Great idea, with the obvious moans about Unity [:P]
Many many moons ago it was asked if you could pull the data for Community Structures. Hows about pulling and publishing them to [:D]
Type: Posts; User: Bleri
Great idea, with the obvious moans about Unity [:P]
Many many moons ago it was asked if you could pull the data for Community Structures. Hows about pulling and publishing them to [:D]
I was following this on Market last night and although Ihavent always agreed with your views Vahrokh the fact that you "care" is definately out of the question. Its just such a shame that it seems GN...
Oh BTW Tzael, seems that plot access to Jeanne is finally fixed :) , no thanks to GN. I posted the full details in the bug thread in General and a week later, with the patch, its fixed, for the...
Yeah right.
I would love to know in what way they are using it as it's certainly not for support, well in my case anyway.
Sad but true, although theres always a place for players to help each other out of course (as an addition to official support)
Invisible barrier around the town of Jeanne
Not sure if this is just a Unity problem though :( And yes I have deleted my world cache). If you delete the following files (before logging in or...
Sadly Wish is cancelled :(
For those of you that didnt like it its good riddence I guess but remember this .....
Smaller companies are the ones that develop none cookie cutter systems and...
Posted a support ticket Nov 17th 2004. This is a major support issue (invisible barrier surrounding the town of Jeanne) not had a reply since Dec 17th when and I quote
All they have to do then IMO is keep to there original promise and provide us with notice that they will be removing the oversize vaults.
However not all the bugs that limited access to plots date...
I would want the answers for 2 questions first.
1) Where did you get the 17 days behind on patches from?
2) What makes you so sure that its the vault that is causing the bugs?
We where...
So the idea is we keep our mouths shut put up with the lack of support, in any guise, and just get on with it?
Im a patient guy but sometimes there is a limit to even my patience. I used to...
I see. So how do you propose we provide full support? Maybe if someone from GN or even AE actually spoke to us and asked us what the problem is we would have some support to give.
What about the...
Is this just a Unity problem or is Shepherds Mountain bugged on NA shards to?
We get invisible barriers and plots which cant have units placed. Despite repeated tickets and forum threads nothing...
So maintenance once again fixes some plots and breaks others [:(]
Jeanne (on Shepherds Mountain) is ok again (apart from the fact that the invisible barrier is still there) but now Elia is broken....
Every construction school starts at level 1. Ok so you might have taken 15 lvls of Miner or 18 levels of Blacksmith to attain the ability to convert to the school but you head back to lvl 1 in...
Yes you are [:P]
Maintenance is Wednesday and Friday ...... except for the weeks that Italians have holidays or the weeks that AE decide GN must apply patches [:P]
Hey come on its simple .......
lol and timestamped as 06.00 now the servers have certainly been down since then but the message hasnt [:P]
[:)]This is a nice ieda but however does have a few problems [:(]
As stated before Fitters would have a nightmare with Cobalt.
Also how about starting crafters? I'm not sure what bulk you get...
So whats been applied to Blight today? Cant find any patch nores around [:(]
You talk of rumours, speculation, heresay, conjecture and nonesense.
Well ok then lets talk about facts.
Fact: The day after tomorrow is the 15th Dec. This is the day that, in theory, the sale...
For some reason my plot is ok again now *ducks* however theres still the issue of the invisible barrier of course [:P]
Using the Community Surveyor seems to be a quick way of checking which ones...
Been collecting Maple for the last 2 days on Unity and the Treeants seem everywhere for me [:(] and believe me I wish with my puny lvl 33 cleric that I didnt see them.
Im collecting from the far...
Well the invisible barrier around Jeanne on Shepherds mountain has been a problem for what seems forever [:(]. I havent visited my plot for a few days to see if that in itself is bugged though.
Horizons is down for me so this temporary glitch in the LOCKED thread doesnt seem to be over.
Cannot find server on loging page
If your using IE under options theres the option to disable warn about site security certifacates.