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Thread: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

  1. #1

    Talking Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    Hello, I normally play on Chaos but I made a character on Blight because I'd like to help the game out more and figure that on blight I'd be able to do that. Plus I like to see new features first, hehe. So I would like some info on Blight. If anyone could help me I'd be much obliged (Yee haw, I had to say that after using the word obliged, Lol)

    1. I know it said that they don't perform char. wipes on a frequent basis but have they ever wiped characters? Or do they change stuff on your characters very much if at all? Do they perform wipes?

    2. Can you own plots and make lairs on Blight like you can on other servers? Are there any different rules on blight concerning property that I need to be aware of?

    3. Most items are player made so are there enough players on Blight to have a successful character?

    4. Are there any weird or special rules for Blight that I need to know before I begin there?

    5. Do all blight users really get a free cupcake? Actually, I made that one up but just imagine. Ummmmm Cupcakes.

    I like smiley's

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    Hello, I normally play on Chaos but I made a character on Blight because I'd like to help the game out more and figure that on blight I'd be able to do that. Plus I like to see new features first, hehe. So I would like some info on Blight. If anyone could help me I'd be much obliged (Yee haw, I had to say that after using the word obliged, Lol)
    i will do what i can, i am sure a more experienced blightie will correct me.

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    1. I know it said that they don't perform char. wipes on a frequent basis but have they ever wiped characters? Or do they change stuff on your characters very much if at all? Do they perform wipes?
    i have never had a character wipe (unless you count the server shutdown, but no characters were wiped) and am not even really sure what you mean. i have experienced at least one rollback, however.

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    2. Can you own plots and make lairs on Blight like you can on other servers? Are there any different rules on blight concerning property that I need to be aware of?
    i own a very nice plot on blight and as far as i know, there are no rules different from those on the other shards. however, some blighties with plots on the other shards may be able to answer this more fully.

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    3. Most items are player made so are there enough players on Blight to have a successful character?
    as with all things, it depends on your idea of successful. we do not have much of a marketplace on blight (none at all really). there are at least a couple extremely high level alts on blight (sil comes immediately to mind), and i would consider myself successful....made it to 75 blacksmith tonight, thanx to grodec supplying me with jewelry, armour, and resources to make almost a t6 silo full of mith bars. i am also an 87 warr, but a lot of that came from leeching from players who are no longer playing. finding enough interested peeps to form an adventuring party can be a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    4. Are there any weird or special rules for Blight that I need to know before I begin there?
    don't come in with attitude....someone else said it best - act like a guest in the house. you will be accepted if you are acceptable. don't beg, but feel free to ask for help/stuff/etc. accept that someone may not be able to help you right away or at all. just common sense really - be sure i will let you know if i think you cross the line, but someone else will be sure to let me know that i am being a beeatch......

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    5. Do all blight users really get a free cupcake? Actually, I made that one up but just imagine. Ummmmm Cupcakes.
    no cupcakes yet, but i got some wonderful ambrosia!! i am actually thinking of returning to confectioner once i get my blacksmithing up......i have all these yummy recipes to try! speaking of, did they get the borked confectioner stuff fixed? the pepper corn/berries and the beef things?

    Quote Originally Posted by medweasel View Post
    I like smiley's
    hey, smilies totally rule!!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    Thanks so much for replying. That answered all of my questions perfectly. As for me, I would never come to a server or a game period with any kind of attitude. I will never beg and I completely understand that people may not be able to answer my questions. I know that people are busy, fighting mobs, crafting, talking, or just don't know the answer that I'm seeking and that's ok with me. I understand.

    My brother got me into MMO's as a way to take my mind off of my physical pain and rl and I started with Everquest, Oh, back about the time that Planes of Power came out. I came to the game late but had a fun time. I tried solo'ing, and actually made it to lv. 56 before I started grouping and going to the planes of power and then I had a blast. Sometimes It's hard for me to group because I just don't feel well alot of the time so I don't mind solo'ing and understand if there's not alot of people my lv. to group with. I don't mind. I just like talking to people sometimes and this is the best community for that. WoW was a really fun game but the people were so rude and mean. If people acted that way in EQ then everyone would /ignore them and have nothing to do with them and they'd never find a group again, much less a guild but in WoW you see Guild Leaders acting up. It's really a shame and bothers me because I know new people to mmo's start wow and think that's the way you have to act in a mmo and that's so not so. Lol

    Anyway, thanks so much for all of the info. I'll see you soon on Blight. I'm going to play on both servers I think. Maybe I'll do a Dragon on one and a Bi-Ped on another. Thanks again.

    Doht, forgot my smiley's : ) : )

  4. #4

    Default Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    Check your PMs Medweasel
    Poppi, Crafting Dryad/Zastria, Adult Dragon
    of Ad Astra Guild on Chaos

  5. #5

    Wink Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    Let me preface this with the fact that I've never been a full-time Blightie, but I do poke my head in there fairly often under one alt or another.

    With that fair warning, here goes..

    Blight has never really had a large population. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the consistant and dedicated players prolly only came in around two dozen or so maybe (not counting alts)? I could be way off base there, but, it never really seemed very large. The Blighties though are usually extremely dedicated, which is real nice. Sadly though, I believe the current Blight population may be even lower these days, though, I haven't really made it back there long enough to know for sure.

    There's not much of an economy, as typically everyone on Blight will help you with whatever you need. On the flip-side, don't expect to make a whole pile of money either. It's common practice to simply give whatever is needed. Typically, a "tip" or gratuity is fair in return. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but that seems to be about how it operates in my personal experience.

    There hasn't ever been a full character wipe and reset on Blight to my knowledge. It's possible there may have been one at some point, though, i definitely don't recall one ever taking place. There may be a rollback now and then if an applied patch doesn't work out too well, but it's rarely ever a significant one. At most, maybe a week or so as far as I know.

    Sadly though, Blight has lost it's resident Test Lead, Illyist. Illyist used to offer direction on what needed to be tested, and would assist the Blighties in testing it, often supplying his Consigner with new items that needed to be tested. I don't think there was more than a few weeks (a month or two? not sure) between the time when Illyist said goodbye when Tulga went away, and when Blight was taken offline by EI. Due to that, I can't really comment much on how the Blighties have been operating without Illyist around, though I'm sure they're managing to get by one way or another, as they're a tough and resilient bunch.

    The resident Blighties live on Blight full-time, and as such, when playing on Blight, it does feel very much (for me anyway) as if I'm visiting them in their home. I try not to upset their economy or their playing/testing. If I ever need anything, or ask a question or ask for help, I know that they may very well be right in the middle of testing something rather involved, and as such, may not be able to break away from it right away to answer me, and that's okay.

    The Blighties do us all a great service by testing out our new builds and content, and by doing it with a far smaller community. I kinda consider them to be the "Spartans" of Istaria, living frugally, and sticking close together.

    With all due respect to the Blighties and their home, the last thing I'd like to mention is this, and I'm directly this generally at everyone who reads this -

    If you feel that the game should be operating better, or if you are experiencing problems with new client roll-outs or anything of that nature, bear in mind that the Blighties are only so many people. Their community is far smaller than those on the Live servers, and as such, present a much smaller cross-section of players, play-styles and (perhaps most importantly) computer hardware configurations. One of the best things you can do to ensure that the game runs well for you is to spend time on Blight, and help with the testing. The more people that get on there and truly ASSIST with the testing, then the more feedback Virtrium will have concerning their efforts.

    okay, I'll shut up now.

    ~ Henry

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.

    was gonna make this short, but upon re-reading, i feel compelled to add:
    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Redacre View Post
    Let me preface this with the fact that I've never been a full-time Blightie, but I do poke my head in there fairly often under one alt or another.
    so do we know each other, henry? i only have the one alt, altho my brother has a character named snake eyes, and i do have a hatchie on chaos that i think i have played like a week, maybe......if i can get back on anytime soon, i hope you will say hi if you see me!! this entire post was almost totally correct!

    With that fair warning, here goes..

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Redacre View Post
    Blight has never really had a large population. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the consistant and dedicated players prolly only came in around two dozen or so maybe (not counting alts)? I could be way off base there, but, it never really seemed very large. The Blighties though are usually extremely dedicated, which is real nice. Sadly though, I believe the current Blight population may be even lower these days, though, I haven't really made it back there long enough to know for sure.

    There's not much of an economy, as typically everyone on Blight will help you with whatever you need. On the flip-side, don't expect to make a whole pile of money either. It's common practice to simply give whatever is needed. Typically, a "tip" or gratuity is fair in return. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but that seems to be about how it operates in my personal experience.
    up to xmas time, there was a larger population than at the present time, but that is changing. altho some wonderful blighties appear to be lost forever, a lot of the original blighties have come or are on the way to coming back, and a lot of new faces are showing up. hopefully, we can keep blight unique while making sure every blightie gets what they need to go where they wish. i, personally, pay any expenses for anything i need made, if any.....if i need a mith tool made, i will buy the form, if needed, and supply the ore, if needed - many times, however, peeps with the needed resources are doing what needs doing anyway. i have never taken a tip or other payment for doing anything for someone, other than the above. all i ask is that if i do something for you, that you help out some other deserving noob in the future. that's how blight stays unique and not as......hmmm, how to say?.....cutthroat as the other shards. however, it is always good manners to offer!

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Redacre View Post
    Sadly though, Blight has lost it's resident Test Lead, Illyist. Illyist used to offer direction on what needed to be tested, and would assist the Blighties in testing it, often supplying his Consigner with new items that needed to be tested. I don't think there was more than a few weeks (a month or two? not sure) between the time when Illyist said goodbye when Tulga went away, and when Blight was taken offline by EI. Due to that, I can't really comment much on how the Blighties have been operating without Illyist around, though I'm sure they're managing to get by one way or another, as they're a tough and resilient bunch.

    The resident Blighties live on Blight full-time, and as such, when playing on Blight, it does feel very much (for me anyway) as if I'm visiting them in their home. I try not to upset their economy or their playing/testing. If I ever need anything, or ask a question or ask for help, I know that they may very well be right in the middle of testing something rather involved, and as such, may not be able to break away from it right away to answer me, and that's okay.
    all praises to the holy one!! he whose avatar i am proud to bear! he whose story i am glad to repeat!! blah blah blah woof woof!!
    seriously tho, illy was pretty good to us and when he left istaria for other planes of existence, imho, it signaled the beginning of the end (of the first era any way) of blight. elsewhere on these boards i have more than adequately explained my love of the holy one. we have died and been reborn, and gain strength everyday, but something will always be missing, incomplete - and only the old blighties will even notice. who knows, tho, in this age of miracles, perhaps a new *** will come forth to succeed illy the mighty dancer........
    blight actually went down the weekend before xmas last year. illy last graced istaria in late august. it was a bit longer than you think, henry, but so what? it all ended up the same.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Redacre View Post
    The Blighties do us all a great service by testing out our new builds and content, and by doing it with a far smaller community. I kinda consider them to be the "Spartans" of Istaria, living frugally, and sticking close together.
    THIS IS ZELDAAAA!!! (sorry, my obsession get the best of me....)
    well, you would be surprised at what a little elbow grease and determination will get ya!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Redacre View Post
    With all due respect to the Blighties and their home, the last thing I'd like to mention is this, and I'm directly this generally at everyone who reads this -

    If you feel that the game should be operating better, or if you are experiencing problems with new client roll-outs or anything of that nature, bear in mind that the Blighties are only so many people. Their community is far smaller than those on the Live servers, and as such, present a much smaller cross-section of players, play-styles and (perhaps most importantly) computer hardware configurations. One of the best things you can do to ensure that the game runs well for you is to spend time on Blight, and help with the testing. The more people that get on there and truly ASSIST with the testing, then the more feedback Virtrium will have concerning their efforts.

    okay, I'll shut up now.

    ~ Henry
    just come in and get comfortable. don't try to take over and don't try to make blight something its not, and we will all get along just jake!!!
    thanx for saying it better than me, henry!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Need Blight Info - On plots, lairs, characters, char. wipes and gold.


    I made Blight my home last year and have had lots of fun.

    Best thing is to do a character copy and check out the test server for yourself, we are all very friendly , if you prefer Chaos or Order you have lost nothing at all.


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