Hello all,

My ingame name is Woushi and I play on Blight.

Any way, I'm level 23 now and so far I've played Lunus style. That is my tooth and claw training is maxed and I have split my other points between strength and dexterity. Strength to up damage, dex to up armor and evassion. All of my armor is strength based with tooth and claw techs.

I use my breath weapon in nearly every fight, I also use some of the casted abilities too, but for leveling sake I mostly melee things down.

I have two questions:

- At what level can you start the Rights of Passage quest? I've heard it could be as early as level 32 but the walk through I grabbed from the forums say level 90. Also it says your horde has to be 240k. Can I get some clarification on this?

- If I pick the Lunus could I tech my scales to up my primal? That is, be Lunus aligned but spend my training points and tech my gear to basically be a hybrid of Lunus and Helian or vise versa?

The second question is meant to give me clarity on how to play my dragon and where to spend my points and how to make my scales.