oh really awdz? i would love to see you try to roast me lol :P
Type: Posts; User: dragonspyke22
oh really awdz? i would love to see you try to roast me lol :P
I was just recently invited to Scions, just wanted to say hey, my main toon is Draconigan Weyrland and my alt is OnyxFyre
Welcome back Abbie
Thank you Abbie, i appreciate it
yes i did ascend with Aethil, he was my brother back then and Silverblaze was our mother lol...i definitely remember you Racktor
Silverblaze and Racktor along with brother Aethil
Hey all im new to chaos, im usally on Order...my dragon's name is HydraDrake...hit me up would love to see the difference between Chaos and Order
Hey everyone that remembers the candy cane looking dragon im back...its me draconigan....just looking for all my old friends and family and any new ppl that wanna welcome back an adult dragon, also...
this is my lvl 50 adult dragon...looks like candy canes
Hey everyone, i'm an old player that has returned and am looking for any family/friends that i played with...my character's name is Draconigan Weyrland....lvl 50 dragon....looks like a candycane...
Uhlakk, who is this message for?
alright thanks all! appreciate it! time to lvl grind =)
looking for a quick effective way to level grind my craft to level 30
here is my CandyKane dragon!
is this an all dragon alliance?
here is mine