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Thread: Vista Client?

  1. #261

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Well what now???? I went to get 383.1 zip file and it had a readme that pointed me to 383.7!!!! So I get 383.7 and what is has is Istaria.exe!!! Do we have a new set of instructions??? I ran it just for the hell of it and it was missing a .dll

    Don't I need to replace certain .dll files also?

  2. #262

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Just log into blight you will get everything you need. Of course you will need to play on blight till the fix is pushed live or look back through this thread for instructions.

  3. #263
    Chaos Shard
    Scarlet Dawn

  4. #264

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    You can also patch on Blight then bypass the patcher with a batch file.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dalthbar View Post
    Starting Istaria

    The other bit is starting istaria.exe without a web browser. There have been countless threads about this and many people use this very same method. I'm just going to largely copy and paste from one of those pre-existing threads. I honestly have no idea who made the first one, so I can't give any credit (sorry if it were you).

    When the batch file runs, it's going to be relative to whatever dir that it's in. Given that, you need to make sure that when you call istaria.exe that you first change directory to your Istaria install dir so that the script knows where to find istaria.exe:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Virtirum\Istaria"

    After that, you want to start the application like so (explanation of params below):

    istaria.exe weblaunch_standard username> <password> <worldname> <biotenum> <port> <auth server IP> <public key> <first name> <last name> DefaultShard

    username - This is your e-mail address
    password - This is your password
    worldname - This is your shard - expressed in lower case
    biotenum - This is your char's biote ID*
    port - Always leave this 0
    auth server IP - In form "ip: port" without quotes or spaces - you can see this in the launch URL
    public key - This that long as string of hex*
    first name - This is your char's first name
    last name - This is your char's last name
    DefaultShard - This is always "DefaultShard" - don't change it

    * You should be able to get this information from the second login screen where you actually launch the game. Simply right-click on the page's background and select "View Source"

    An Example

    So to bring it all together, I'll show you exactly what the script that I run at home looks like:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Virtrium\Istaria"
    start istaria.exe weblaunch_standard [email protected] hehyeahright order 7735630 0 0602000000A40000525341318001000001000100D30E97AC5D 826759CF495CD11A1127BF73B91EC860E656001340F3D20D19 96C1BCDDBDE8778BE494992D1CEC8F7213B4 Dalthbar DefaultShard

    All one needs to do is open up notepad and save the file as a .bat (Windows Batch File) and place it somewhere on their machine. You can run batch files by just double-clicking on them. I keep mine on my desktop due to easy access. I also did not put it in my Istaria's install dir since it'd likely get deleted during a full scan.
    I cropped non essential things and updated it a little bit to fit more to current client.
    Please note that Blight client is now istaria.exe, not horizons.exe.

    - you don't need to alter game files, just to patch on Blight.
    - you can play on any shard. You are not limited to Blight.
    - fast way to log in!
    - it just needs some tweaking to do it for several characters on various shards.

    - it may look hard to create... though it's not that much.
    - highly unofficial and unsupported by Virtrium.
    - you bypass the patcher, so you have to assume you know what you do. If not, try another workaround.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  5. #265

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    There is also another workaround easier than making a batch to play on Live Shards:

    1 - Get the latest Live client with the launcher.
    2 - Look for the version_info folder in your game folder and copy the master_file_list file on your desktop.
    3 - Patch on Blight.
    4 - Put the copy of the master_file_list file you previously made back to the version_info folder and override the Blight master_file_list file.
    5 - Now you can use your launcher to play on Live Shards, the patcher will be lured by the Live master_file_list file .

    - Easier than creating a batch.
    - You can use the launcher you are used to.

    - If there is a little change to the Live client then a new Live master_file_list file (like the launcher/patcher upgrade we got a few days ago), your client will be fully rolled back to the Live client and you will have to do the workaround again. But it's just a time loss.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  6. #266

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Firebrand is that all? I can still have the check box for Full Scan checked and it will run? In any case my problem seems to be DEP and I can't seem to disable it for horizons.exe.

    I did all that but even though I turned DEP off for Horizons.exe, it still won't let it run for some reason. It shows up in the list but just as "horizons" without the .exe. When I use the drop down it shows the path with the entire name so I know it is the right file but why istaria.exe shows as the full name in the DEP "off" list and not horizons is a mystery to me.

  7. #267

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Firebrand....I love you!!!!!! thanks for figuring that out. My Vista comp is no longer just a dust magnet.
    Master Annai Aditu of the Storm
    Proud member of the Order of the Talon, Chaos
    "I'm a fair, fragile flower of femininity...and if you don't believe me I'll rip your face off!"

  8. #268

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Quote Originally Posted by QuO View Post
    Firebrand is that all? I can still have the check box for Full Scan checked and it will run?
    Full Scan is an option that forces a scan and patches. This will roll back you to Live client if you try connect to Live Servers. Thus it has to be disabled in the launcher options for the workaround.
    Without this option, it will only scan when a new master_file_list file is available (see cons).

    I don't know for DEP, but horizons.exe (Live client) will not run in any case (or you are among the lucky ones who didn't need the new client). However, you won't have it anymore after patching on Blight. Only istaria.exe (Blight client) will work and should not cause any problem... at least, I never needed to add istaria.exe to the DEP list on Windows 7 RC.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  9. #269

    Default Re: Vista Client?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebrand View Post
    I don't know for DEP, but horizons.exe (Live client) will not run in any case (or you are among the lucky ones who didn't need the new client). However, you won't have it anymore after patching on Blight. Only istaria.exe (Blight client) will work and should not cause any problem... at least, I never needed to add istaria.exe to the DEP list on Windows 7 RC.
    With Win7 RC (64 bit) and Vista Home Premium (32 bit) I didn't have to change anything, not even UAC, to log on to blight. The only weird thing I saw in both cases, was that after the patch I had to run the launcher again as the game failed to start (didn't even try). Oh and I had to add the istaria.exe to the firewall exceptions list (the windows firewall). I presume this was because the launcher itself was replaced and needed to restart? Perhaps a dialog box saying to restart the launcher would help here?


  10. #270

    Default Windows 7 64b RC1

    I'm happy to report the new patcher and launcher works well with the latest release candidate of Win 7 64 bit
    100 Adventure/Crafter following the path of Helian

    Expert Lairshaper
    Grand hall complete.

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