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Thread: Darkest of Nights

  1. #1

    Talking Darkest of Nights

    It was done in the darkest of nights. A scream that should have been heard was silenced before it broke past the lips of its victim. An evil deity can down to Istaria and stole away a precious person, Nadia. She had committed no sin, she was pure and untainted, yet the evil deity want to lay it's vengeful hatred upon the realm of the Blighters.

    A small, but dedicated group of Gifted have decided to rally together and begin a campaign of destruction to retrieve their beloved Nadia back. They forego the selling of items to others, instead they give the items away freely and without regret; in hopes of showing true compassion for others. While secretly they have begun a deep scouting mission into the evil deity's realm.

    Will they succeed, that is yet to be determined? Will they cease in the struggle to complete their mission and retrieve the lovely Nadia? Not as long as their remains a single coin in their pocket, a breath in their lungs, a fellow adventurer needing assistance. They know deep down that Nadia is somewhere in a known location that is not yet beyond their reach.

    They have vowed to seek no new adventures until they have found their Ray of Light and returned her safely to her place in the realm. Their focus is now set on correcting their word and vanquishing their common foe.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    *nodds thoughtfully* Good luck brave adventurers-
    when you`ve found her- let us know- she really is missed!

    (btw- I love your posts Spelter )
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    we fully support the actions of our beloved subjects to return nadia from the oblivion. we of the royal family - our royal ward and our beloved consort as well as the crown - greatly desire nadia to come home and recommence providing her needed and necessary services.
    let it be done as swiftly as possible, in accordance with the wishes of the crown.

    (speaking as a loyal and longtime paying resident and someone who has lived thru many many unpleasant changes [and continues to do so, i might add if i wasn't a nice person] over the past few years, i would consider it a great sign of consideration and beneficence of the devs if nadia could be returned.)
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    So Nadia's removal has motivated members of the Blight community to hunt componants and share what loot they find?

    Then I'd say, "Well done!" to those hunters!

    Sounds like things are functioning as intended.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  5. #5
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    so that's a no to nadia returning, at least to blight - with its increasingly low population of hi level alts to hunt for t5 tech resources - i take it?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    There's a fine line between "being too easy" and "getting rid of unnecessary work". I'm not sure where Nadia falls with respect to Blight. Granted that the working Blight population is a fraction of either of the live shards, so it may be the case that being expected to hunt all of your comps is unreasonable.

    On the other hand, the devs need to be able to get feedback on comp availability (a function of drop rates, spawn density, spawn frequency and mob difficulty), so being able to buy all of the comps is likely unreasonable too.

    I suggest that instead of asking for Nadia to be brought back, you focus on what requirements Nadia fulfilled (with the above in consideration) and come up with alternative propositions that can satisfy both the needs of Blight players and the needs of the devs.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter View Post
    ...An evil deity can down to Istaria and stole away a precious person, Nadia. She had committed no sin, she was pure and untainted...
    Saying that Nadia was pure and untainted is Blasphemy. Better watch out for Niathal's wrath.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter
    For those of the other Realms, you forget your place. You have man power to hunt in mass while those of Blight must almost hunt in pairs and sometimes in threes. With the loss of the Elek/Ruf/Bounder those of Blight are now at a disadvantage versus all others. Though I guess you feel it necessary to try and subject us to your desires.

    I say as other Blighters do, keep it to your own realm. We of Blight suffer a worse fate than you know or care to deal with. For you live on in another is proof enough to my words.

    Nadia is and has been the pure to us of Blight who have not the power to amass with huge numbers.

    Our mission still stands, we seek the return of Nadia from the evil deity and our success or defeat will resound throughout all the realms. This mission will stand above any new adventures presented.
    Very sorry to hear about the loss of Elek, et al.

    On the subject of Nadia and comp hunting on the live shards; I think you are under a misapprehension of usual comp hunting on the live shards.

    Generally players will try to fill their requirements by purchasing them, but most often they need to hunt down the comps by themselves or with the assistance of their guilds/friends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    For those of the other Realms, you forget your place. You have man power to hunt in mass while those of Blight must almost hunt solo or in pairs and sometimes in threes; which for some adventures Blighters will not have the man power to even begin the hunt. With the loss of the Elek/Ruf/Bounder those of Blight are now at a disadvantage versus all others. Though I guess you feel it necessary to try and subject us to your desires.

    I say as other Blighters do, keep it to your own realm. We of Blight suffer a worse fate than you know or care to deal with. For you live on in another realm which is proof enough to my words.

    Our mission still stands, we seek the return of Nadia from the evil deity and our success or defeat will resound throughout all the realms. This mission will stand above any new adventures presented. Tis a great shame.

    Nadia's loss has not motivated any, it has more or less caused a confederation filled with resentment. Even prior to Nadia's loss many of the Blighters shared freely without transaction of coin. Things do not function properly when fellow Blighters feel the need to leave Istaria when things become warped and nearly unplayable. Especially when numbers to fill in Blight the number of mobs and the spawn rate of those mobs dwindle to almost nothing. When Blight goes over fifteen beings the realm slows down and hunting becomes near impossible. So our realm is badly cursed and the curse grows each day.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Im only 3/4 gone lol just taking a temp break till things get back to what I feel they should be.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    No idea why some have left. But if u send me a pm here telling me what comps you require, I have no problem logging to blight and hunting them up. I hunt on chaos and supply comps, I can visit blight and help do the same. Sorry I don't like nadia

  12. #12

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Spelter, Nadia was removed for the long-term good of the game and the players as a whole. Please stop portraying it as some kind of act of persecution directed at the Blight community. Nadia cannot be made available just to one server - it's all or none.

    Nadia was removed for good reason. Obviously this made you and some other folks upset, and I understand your reasons. However, rather than campaign for something which is almost certainly not going to happen, why not put that energy into coming up with some serious proposals about Blight's needs and how they might be met?
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  13. #13

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter
    Especially when numbers to fill in Blight the number of mobs and the spawn rate of those mobs dwindle to almost nothing. When Blight goes over fifteen beings the realm slows down and hunting becomes near impossible.
    I have to say that when I've played on Blight, I've found hunting to be excrutiatingly painful in certain areas.

    I'm not a regular member of Blight, so I do not know all the spawn pop behavior, but I did hunt on Ice Island and I flew and flew and saw hardly any spawns at all. I think I also have flown around the Naghuk territory and also found very few mobs.

    I would find it extremely tedious to try and hunt comps in areas such as these where it takes such a very long time to find decent mobs spawns and can see where comp hunting would become very frustrating if you have to wait or spend a few minutes in between mobs because the area doesn't support a good spawn or the repops are very slow (or you have to travel to a linked field after killing the few mobs you do find).

    And very nice to see you Marsh
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  14. #14
    Member Amecha's Avatar
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    Standing Right Behind You

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Blight has such a small population that it's common to be the only one, or one of two or three players on the shard at the same time. Live shards vs. the Blight shard is comparable to cities like New York or Tokyo vs. A deserted island.

    A lot of the time, you as an individual make up the entire population of Istaria. Components that are difficult to retrieve are basically completely cut off unless you are lucky enough to find one on a consigner, or happen to find another player capable of assisting you.

    Sure the ease of access to components may have seemed too easy, but when you lack the numbers needed to get them the method intended, it's a necessity. You can spend hours and earn many DPs attempting to acquire a single component and never get it, so being able to purchase it as a last resort ensured that players would continue to play.

    If I hunt for hours and die many times in search of one component and don't get it, I can guarantee that I'm not going to look forward to logging in again. The game will get more frustrating than enjoyable, and it may be decided that the time and effort required would be better spent elsewhere.

    The close community of Blight is what makes the shard enjoyable, the players who overlook economics to support their fellow Blight residents, but the community is too small to meet every need. Certain quests or requirements are extremely difficult, if not impossible.

    Nadia was a guarantee that some of these needs would be met, and now she's gone. Taking away what we depend on without compensating for the loss can destroy the already unstable community.
    Noelani of Blight -100 DRA / 100 DRC / 40 DLS / 40M Hoard
    Amryth of Blight - 58 DRA / 35 DRC
    Amecha the Neglected of Blight and Order - ?/?/?/?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    I will admit the respawn rate on blight does seem a lil weak in alot of area's. You can hunt in certian parts with out much problem ie the beach in kion seem to do alright for small parties. But 3-4 people can easily wipe out the sandstone/bronze golems down the road in about 45 seconds and then have to wait 5 mins for a respawn. Or while doing dragon quests. 1.5 hours on a lvl 20 quest to kill water golems. While atleast 1 hour 15mins of this was spent waiting or looking for a monster.

  16. #16

    Angry Re: Darkest of Nights

    As Amecha said I agreed for Amecha capture the exact reason why we on Blight need Nadia. I quote Amecha "Sure the ease of access to components may have seemed too easy, but when you lack the numbers needed to get them the method intended, it's a necessity. You can spend hours and earn many DPs attempting to acquire a single component and never get it, so being able to purchase it as a last resort ensured that players would continue to play.

    If I hunt for hours and die many times in search of one component and don't get it, I can guarantee that I'm not going to look forward to logging in again. The game will get more frustrating than enjoyable, and it may be decided that the time and effort required would be better spent elsewhere."

    Those words are the exact reason we in Blight needed Nadia. Now it has reduced the enjoyment and fun of the game. It has even driven some of the Blighters to introvert and cease aiding others. It is making a strong and negative impact on the game as a whole for those few who are the guinea pigs for anything new that needs to be tested.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    In post 12 of this thread, Laughing Otter wrote "Nadia cannot be made available just to one server - it's all or none".

    Prior to her removal from all three shards, Nadia offered a different assortment of comps on Blight than those offered on the live servers, and for those components which were offered both on Blight and live servers, the ones on Blight were offered at far lower prices than the same components on the Live servers.

    It would seem quite feasible for Nadia to exist on all three servers and have items to sell on Blight while, for the time being at least, offer nothing for sale on the live servers.

    This would allow some relief for the very small population on Blight, while not compromising the objectives of the devs in choosing to remove Nadia from the Live Servers.

    With that done, the matter of possibly adjusting spawn/drop rates of some of the comps found only on the Satyr Islands can be examined.

    While I reside on Order, not on Blight, I cannot envision a better solution for Blight than to restore Nadia's offerings to the Blight Community.


  18. #18

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    It sounds like Blight players need access to tech comps, not Nadia specifically, and probably not all tech comps.

    So, in the hopes of making a more productive dialog, how about building a (reasonably sized) list of tech comps that are absolutely not feasible to obtain in the required quantity due to unusually thin spawn or thin player population.

    For each comp, assign a priority too, say a(n) (integer) number between 1 and 50, where 50 is "absolutely needed -- impractical to hunt and game play on Blight is broken if this comp isn't available in alternative methods" and 1 is "would be nice to have". Hopefully this list is short and a very small subset of Nadia's inventory.

    Don't forget to include a reason /why/ a comp is on the list.

    While I'm not promising anything will become of this list, I think it would be more helpful and productive than flat out arguing to bring back Nadia.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Unless I am missing something, like can the spawn/drop rate from mobs be diffent on each of the 3 shards for a given comp, how can there be a "one size fits all" in view of the dramatically different needs of each shard as a function of available adv player hunting time available? If all shards had equal ratio of "comp getters" to "comp needers" there might be such a chance - but thr ratios of getters (adv capable) to needers (craft and adv teched gear needers) is by no means similar from shard to shard with our current mix of "elders" and "newbies" being different for each shard. Not all players like to adv and there are quite a few low level adv players who are high level crafters, and there are of course some players who are high level in both adv and craft,

    I will continue to ponder but need some serious help on this issue.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    *this is a bit off topic I fear, but I have to say it anyway*

    I understand why Nadia has been removed. It might have been necessary on the long term.
    But from my point of view, the system does not work yet. Not for me and the players around me. Not on Order not on Chaos.
    There is a huge demand on Satyr comps and some others. Not available in the consis. I (personally) know nobody who is happy to hunt those comps and take good money for it. I have 1 close friend who likes Satyr and delivers me with what I need. He takes no money from me (neither do I if I do him a favour).
    Even some experienced and high rating players have no fun hunting for Satyr comps and give up somewhen in the middle- and ask this friend too.
    I see alot younger/newer players give up their plans when it comes to comps.
    I think the number of players who like to hunt comps to sell them is much overestimated. And another point: Those hunters do not need money.
    And Jayne, yes I know I can ask you or some other guildies for comps-
    but I do not feel good with that. And how about those, who are not in our guild? Or do not dare to ask??
    You know I`m a long term player- I have everything I need and know how/from whom I can get what I need, but I feel pitty for those who can`t.
    And it makes me sad, if I can`t help if I´m asked (by crafters of all races). Like all of us I have only a certain amount of time a day I can play. I can`t and won`t "waste" it hunting certain comps.
    In summary I say from my point of few: The system does not work yet.
    It`s unsatisfying and frustrating.
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; April 28th, 2009 at 08:41 AM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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