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Thread: Server Merge

  1. #61

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    ah I forgot:

    pls check prices nevertheless.
    I read about prices here that do not exsist.!!
    150 USD something eg.

    If you do not want yout latest hatchioe 5/5 transferred- its not THAT expensive.
    To all who do not want to wait for a decision, we do not know when or if its made..
    I have checked the prices, yes. Idar (Serieth) and I live together. Our finances wouldn't cover the cost of our character transfers, as we have a lot more characters than 5/5.

    But, on that same note, I completely agree with your prior post. It is excellent and well written. Thank you, Lov.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Why do we even keep having this discussion? If VI wants to shutter Order why don't they just say so. The few of us left are pretty clearly staying there until forced to make a decision. I doubt anything said is going to change any of our minds. I don't understand why players care who plays where. Where I pay my subs to play shouldn't bother or affect anyone.

    Why the caring about it? Have I missed VI saying it is needed? I don't follow the forum much these days but I saw nothing from them on a search just now.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    ah I forgot:

    pls check prices nevertheless.
    I read about prices here that do not exsist.!!
    150 USD something eg.

    If you do not want yout latest hatchioe 5/5 transferred- its not THAT expensive.
    To all who do not want to wait for a decision, we do not know when or if its made..
    I have three characters I would want to transferred over, one required with a transfer token. That's 25 dollars. If I transferred three characters, it would be 75 dollars. If I did the same for Stars, it would be another 75 (25+25+25) dollars. I suppose we could supplement that with copy tokens, so it would be 45 (25+10+10)dollars a piece, still 90 total. I would much rather put 90 dollars towards another game, than to dump it on Istaria to play with other people. I've done my math, don't assume I have 5/5 hatchling characters. My characters have a wealth of effort put into them.

    Anyways, I would be down with a migration system. I would rather not use my loyalty tokens because I want those for my vault, but I could compromise for that.

    Also, Teto, It's because the population is too low at this point. Sars mentioned that future content produced might not be accomplished by Order's low population. For some, that's frustrating when they want to do the group aspects. For others who like to solo, it's not a big deal. I think this thread is steering away from a merge and asking for more of a migration system.
    Last edited by Serieth; April 25th, 2017 at 01:58 PM.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Serieth- if we do not talk about complete different things- here are the prices I was talking abbout

    Char transfer token:

    1 char= 24.95 USD
    2 char= 34.95 USD
    3 char= 44.95 USD
    unlimited chars= 99.95 USD

    but maybe I missunderstand something you say

    and I surely do not assume you have low level chars.. it was more as an example.
    And I surely did not talk about you in my post:-)
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; April 25th, 2017 at 02:14 PM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  5. #65

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    Serieth- if we do not talk about complete different things- here are the prices I was talking abbout

    Char transfer token:

    1 char= 24.95 USD
    2 char= 34.95 USD
    3 char= 44.95 USD
    unlimited chars= 99.95 USD

    but maybe I missunderstand something you say

    and I surely do not assume you have low level chars.. it was more as an example.
    And I surely did not talk about you in my post:-)
    I understand. That's still a 90$ minimum cost to transfer both my characters and my partner characters. And that's leaving behind characters that still have a bit of work done in them. I think my argument isn't about the exact amount I would have to spend, but being forced to spend that to play with other people. It all adds up pretty quickly.

    However, we have discussed some good ideas about compromising, so hopefully VI will take that into consideration.

  6. #66
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Server Merge

    The fact that we at VI have not brought up server merges doesn't mean that any discussion on it should be silenced. Concerns are concerns and suggestions are suggestions, which is what this board is for. If you do not like the idea, it's perfectly fine to voice it, but there is no reason to try to silence your peers. Just because the topic has come up does not mean it is inevitable or going to happen any time soon, just like any other suggestion in this forum.

    That being said, we currently don't have any plans to fully merge the servers. There are not enough unowned plots on Order to justify consolidating the two servers into one. However, we do hear your concerns and are discussing a plan of action for the future of our Order players that currently feel stuck or unhappy. It is not my place to announce anything related to what we are discussing, but we understand your concerns and we are listening to both sides of the conversation.

    For clarification:
    • "Pop" in the launcher refers to the maximum population of the server, not the current population. "Good" simply means the server is still accepting connections. However, we are looking to rename this to something less confusing to avoid this in the future.
    • Order itself does not cost us very much to keep running, so don't worry about that. When I inquired about it, I was informed that we pay for the servers per database and not per server. Since Order and Chaos share a database, it would be minimal savings to close Order.
    • We do not have any sort of list of total players on both servers as of right now nor do I know whether that's information we would be willing to share; it's not my place to decide. However, I can tell you that including invisible players, I have seen approximately 3-20 online on Order at varying times, the higher end only being on Friday evenings. On Chaos, I've seen it range from 40-80. These are only active and online connections and not the entire playerbase, though, and does not include players who own plots but do not log in.

    Thank you all for playing Istaria and thank you for being civil.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  7. #67

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Thank you for your time Sarsilas. That answered every question I had.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Server Merge

    I've been rather absent this spring due to having to move in real life. Over twenty years of stuff to pack takes some time and it's still not done yet! That said, I check the forums a couple days ago to find a panic personal message directing me to this thread. I thought this brouhaha about server merge was satisfied with the live copy tokens, which I was amazed was implemented so quickly.

    I've logged in the past couple days and see the number of players on Order is much thinner since the Chaos migrations. I now agree with the devs as Sarsilas states here about developing new content. If something comes along that Order cannot manage and I just have to see it then I'll have to level my Chaos dragon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarsilas View Post
    To clarify, I believe the player meant this as a past comment; there were many things suggested but then shot down in the past because Order was too small to handle it. This was back when Order averaged around 15-20 people.

    Right now, we're recognising that holding off harder content because a smaller server can't handle it is essentially catering to a small sect of the population. So no, Order isn't holding back the game's content anymore; there's likely going to be more content added in the future it can't handle.

    I haven't read all the posts in this thread, just skimmed and nothing new really popped out at me. Just one thing that seems to be forgotten. The devs are working on getting the game ready to move to unreal engine. When that happens and things go well I expect the number of subs will be increasing and we will need plots for the new players. Deleting a shard now would be counterproductive to the future of the game. There are already fewer plots from all the community resizing that has been going on. Not saying it's bad, in fact the communities are looking much nicer! But it still means fewer plots for new growth when the new engine is in place.

    Another point I would like to make, is RP servers as a rule are always smaller population than a normal server. Though Order might be on the extreme end of the spectrum currently. Some notation on the launcher about Order shard being low population sounds like a good thing to let new players know.

    If you haven't guessed, I have no intention of leaving Order. I do have a Chaos character that I use to visit, been doing so for about a decade already. The idea of deleting Order and handing people novians leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That wouldn't replace my legacy buildings or myloc and 10th anniversary banners. I was talking with a friend (who owns multiple plots) this week who said they would quit if forced to Chaos, only way they would be willing to stay is to be moved to Blight. And I might say the same. Some of us really do like things on the quiet side. Though if that happens I would likely be too depressed to log in and drop a number of my subs. I know one sleeper who holds three plots (that I know of) just because they don't want to lose all their work. I'd bet money they would be gone if all they had left was a pile of novians and I'm not a betting person. Another sleeper I know holds two plots and I know they would be livid with just a pile of novians. I don't see anything positive about the idea of deleting Order.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Server Merge

    I love to pay for month sub but am concerned about few things. Is the server in usa and if server migration does happen will we keep our characters and just transfer them over with everything we got? I do like server order as it nice peaceful but i dont like being alone and want some one to play with or company me when playing and help me out.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Will there be free transfer to chaos soon or? I love order but dont wanna be forced to spend $ I prefer as free as can be and only pay if 100% only way.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Re: Server Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumera View Post
    Will there be free transfer to chaos soon or? I love order but dont wanna be forced to spend $ I prefer as free as can be and only pay if 100% only way.
    I don't really know if that may happen but maybe in the future it may be an option if the Devs decide it viable to save some of the players trapped at Order currently.

    I'm sorry if I'm late to the party but I've been absent from the Forums since I last said I would quit this madness back in my last tread about this same issue. Like Machaeon mentioned before, since then there's been at least 2 more discussions regarding this topic and things have changed since then.

    Since it's been more than a year ago that I was last here and reading all of this topic's posts I would like to share my point of view as even to this topic is now silent, it's still open. And also because there has been many changes since last year, many people changed their opinion too which previously were kinda "attacking" me in my previos topic, this needs to be said.

    First of all, Order is still dead. There's no point on hiding it at any cost because everyone knows that. I'm a user that has started playing Istaria back at 2010 early 2011 at Order. Untill a year ago I did not step foot in Chaos and I regret not having done so sooner. Any arguments against my point of view because "I'm from Chaos, what do I know.." is pointless at this point due to my long years of history at Order. I was lucky to have started back when Order was still alive, full lof joy and RolePlay all around (and drama too). To this day, I miss those days when I look back at my old screenshots, I miss many people I met there, loved ones, family, friends.. I won't see them again because many have left over the years, one by one, as the shard began to wither away with the wind of months going by. I still don't understand what happened that made Order what it is today, but it made me love the game, spend entire nights up to be there since it used to be my universe when I was younger.

    I left for 1 year due to my last University and I got shocked when I was back in early 2015. Order was dead, my family was gone, all of them including my friends, family plots, the RolePlay was gone. I was so confused and I didn't understand what was happening. I knew of users leaving or moving before but never to this degree and I wish I was there when it all happened because I'm confused to this day. The point is that some friends came back after a few months and the core members of Order prevailed but in silence. I could see them in chat but they would not speak. Things had to change and I ended up being with another family, a bigger one, the Nimrods. They were there for me when they had the chance to log in, but that was not possible daily and I began to log out more frequently, leaving for a few days and back for a few hours until my last group of friends said, let's do something about this. Let's go to Chaos. At first I didn't want to and we began to discuss a posibility to suggest to the Developers the option to perhaps merge the servers. That's when I opened my topic knowing I would get bashed for my opinion and so did happen. Funny enough many of those users that wer bashing me back then, are today in a completly different mind state.
    Soon after seeing those responses of negativity, I said I would not be in this unhealthy environment and left Forums for good due to that topic. I moved to Chaos along with my friends that day. And I don't regret it. I lost my lair and plot, but I was able to re-establish myself freshly at Chaos, even tho I lost months of work. My friends left the game due to their real life reasons but I got to meet so many awsome new players that mean the world to me, a new mate, new children, and the best of all, my family is there with me. The Nimrods moved and of course it bears a great sorrow in my heart and in theirs of what we lost during this process but they also were able to re-establish themselves even tho they had so many plots and lairs left behind for good. But they were also amazed when they saw the new world, it's like when Order was still alive a few years back. Chaos players are not as they were portrayed by us in Order, they're not narcisistic, nor cold, nor selfish, nor unfriendly. I was affraid of it at first but they welcomed us all with such warm welcomes and all of them are there for eachother.
    Since then, I've seen many Oder players move in too, between them Machaon with Hetanko which used to be against this whole idea before and I don't blame them. If I were in their position I would too. I'm honestly glad I'm not in that position anymore.

    Now I'll be speaking to the Order players.

    Please, reconsider what you're losing and what you could gain. I too have lost my roleplaying lair and plot. They used to mean the world for me and I would spend almost all my time online there as that was the home to both of my ancient dragons and their family lineage. Letting it go was the hardest thing I did when I decided to move. But I cared more about my future than my past. The Lair nor the Plot would speak to me. There was no-one to live in there as I was the only resident. I left friends behind and family, but gained the double of them as they moved after me anyway along with my family, and I was able to establish a new one too.
    I understand that letting go of the past is not easy, I'm not forcing you to do so, nobody is. We just want you to know your options, the choices you have to make your Istarian future brighter. You'd be able to meet new people, to make new stories, to make new families, to seek new territory and make build and plan your empire anew. So I did. It helped me explore beyond my limitations I had in Order since I was not willing to move anywhere other than my area where I lived at. I discovered new places and re-built my home freshly, with new and better orientations, more space and more decoration. The Developers are also helping out making and merging plots to be bigger, which would help any of you to find your perfect place a new and start over.

    We're not forcing you to come over, but we will gladly accept anyone that would come along to our community, that none of you will be treated differently because of where you come from and live with us to laugh, roleplay and help eachother again as many of the recently moved Order players will confirm you.

    Think about your posibilities as I gained more than I have lost. You could too.

    PS: Don't mind my typos.. lala

  12. #72

    Default Re: Server Merge

    good words my very dear!
    Wise ones.
    And I sign them all.
    Not much I want to add:
    As I said in my goodbye post- noone who did not play on Order,
    can tell what we`ve lost whent it started to fade and we left.
    We shall never forget.
    Flame and me made it no secret, that we still miss our friends badly
    though-like Shazo says-Chaos is a wonderful. lively ,friendly place to be.

    The spirit of Order is not bound to a shard. Its inside ourselves.

    We can start it all over again. We are all here to help you to design a new future.
    And if we succeed- we call our lost friends back

    (Stagnation is regression

    Galadriel: I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.

    this 2 sentences always come into my mind, when I think about our server prob^^)
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; November 9th, 2017 at 06:50 AM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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