When I enter Doom, I can't fly as is normal but I can't glide either. If I relog, I can glide again. Why is this? My speed on entering Doom, is only 35. Its like I am weighed down. I have nothing in inventory and my disk is not out. Why am I being limited to 35 speed? Why can't I glide upon entering Doom? A relog fixes this but why should I have to relog?

Next question: when I get poisoned in Doom, I die in 5 minutes. I only have superior primal cure poison. I leave Doom to go to healer. The healer in Chiconis said it healed me but it did not. I went to Augh. healer. The augh healer said it healed me. I died while trying to talk to healer again from poison. Why could not the healers heal me? What do i need to do to get rid of lethal poison? Is there a certain healer?
Thanks. Fatuous on Order