Well, I've managed to sort it out - it seems that passwords longer than 15 characters cause issues.
Here's part of the reply I got from a ticket I sent:
Type: Posts; User: greys
Well, I've managed to sort it out - it seems that passwords longer than 15 characters cause issues.
Here's part of the reply I got from a ticket I sent:
Thanks, I've also now added istaria.exe to the list (jlauncher.exe was what I appear to have added initially).
Here's another screenshot of Windows Firewall.
(D:/) is another hard drive.
Just tried both of those things, still didn't work.
Here's a screenshot of Windows Firewall, with Istaria allowed through.
No, it hasn't worked since I came back from about a year ago. I've tried reinstalling the whole thing, but that hasn't worked either, unfortunately.
I'll check if the game is added to the Windows...
I'm not sure where to post this, but I've been having a technical issue for a few days which is preventing me from playing the game. This is due to a "Transport error", which is tagged as "Error ID:...