
Type: Posts; User: makasouleater

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  1. I am very happy to see this didnt leave sub based to gambling based cash shop.

    Very refreshing to see they didnt go the way of most MMOS, which is all i see any more. Even the olds like Ulitma Online, and everquest did that. So many thanks for not doing it :)
  2. Re: Crafting unique stuff or all the same for everybody?

    Thank you very much for explaining that to me.
  3. Crafting unique stuff or all the same for everybody?

    Like does it have resources with stats, or some other way to make it different like SWG or Ryzom? Or is it more like everquest, wow, everquest 2, where literally every one makes the same thing?
  4. Replies

    Re: this horse is not dead

    That is really cool, that makes me want to stay even more. I did not know that, thank you.
  5. Replies

    Re: this horse is not dead

    I played this game a little when it first came out, but never really came back till now. After I get level 15, I play on subbing, what makes me sure of this, is this post, where the Developer...
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