I've been trying to think of other ideas to add to the adventure side of Istaria and here's one of them...
Adventure IMO is boring at high levels of the game, you either look to level another school or hunt an Epic mob...that's it! So I've been trying to think of what would make me want to go out and hunt the WA??? And then it hit me!
What do you think of the idea of having an "Imperial Ranking" as to how much WA you've rid of in the world of Istaria?? i.e. the more mobs and what type of mob you kill, the higher your ranking.
The ranking would give you a buff that could be school based, stat based or whatever depending on the type of mob you kill. Over time your buff from your rank would decay if you did not continue the "ongoing battle" against the WA. (The type of ranks, buffs and other stuff can be tweaked as needed.) Another plus side to this... you won't need to have a 160 Adventure rating to fight the WA. You could simply group up with others, since it would not be xp based, go on about getting your Imperial Ranking as a group.
The whole point in bringing this type of adventuring would be to rid the monotonous hunting going on now to either level your school, hunt a comp or hunt an epic mob. I think this idea would very much so promote group-hunting and side step the "need" for those other leveling of schools(out of shear boredom) if it is something that can be acquired without having xp be an issue.
The bottom line being...everybody loves stats...what better way to gain some stats than thru killing in an ongoing battle with your guildmates and not worry who's getting the most xp out of the deal... its a win-win for the whole party!
This idea can be expanding several ways...big question is...Is it feasible?
All suggestions are welcome!!