
Type: Posts; User: flamestar

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  1. Replies

    Re: Istarian alphabet

    So than what used to be on all of the signs around the world before they got updated into English?

    Here's a screenshot I had of one before the update:
  2. Re: Still holding out hope for an eventual griffon race

    True, and mods are great, but I still think an official addition would be awesome. Also thanks for the name info. :)
  3. Exploring Istaria again after 2 years away...

    The rebuilt New Trismus looks great! :) Did the Gifted crafters help build it? When I was last here, they were just starting on the defense wall around the ruined town.

    The volcanoe on Kion...
  4. Preparing skill not worth xp to Confectioners? Also can't find trainers

    Why doesn't preparing ingredients grant xp even though it's a confectioner skill? Also, I can't find the journeyman trainers in Dalimond. They're not in the bakery, and their map icons along with...
  5. Re: Old Player returning, but the game is blank?

    On the loading screen, I also get the message "entering Istaria locally", which I don't remember being what should show up,
  6. Old Player returning, but the game is blank?

    So, I thought I could finally get back into the game now that the launcher got updated. But once I log in, I get this:
  7. Replies

    Re: I'm Baaaaaack!

    Thanks, velveeta! :) And thank you Devs for fixing that darn java problem!!! I can finally play again after a launcher update! :D

    Istaria has a Discord channel?! Cool!
  8. Re: Still holding out hope for an eventual griffon race

    If you want to use a more unusual looking spelling of the name, it's "gryphon".

    And if you do want to use three stages of growth like dragons get, instead of "hatchling, adult, ancient", you...
  9. Re: Still holding out hope for an eventual griffon race

    P.S. I didn't count Ponyfinder as a "playable griffon" game because it's a pen & paper tabletop (offshoot of Pathfinder), and my other examples were video games.
  10. Re: Still holding out hope for an eventual griffon race

    Is it obvious I regret having missed the massive events resulting in freeing the satyrs and dryads from the Withered Aegis? My previous suggestion of griffons being a hidden race on an undiscovered...
  11. Still holding out hope for an eventual griffon race

    I know if it happens, it won't be for a looong while. That said, however, I still think it would be a boon to this wonderful game. Istaria is an amazing game, but the races available can be found in...
  12. Replies

    I'm Baaaaaack!

    Hi all! Sorry I've been away so long! O_o I made the mistake of uninstalling Istaria from my computer, and then reinstalling it, and I couldn't figure out how to fix that darn java problem. :( Also...
  13. Replies

    Re: [EVENT] Hours of Frost

    I missed the rest of the event. :( My computer stopped working, and like an idiot, I had uninstalled Istaria from the family computer, so I couldn't get that working again either. Did the event go...
  14. Replies

    Catching a present mimic?

    How do you catch them? I have seen at least one as a pet, but can't figure out how to get one myself.
  15. Replies

    Re: An American in Istaria's Empire

    ((Nice intro Waterwing. :) ))
  16. Replies

    Re: An American in Istaria's Empire

    ((Thanks guys. :) If anybody else wants to post their character's reactions to somehow finding these "journal" entries, go right ahead!))
  17. Replies

    Re: An American in Istaria's Empire

    Entry 4

    Might as well just label these as entries instead of days. Hopefully it'll make things less confusing.

    This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder! Ok, so I went back to the...
  18. Replies

    Re: An American in Istaria's Empire

    Still the same day, night, next day

    Ouch! Those were no three little pigs! More like mini wild boars! Even with this armor that still hurt. If those are the babies, I'd hate to see the adults. But...
  19. Replies

    Re: An American in Istaria's Empire

    Day 3?

    Well, so much for all of this being just a weird dream. The long nap was nice, but maybe I shouldn't make a habit of it out in the open. Wait--I slept for how long?!

    OK... So apparently...
  20. MMO Economies - Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You! from Extra Credits

    Not sure if this should go here, or in the General Discussion section, but thought it was pretty interesting. I remember reading some threads that Istaria has a bit of an in-game money problem. Maybe...
  21. Replies

    Re: Know any good places to sell food?

    That's were food is normally sold. Actually, food is the only thing Tavern Keepers sell, if I remember right.
  22. Replies

    Know any good places to sell food?

    Or any tips for selling it? I can't seem to sell anything in the Kion tavern.
  23. Re: Halloween Live Event 2016 - Saturday October 29th - Start preparing!

    Thanks for the video! :) Did Burnbones try to steal your hoards during the fight?
  24. Re: Can't talk to Blacksmith Trainer Guran on Order

    I was finally able to talk to him be pressing the greet button in my action window instead of right clicking him.
  25. Can't talk to Blacksmith Trainer Guran on Order

    Every time I try to, a message shows up in the chat window saying "You are having trouble talking to 220416".
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