There's lots to do at the unfinished dwarven mine at loc 25582/24878 near the end of the aughundell mine region.
ALL tierI to tierV resources can be applied (100 units of each type in essence structuring and weaving, 250 of fitting, masonry and carpentry).
Here is an update (22-10-2005)
Done so far:
cotton construction bolts
cotton construction tapestries
pale essence construction spheres
pale essence construction sources
glowing essence construction spheres
glowing essence construction sources
granite construction blocks
granite construction keystones
oak construction timbers
oak construction braces
iron construction sheetings
iron construction jointings
maple construction braces
steel construction sheeting
steel construction jointings
So whoever would like to lvl some builder skills -- here is your opportunity [;)]
For those who don't know the spot -- if you're lower lvl, bring a bodyguard or fast boots, for there are nickel golems 41+ roaming the area...[:|]