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Thread: never thought it would happen

  1. #1
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default never thought it would happen

    but we on blight have been hit by a very industrious thief.
    most of the open storage in pangai has been emptied, and the tents, lib, and one of the silos on my plot was also wiped out.

    so, if you are like me and made some storage available to all before the shutdown, you should go check your plot and make sure your permissions are set properly.

    and to the person who did this, i hope you got everything you wanted and needed. please don't bother to come to blight again, you got everything we would have given you if you had asked for it.

    wonder if it was the same punk who was so insulting to us sunday or the one who came from order to smirk at us because we haven't finished the drakel portal.

    once again, if you love your shard so much, please feel free to stay there. we in blight like it the way it is and do not need you to come and tell us how it needs to be like your shard.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  2. #2

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    I'm sorry that happened...there's no excuse for such rudeness. (I'm talking about both the silos being cleared out and that person from order)
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  3. #3

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    This stuff doesn't only happen on blight I might say, I've heard of guild infiltrations where someone joins, takes stuff and leaves on Order in the time that I've played HZ, though not recently. I also agree that this kind of thing should not happen. Most guilds I know of, especially the one I am in, are more than willing to share their stores. The only reason I can think of that someonen does this sort of thing is to piss people off.

  4. #4

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Why? Oh Why?! do people want to do thing at other peoples expense?!
    Chromos - 100 Ancient Lunus, 100 DragonCrafter,100 Lairshaper
    Titles - Expert DragonCrafter - Expert Lairshaper

  5. #5

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    it happened on UNITY too.

    With growing population, we -perhaps- should be less overtrustful and tolerant,
    but more watchful and stringent.

    We all want the game to expand.
    If not we- the "ancient" players could save the spirit of the game and community- who else should prevent us from being spilled over by the bad influence of other games (we all refused to play).

    These things must be nipped in the bud.

    WE- the community- will change, it already did. Entropy^^

  6. #6

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Odd. When I had a bunch of things swiped, people just told me that's what you get for storing things in/on set to public. And yes, it does suck that people swiped your stuff. I hope you can get it replaced soon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    To the flip side:
    I've stored many things in public silos, usually when I'm on my mega-lairwork mode. To this point, no one has stolen anything.

    Just remember, such rudeness is the exception in HZ, not the rule. Still, it only takes on bad apple to spoil the basket.

    To those of you who would do such a thing: Remember, Horizons is a community. Sooner or later, you WILL be discovered. Players who earn the ire of the community usually end up leaving, because no one will have anything to do with them.
    Starmind: Member of Scions on Order Shard; Helian Ancient Dragon 100/100/100
    Starmind's Crossroads: Harro, Just Uphill of the Binding Shrine

  8. #8

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    This is a horrid thing for someone to do. And I cant believe someone even went over to go flaming about... a portal? Inexcusable. I hope they are caught and fed to blight hounds.

  9. #9

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    So the Conclaves open storages on Pang have been cleaned out ?

  10. #10

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Well, the good thing is that we all know who it wasn't and the community trust we have for each other hasn't been damaged.

    So if that was their goal, they failed miserably.

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Theros Ironfeld View Post
    So the Conclaves open storages on Pang have been cleaned out ?
    apparently so, ther....if they didn't get everything, i haven't heard of what they left....
    fortunately, my expert arm and tool forms were in my vault, but my lib was full to the brim with all level of forms. all my weapons and armour were stored in guild only stores, but the tents had my dyes and dye kits, as well as finished food and other handy stuff. the silo had food in it....

    i know its my own fault for leaving the plot open, but i never thought (and still don't believe) any real blightie would do something like this without asking/telling. my bad, for forgetting that other peeps may not have the connection we have at blight.

    as for the jerkoffs who came to be insulting (3 times s/he got ignored by the blighties before being kiked off the chats. what is the point of being such an azzhole?) or to denigrate blight, stay in your shard. we DO NOT NEED your insights.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #12
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Kala View Post
    Odd. When I had a bunch of things swiped, people just told me that's what you get for storing things in/on set to public. And yes, it does suck that people swiped your stuff. I hope you can get it replaced soon.
    and i got that, too, kala, and i accept that i should have reset my permissions. but guild storage was taken too, so while i may not have had my stuff taken, what to do about someone who does that?
    i am not the only one who lost stuff, if so - i wouldn't post it, just take it as my bad and move on. someone is casing blight, and we would rather not have those peeps around, simply because we don't have enough peeps on blight to lose stuff that will have to be remade or reharvested.
    and anyone who comes to blight to be an azzhole - well, does anyone need that? please, stay in your own shards if you can't get with the program on another server!
    we will get to the portal when we want to, and we will use a barter economy if we want to, and we do not need your advice on how to run our shard.

    sorry if i sound pissy, but jerks who make the game harder or less enjoyable to play make me want to break faces.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  13. #13

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Heh heh i shouldnt laugh but on another thread on this very board peanuts are complaining about ' wow kiddies' and here we have one running around blight pilfering
    What a peon

    on a small update we have 100 per cent Conclave members NOT returning to Hz and that includes our members from Order and Chaos
    we have 75 per cent running around with us on WoW the rest have quit mmo's completely
    think thats a heads up to Vi about the uphill battle ya got to convince the many like us who have found a home elsewhere to return to Hz

    cheers guys

  14. #14
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Theros Ironfeld View Post

    on a small update we have 100 per cent Conclave members NOT returning to Hz and that includes our members from Order and Chaos
    we have 75 per cent running around with us on WoW the rest have quit mmo's completely
    think thats a heads up to Vi about the uphill battle ya got to convince the many like us who have found a home elsewhere to return to Hz

    cheers guys
    in that case, sil has taken the guild name back for blight, as i, my draggy alt mourningwood, and snake are all in conclave of shadows guild on blight.
    you must do what you must do, ther, but i, for one, am pleased and hopeful at what i see from vi so far, and i paid for a year grandfather account, which was the same as what we were paying under tulga.

    we miss you, ther, and wish you felt better about giving horizons another chance. i continue to pray to the great *** illy that you and our other siblings of blight return someday.

    especially since i am becoming uber and would love to share the glory and basking with you all!!!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  15. #15

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    I wish it were that easy Vel i really do but some of the 'big names ' here on Hz saw fit to hang, draw and quarter me for my stance on the price increase
    via some rather nasty pm's
    i could post names and quote the pm's but why bother
    after all the bulk of the comments were ' your not wanted here so stay on WoW ' so i did ... was also told that ' blight does not make money for Vi , we do ' .. with those attitudes do you really think i would consider a return ?

    as an aside i am happy to see you and others have not been bashed like this so enjoy yaself Vel
    Glad to see your flyin the Conclaves flag have fun with Pang
    dunno about Sil cause she deleted her WoW toons with a note saying she was quitting games due to personal reasons
    hope she's ok !

  16. #16

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Theros, I'm sorry to hear you got harassed the way you did. That was entirely unnecessary, which goes without saying. To whoever out there said that Blight doesn't make money for Vi, then they clearly have ZERO understanding of how an MMO works. If it weren't for Blight, the Live shards wouldn't even have the stability they do have. Without a test server and the dedicated folks who TEST (do you hear that all you witless monkeys?) the game on the test server, then the people who get to PLAY the game would have a lot more to cry their miserable little eyes out.

    Which brings me to my next point. Vel, I'm truly sorry all that stuff went missing. Have you filed a ticket? Are you certain that someone actually took all that stuff and maybe it wasn't some kind of showstopping bug? Make sure you get in contact with Vi and let them know what happened.

    But the fact that some dim-witted ****chop actually came on to a test server to gloat about progress in the game..... I truly can't wrap my head around that. Were they drunk? High? I seriously can't even make up a reason that isn't completely rooted in ignorance and stupidity.

    The population on Blight is low enough these days. It's never had an enormous population, even back in the day. If someone thinks that they can jump onto Blight and cause some kind of ruckus, or insult the Blighters for what they do, then that cowardly someone can send me a PM to insult me too, if they have the sack for it.

    I may not get to login to Blight very often, but I'll gladly stand by the Blighters and support them in any way I can. That includes standing up for them if some ****-for-brains thinks they're clever for starting problems with THE PEOPLE THAT PROTECT YOUR GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE.

    Complete and total jackassery. No other word for it.

    ~ Henry
    Last edited by Henry Redacre; October 2nd, 2007 at 09:45 AM. Reason: language

  17. #17

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    < Poors a coupla foaming mugs and hands one each to vel and Henry >

    cheers lass
    cheers boyo

  18. #18

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Theros, even though I disagree with many of your statements and behaviors regarding Vi, nobody deserves to be harassed for their opinions and I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Have fun in WoW, and hopefully one day your path will bring you back to these shores.

    Henry is right about the importance of Blight - we cannot live without it. While it is true that the population on Blight isn't enough to make Blight profitable, that's really beside the point. A testing server isn't expected to make a profit because that's not what it's there for. It exists because the development process requires it to exist. The fact that a group of players wants to live there and help with content testing is an added bonus. The residents of Blight provide a significant service to the rest of the playerbase, and it's disappointing to hear that someone would treat the Blight community this way.

    I hope that the culprit can be identified and dealt with quickly. Even though the structures were open, the nature of the Blight community is to be more open and trusting. Visitors need to learn not to abuse that trust.
    Last edited by LaughingOtter; October 2nd, 2007 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Addendum
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  19. #19

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    Sorry to hear this, it's awful. Just hope you keep up your ways, helped by the devs stopping people that try to undermine this. A testserver needs to have trust, openness, AND a lot of stuff ready for grabbing by all when needed!

    If I may add a little advice (as allready said, we had the same experience on Unity, going on for a long time without any help from anyone 'above' to do something about it, so we had to fence for ourselves best we could), it would be the following.

    Let all Blight-players try to find something that they cán make, but have never made yet (and don't plan on making anytime in near future either). Put these single items in the open structures along with whatever else is in there.

    The devs (and some players) know how to recognize the trail of such an object; and if there is only one of it around (as to combination product<>maker) it makes pinpointing exactly who the culprit(s) is/are, and with luck who their accomplices are, a lot easier.
    Though of course I would wish it will stop after this one incident, you can't count on that. So better to prepare for a next one first. And thén hope it won't happen anymore.

  20. #20

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    " Theros, even though I disagree with many of your statements and behaviors regarding Vi,"

    Clarify that statement please
    what behavior ??

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