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Thread: Best path for multi-class crafting?

  1. #1

    Default Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Given my play style and lack of money most of the time, I've usually found it easier to do things myself than grind out money and buy something from someone else. Plus, I get a satisfaction from doing it myself, so I am attempting to be as self-sufficient as possible with my new character.

    In order to do this, I'm going to have to learn a wide range of crafting skills. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this the easiest? I've been kind of shooting in the dark this past week and getting more confused all the time. Here is my path so far:

    I started with blacksmithing and got up to level 6, then switched to scholar as I wanted to make some spells for myself. Got it up to 13 and decided to try tinkerer. Got tinkerer to level 4 and saw that I needed a better spanner. I happened to have a formula for one, so I switched back to blacksmith to make the tool. Not high enough level No problem, I'll just make/deconstruct some mining picks and level up enough to make the spanner. But I'm not getting deconstruction xp now, I'm assuming because I have tinkerer?

    Tinkerer can't get xp from making bars and blacksmiths can't get deconstruct xp any more, so that kinda bites. I posted here a few days back about needing help leveling tinkerer. With the help of that thread and some people in game, I got up to level 12. Someone suggested that leveling miner up quite a ways would help me get tinkerer up easier from there.

    So I switched to miner. It's the hardest of any to level so far They can't make/deconstruct tools. I've exhausted all the trainer quests and am stuck at level 13 now. I tried cleansing blighted materials and found out that sometime since I first quit the game 5 months after release, almost all blighted materials are now gone. I found some blighted sandstone out near Tazoon, but there is not a stonecutting bench anywhere near, at least that I could find, so that turned out to be way too time consuming. People in-game suggested leveling blacksmithing first, then level miner My head is spinning...

    So, at this point I have 6 levels of blacksmithing, 13 scholar, 13 miner, 12 tinkerer. Somewhere along the way I picked up 8 levels of outfitter. And I'm still not sure what I'm doing

    I know there are people here who are masters of multiple crafting classes, so surely someone has some insight on the process. Does anyone have any suggested order for raising multiple crafting classes the most effeciently? I'd like to get all crafting classes to around 20-25. From there, my ultimate goal would be to get all the construction classes up to around level 60. That will let me make all the items necessary to fill my plot with the buildings I have specced out.

    So, is it best to do miner/gatherer first? Pick a different one to do first? Raise one to 100 first then go back and raise multiple classes? I've heard all those suggestions and just not sure what to do next.

    Thanks to anyone who can help

  2. #2


    I don't have time for a full post now, but here's the rundown.

    Gather and Miner are HARD. Typically people will level Blacksmith till they are 2:1 on the NEXT tier, then bring up Miner to be one tier under the Gatherer/Miner class. For instance. Take Blacksmith and level it till you are 2:1 on iron, then (Maybe 35?) then, go back and level Miner to 20, or whatever you can stand.

    Take the bars to your plot, and stick them on a silo. Switch classes to TInkerer then use up those iron. Switch back to Miner, repeat ad nauseum.
    MOST people will level Miner on gems by the way, just grind gems for hours and hours and days

    If it were *I* and just wanting to be a generalist, I would take Blacksmith, Outfitter, and SpellCrafter (NOT scholar, too much overlap, not enough gain), and BUY your cargo gears/Cargodisks. Just be aware that this will take a WHILE, but is a good generalist 'build'.

    Blacksmith is the best to start as a 'primary' class since it gets you everything but essence as far as gathering ability.

    For XP deconstructing, you need to be above 250 skill, then equip a bronze salvage awl BEFORE you deconstruct. Yes, this means MANUAL deconstructing everything. You can shift click to select multiple items in list mode. I havn't been able to use manual deconstruct since launch because my first 'craft' other than gatherer was Enchanter.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  3. #3


    Thanks Hrlati.

    I figured Blacksmith would be a good way to go, so switched back to Blacksmith yesterday and worked on grinding it up. I was unable to gain experience from deconstruction even with an awl equipped and doing it manually. I still deconstructed so I could re-use the materials, but lost that xp.

    However, once I got blacksmith to 14, I started getting decon xp. I guess I got the skill I received from blacksmith high enough to outdistance what I had gotten from tinker? So now it's going much more quickly.

    Thanks again for the info

  4. #4


    Yup! Your crafting skill MUST beat the Salvage skill for that skill to get the XP. So until you get to that point your Salvage gets all the XP, so if you decon while in tinker mode you WOULD get xp if Salvage is higher for instance.

    That's why you equip the bronze salvage awl, it 'caps' your salvage at 250, so once you beat 250 Metalworking or something you started getting XP again.

    Glad it's working out for you!


  5. #5


    Truthfully, unless you want to cry yourself to sleep every night, do miner/gatherer/tinkerer last. Manually deconning is just time consuming and leads to mistakes.

    If you're going to be switching between craft classes a bunch, I would forego cargos and get yourself some teched cloth gear instead. cloth goes off your adv level instead of your craft level, so you arn't stuck with a bunch of cargo that you can't wear when you switch.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Sorry for bumping an old thread, but the title was suiting to my question so I figured it was a good idea

    I was wondering what would be the best path in order to get all 5 building schools under the belt ? I started out getting Blacksmith to 100 just recently, since I figured that to be a good "base school", and I have a lvl 100 dragon to help with gathering stone/metal etc.

    With BS at 100 I can cover both Carpenter, Mason and Fitter, but the question is how to get Enchanter and Weaver ?
    Either go Scholar by making stone tools or go Gatherer by making wood boards for the Carpenter I assume.

    I realize the Gatherer is real slow leveling, but it gives a lot better stats for the skills involved. How would the salvage skill effect me if I do ?

    I am new to all this bi-ped stuff so any help or advice is welcome


  7. #7

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Umm... weaver you can work up making racial clothing... at least thats one of the things I did... I also worked up Gatherer to ~80 and have Miner to ~90... Trust me.. those help in obtaining the resources.. but when you get them that far up.. gaining any experience from converting resources, especially stuff T3 and below.. is pretty much non existent.. But.. if you keep your gathering lvl to where you are just efficient at converting resources, you should be able to get the xp and lvl decently on top..
    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

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  8. #8

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    If you can leverage a manufacturing skill to bring up a new school, you really should. Doing T5 resource processing might be fast to begin with, but once you start closing in on 60-ish it will really slow down. If you also have levelled up gatherer/miner in order to get the processing skill, it will really come back and bite you in the rear due to salvaging here.
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

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  9. #9

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Wow... blast from the past.

    It's been a LONG time, but I THINK scholar gets basic clothworking (bags and racial clothing), as well as sculpting and spell making stuff. That would be a good cross over. Make Obsidian tools forever and a day and then use scholar to level weaver (bags/racial clothing) and then enchanter (Essence and transmutation I suspect). That should cover you for all 5 schools.

    As an added bonus you can help new folks by making basic spells when you're done.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  10. #10

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Actually, it might have been better to stop at about 71 or so for blacksmith. Working with t4 material is often better (and easier to get) than t5 materials which is what you'd be stuck with getting any kind of xp for your other classes. But then again getting 100 in a craft class can open up a lot of things (eg cargo disks, mithril jewelry, etc). In any case, taking up scholar will open up cloth and essence. Miner and gatherer will kill any xp you get off of making processed material so it's unadviseable to raise these classes before raising the other classes. Tinkerer kills salvage experience, so that kills deconning xp which will take oh so much longer to level classes.

    Hope this helps,


  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karya View Post
    Actually, it might have been better to stop at about 71 or so for blacksmith. Working with t4 material is often better (and easier to get) than t5 materials which is what you'd be stuck with getting any kind of xp for your other classes. But then again getting 100 in a craft class can open up a lot of things (eg cargo disks, mithril jewelry, etc). In any case, taking up scholar will open up cloth and essence. Miner and gatherer will kill any xp you get off of making processed material so it's unadviseable to raise these classes before raising the other classes. Tinkerer kills salvage experience, so that kills deconning xp which will take oh so much longer to level classes.

    Hope this helps,


    what karya sez about leveling to 100....i leveled blacksmith to 100 first, and now i get no xp for any t1 and 99% of t2 resources, including contruction stuff. in hindsight, i would have stopped at about 80 or so until i did the rest of the stuff (construction stuff, especially).
    the upside, as karya noted, is that i can continue to use my level 100 disk and satchel for the new skewls as well as my top level tools (jewelry seems to work on advent level for me, not craft), so leveling them is a bit easier, but i would also, like karya, think carefully about the other skewls you may want to take up in the future and how ultimate levels will affect them.
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    ive been thinking about this recently, as i tend to like to be a "jack of all trades" and so thats what my

    and im trying to determine the best lvling route for trade schools

    to this end im wondering what the exact rules are that determine loss of ability to gain xp when using specific skills

    from miner ive noticed that this appears to happen for deconstruction if skills from miner go above blacksmith skills, is this a rule that applies to all prestige schools ? and are there any other rules like this ?

    I can ignore all stone and metal collection classes for the moment as Anril's transfer is somewhat chronologically unstable at the moment, and suffers from occasion backwards time skips, and so main productive things can do involves collecting and giving things to biped or anyone else that wants help
    Last edited by fireblade; March 14th, 2008 at 03:04 PM.

  13. #13
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Your salvaging skill - from miner or tinkerer or doesn't matter - must not exceed your "primary" skill normaly used in deconstructing. If it does it takes over and you can forget about getting xp for it (unless you are a miner / tinkerer at that moment).

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  14. #14

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    you can forget about getting the xp for deconstructing, but you still get the leftover resources to rework for more xp

  15. #15

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    If your Current Salvaging skill, not your base Salvaging skill, is above the skill of the craft you are working in, you get no XP for deconstructing items. While this kills the autodecon, it should be remembered that you can always equip a bronze salvage awl (restricts Current Salvaging skill to 250) and then manually decon the items. It's a longer process, but it may be worth the XP if you find yourself in this situation.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    OK bumping this old thread as I am making a return to Istaria!

    It has been a long time (since Dawn existed) that I have played.... and I do remember problems with multi-crafting (XP gain slowed to a stop if you gained in the wrong areas)...

    Have things changed?

    What is a typical run if you want to multi-craft...meaning get as many crafting areas to lvl 100?

    It used to be Blacksmith for a while then Outfitter...then tinker...etc I know the biggest issue with leveling is Decon exp...

    any tips on how to get back into it (had to relearn how to play so dont want to go all out and find out I went the wrong way)....

    Thanks in advance

  17. #17
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best path for multi-class crafting?

    Get whichever craft classes you want. Work them however you want. There's no one set way of doing it.

    And welcome back, fellow Dawn sharder.
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