has a strong focus on crafting, I thought it was good to include crafting too. Our organisation was a little sub-par (I spent most of the first task unsure if there was anything in particular I could do to help gather as a dragon), but that's more on us.

    If there was anything you would change about this event (minus the lag issues), what would it be?
    I actually thought the final battle could have been a tad more difficult? Maybe my group just had really good healers but we didn't seem to take a lot of damage. I understand it's probably hard to balance for how many turn up, though. (Just to be clear about the lag, I only really had it badly the first attack - it was okay after that, even at the end.)

    What did you like most? What did you like least?
    Most: The opportunity for everyone to go off and contribute by collecting some items, so it wasn't a race against everyone else. (Plus, the live world-building.) Least: When we were kinda waiting around hoping someone could make frozen orbs.

    Were the issues present in the last event, in your opinion, addressed well and fixed in this one?
    I thought the storyline was easy to follow with the Event channel, that it was good that bipeds were essential for some parts and flying wasn't necessarily required, and there was a break.

    After attending this event, do you believe you will attend future ones?
    Yes, I certainly intend to.

    __________________________________________________ _________


    How do you feel about the global changes like the progressive snow and cold?
    I definitely liked that, it was great to have living changes to the world. On Order, this factored into our RP, too, and it was a topic of conversation when the cold encroached. I'd love to see more like this in the future. It was also very smart to patch the live client as we were fighting the boss, so the snow was gone once we logged back in.

    Do you enjoy the idea of cosmetic items obtainable only during specific slices of time to be retired forever later?
    Yes, as they retain value, so people are motivated to get them. I thought the balance here with having originals and replicas was good, as there was a reason to go after the originals, but if you missed out you can still get something similar later.

  20. #40
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    Since it has been nearly a month since the event's conclusion, I assume that's everyone's feedback we'll be able to pull from the forums.

    Thank you all for your in-depth responses to the players' view of the event! We are glad to have solved many of the previous issues with events and we'll keep your feedback in mind for the future.

    As with the crafting section, I do admit we didn't expect it to take that long, and the event GMs were getting antsy by the time the frozen orbs came around. While we found it fun to see you all coordinate and collaborate to build all of the materials we asked for, we'll likely cut back in the future to avoid multi-hour sections of just crafting. We'll also take into consideration the distribution of certain formulas among the playerbase (i.e. imbued essence orbs).

    The initial rewards for the event should have been placed into the winners of the raffle's vault on March 6th, 2017. Please contact us via a support ticket or through your respective server's event GM if you believe you were missed.
    The participation awards will be distributed after the launch of the next Delta. We have a list of everyone who attended including everyone who had to leave early. If you would like your reward on a different character than the one you participated on, give us a heads up before the Delta goes live.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

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