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Thread: KNOC tank or wanna be?

  1. #1

    Default KNOC tank or wanna be?

    Was debating on going KNOC and wondering about their tanking ability?If i'm wanting to be a versitale tank (front line taking the hits and aggro) is knoc the way to go? how do they compare to the other classes? And the futile question does race really matter? i like elven warriors. wondering if this will degrade my ability alot as a tank or what?and what do their abilities look like, and which are transferable?

  2. #2

    Default Re: KNOC tank or wanna be?

    If your goal is strictly to absorb damage, cleric ranks at the top of the list. (Holding aggro being a completely different story and it's now an issue, whereas in the past it wasn't).

    I would say that KNOC will make a suitable tank. The appealing aspect of KNOC, aside from being able to tote around some hefty defense numbers, is that your damage output should still be substantial if you're also maxing mage and tossing out t5 arcane bombs.
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    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
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