
Type: Posts; User: Sunuke

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  1. Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    I think it would be better to use (MR/TTR) x 1000 = points per kill

    if you would kill a lvl 52 mob with a team of a total rating of 96 this would mean the team would have made 514.66667 points...
  2. Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    this wouldn't be fair.

    I think a 1 min penalty would be fair.

    If a team is 2 mages then this would mean they can't kill anymore when both died. Each school has it advantages sure but i...
  3. Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Well ofcourse this would be a great thing to do on kion isle.

    Hold a tournament like this on kion mountain which can be a good arena for a tournament.

    I really love the idea.
  4. Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    I will offer some time as Sunuke lvl 96 healer
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