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Thread: twilight of the gods?

  1. #1

    Default twilight of the gods?

    Unity is *performing maintenance* for more than 24h

    did I miss something?

    Could it be such an unglorious end?
    Without having the chance to celebrate a Last Day Event/ Party?

    (*sighs and looks for her rose-colored glasses- and can`t find èm*)

  2. #2


    I think they have forgot to start the auth server again, and now they went home from their work. So I won't expect the server up again unitl monday, or even thursday.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default not to be a downer or anything

    but remember how unity came about..........

    and keep in mind the whoever is in charge is not big on long goodbyes......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4


    thx for comforting Tako

    and Vel: you`re right (remembering your last post, that touched my heart deeply)
    good to read you here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    North Hesse, Germany



    Unity still not up yet???

    ******** ... I'm really really MISSING Istaria very much And some of my friends there

    I hope someone from GN will tell whats going on whats happening or going on ... Even if they tell us they absolutely finally pulled the plug from Unity


    Greetings from Zitrisha ... Zitrisha and me are playing / testing some other Game at the moment ...
    MurphyFox_wind, the chubby Ancient Helian Dragon
    lvl100 Dragon Adventurer, lvl100 Dragon Crafter
    Soliferus, the blackfurred Craft Saris:
    lvl43 Cleric, lvl56 Mason, lvl46 Enchanter, lvl57 Blacksmith, lvl 64 Fitter, lvl22 Weaver, lvl 24 Scholar, lvl 35 Carpenter, lvl31 Outfitter, lvl15 Confectioner

  6. #6


    The end of Unity has probably come, let's hope the new server will go online.
    After one month PME mentioned the change still no news, not a very good sign.

  7. #7


    Hmm lots of

    "Doom and famine are upon us" posts.

    Still not accustomed at how well they upkeep the servers and their "extended" shutdowns?

  8. #8


    Well its hard to make no doom posts when unity is since one week "performing maintenance". And still nonne is saying whats going on, neither gn or ei. Would be glad when gn would say "We had pulled the plug", then we would know SOMETHING. And Ei also cant say a eta when unitas will go online.

    Welll the time is running ei ...

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  9. #9


    Well I have just checked my Spam mail at my main mailbox, and surprise! - an email from EI saying if i am confirming the Transition of my account and characters, which chars and how many. Some other people got e-mail as well so you better check it out.

    The E-mail is from 16th January..


  10. #10


    Yup me thinks also it was the final curtain to go down on Unity ( though I am not surprised we had not been told when it would be ). At least GN did let the thing run for free for some time ( despite robbing those who had long term billing ).
    I hope Unitas will exist some day, though I kinda doubt it.
    Ishar Xhaan => Ishar_Wind Xhaan => Imrryr Xhaan Lunus Destroyer
    and his biped slave KalTorak XhaanSlave Ice Disciple
    == Ancient Order Of Istarian Knights ==

  11. #11


    I will miss the Community from HZ but atm im not sure if i would come back or not when unitas would come online. Atm i dont see any hope for HZ.

    Think i will play a while Vanguard with friends and then i will see.

    Wish all good luck that the server will coming up soon.

  12. #12


    BTW GN has removed any sign from HZ from their entire hp, except the forum section and the login page are still up. Well GN is bringing away the garbage it seems.... So i guess they wont restart Unity so we have to hope on unitas, but i doubt it.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  13. #13


    I´m upset and shocked:
    an old veteran is banned, again threads are closed

    I post here what I have to say, so it is MY thread which is closed (if).

    People have different tempers and react differently to stress.
    WE CANNOT ban those from our society, who do not fit in harmonized standarts.(in our case: who provides that standarts- and pls- not again the forum rules- because those all are only a matter of interpretation)

    Again: A society or community cannot affort to censor critical voices or put them all to jail or even worst.

    On the other hand- no member of a society/community has the right to attac or harm other members or violate decency, civility and moral and ethics which are defined by this special social group (in our case: the commity, NOT always the forum rules).

    Peaches: I was always at your side and I esteemed what you did here for us and for the game.
    But your attitude mom is unbearable for those who suffer from the situation atm. Yes, I say suffer-though-yes it`s only a game.
    But lots of us come home in the evening after a long hard (working) day, many of us have probs, lonesomeness, sorrow, pain, grief or even illness to cope with- Istaria was the place where we could forget about that all for some hours. Now some of us lost that recess to escape.

    Do you really think it`s appropiate that you constantly tell us, how lucky you are that you can play, and how much you enjoy it??
    Your condolence does not really help either. This litany makes me feel like a fool,when I read it.
    Good for you that you (and all the others) that you can play. noone grudges you that.
    But some of us can`t.
    Please, Peaches be more sensible and understandig with banning and closing.
    You are not the spokeswomen or puppet for those who treat us so contemptuously.

    And I appeal to the community to accept responsibility, that we communicate
    adequate and respectably and deal fairly with each other.

    But I cannot accept that banning and closing- I know there are other ways
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; February 3rd, 2007 at 10:25 AM.

  14. #14


    Lovwyrm: In defense of Peaches I'd like to point out the following things:

    When she posts that she still enjoys the game that is usually as a reply to people who ask why anyone still plays horizons in view of everything that is amiss with it. I have never read any post of her that belittles the sadness or worry of the Unity players.

    (Everything that we post here is potentially read by all factions, though it is almost never meant for all of them).

    As for forum moderating policy: that includes deleting posts and banning -- thats the role of a moderator.

    She took that role and by doing so she is bound to the forum policy as established by EII/PME. And that obliges her to ban people or close or delete threads if they do not comply with that forum policy. She is not a 'puppet' of EII/PME anymore than any employee is for his/her company.

    I am also quite dissatisfied with the forum moderation policies, but I understand that Peaches' role requires her to do what she does.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  15. #15


    thx for adding facts, snickel

    I-hhmm-assumed that Peaches is more-hhmmm- free with her decicions.

    No need to emphasize here, I hope, that I was talking to the mod- not to Lady Peaches.

    The argument, that players read posts which are not ment for them is not a good one in my eyes: We are proud of our open, compassionate community.
    All threads/posts should correspond to that and consider this

  16. #16


    I´m upset and shocked:
    an old veteran is banned, again threads are closed
    I was shocked and upset when "an old veteran" (who proclaimed in his signature was that he was "gone never ever to return") posted a poll that was a personal attack against peaches. In my opinion, according to forum rules he earned what he got.

    Our community remains "open and compassionate" when folks post true concerns with a desire to talk about game issues rather than hurt those who are trying to help. IF that veteran stayed within the forum guidelines (which Peaches did not set, she is only doing her best to keep folks aligned with them) then he would not have been banned.

    There is a lot that gets posted that upsets me but I understand folks have different viewpoints, usually with very genuine concerns which are frustrating them. I do not envy Peaches her position of having to wade through all the posts and try to figure out when the line of acceptability has been crossed. Honestly I think she does a far better job of it than I or most would.

    We can all help avert the question of whether posts are acceptable by keeping them civil and within forum guidelines.

    *tries to recall what this thread was originally for*

    I do feel that all of Unity being in limbo is a very harsh situation to deal with, and pray that you can get your characters back on the coming new shard very soon. I also hope that when that time comes, those that drifted away may be inclined to drift back. In any event, to those that have shared their time and thoughts, I thank you for being part of the community.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by snickel
    Lovwyrm: In defense of Peaches I'd like to point out the following things:

    When she posts that she still enjoys the game that is usually as a reply to people who ask why anyone still plays horizons in view of everything that is amiss with it. I have never read any post of her that belittles the sadness or worry of the Unity players.

    (Everything that we post here is potentially read by all factions, though it is almost never meant for all of them).

    As for forum moderating policy: that includes deleting posts and banning -- thats the role of a moderator.

    She took that role and by doing so she is bound to the forum policy as established by EII/PME. And that obliges her to ban people or close or delete threads if they do not comply with that forum policy. She is not a 'puppet' of EII/PME anymore than any employee is for his/her company.

    I am also quite dissatisfied with the forum moderation policies, but I understand that Peaches' role requires her to do what she does.
    But she's not an employee. I for one retain a lot of grace for people who have to work for corporations that I may have a moral disagreeance with because one does what one must to survive. This is hardly the case here. And I think it is out of line to try and equate the two.

    vol·un·teer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[vol-uhn-teer]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    –noun 1.a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking

    I think what most have problems with is the service or undertaking she's volunteered for. And mainly, whose services she's volunteering to represent. (EII). And finally, she has the power to censor a person's voice. Which could be argued is the most valuable thing each of us as human beings possess. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out someone is going to resent her for this power.

    Do I think she has stepped out of bounds? No
    Do I think she has abused her power? No
    DO I think she has not followed the rules in her modding? meh, for the most part No.

    However, it seems that 3/4 of the games' population is unhappy. And frustrated. And disillusioned. EII refuses to address this. Peaches has thus assumed a role of unannounced community manager in addition to her mod status. I believe in order to help, not harm, others. However, in doing so, there is in effect a large bulls eye painted right on her chest. Being the closest thing to a company representative, she's gonna get the griefing. Whether or not that is fair or just *shrugs* probably not. However, until the company has decided to stop feeding her to the wolves so they won't have to deal with us, I'm afraid thats the way it is. And, being as this isn't the job she must continue (well, because first its NOT a job) in order to provide a living, she is able to step down at any time. I suppose it is a credit to her tenacity that she has not.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  18. #18


    Also I feel and always feel that if Peaches had/does step down then that will force EII/PME tp step up and do thier own moderating and maybe force more info from them.

    I also like to give Peaches a little bit of the doubt and wonder how much moding is really her's and how much is EII/PME that she takes flack for being the only seen mod around.

  19. #19



    I´m not so far away from you with my point of view-
    and it was NOT my intention to excuse misbehavior-even our special situation
    does not change wrong to right!
    (and I did explain why I chose this thread to bring up the topic^^)

    Among the other things, I wanted to challange the forum rules.
    Do we really have to accept them?
    Sure, I´m free to leave any time-is that a good solution?
    Banning, closing are antiquated punishments
    (like outlawing so., ignoring and similar)
    and I´m not going to sell my soul to the blights, keeping silent.
    No doubt about it: regulations and management are essential.
    But we cant`t and should not leave that all to Peaches
    we all have to work on that!

    And I appreciate the excange of ideas with all of you. thx

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Deth
    Also I feel and always feel that if Peaches had/does step down then that will force EII/PME tp step up and do thier own moderating and maybe force more info from them.
    You really think they care? If Peaches wasn't around they wouldn't appoint anyone else - they'd just let us speculate and ask all we want with no answers at all. Oh, sure, they might delete a thread now and then just to keep us in line, but there would be no visible moderator.

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