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Thread: Map Pack 3.5

  1. #1

    Talking Map Pack 3.5

    The Map Pack 3.5 (Updated to reflect new client and content)
    Maps not changed because I don't have the tools for that.

    Updates v3.5
    - Removed the search grid markers because it made opening map slow for people with slower computers and connections.
    - Removed 200 unused map marker png files (681 reduced to 481).
    - Removed approximately 600 markers in areas where numerous markers were showing spawn size (ie 7 markers showing the kenaf spawn near Heather Pad).
    - Changed ClientPrefs_Common.def from
    string mapPath = "resources_override/resources/interface/maps/" to
    string mapPath = "resources_override/interface/maps/"to reflect client changes.
    - Changed some of the addicon panel icons to reflect new mobs from Dralnok's Doom.
    - Changed sort order of Foods (now Alphabetic)
    - Added markers for NPCs, Mobs, and Resources added by Dralnok's Doom
    (did not add any markers for the Labrynth because there is no map for it).
    - Added a read-only version of the map pack UIMapWindow.def to Resources which overwrites the game version. If map does not show resource markers it means this file is NOT correct.
    - Moved Markers from \resources_override\interface\maps\Istaria to
    resources_override\interface\themes\default\textur es to reflect client directory structure changes.

    These instructions assume you have installed game in default location that the game normally installs to and that you are NOT normally comfortablewith creating directories and such things.

    *******IMPORTANT NOTE For all Users******
    You must be offline from game when you edit and save ClientPrefs_Common.def file or it will not be effective because this file automatically gets saved on exiting game.
    *******IMPORTANT NOTE For Vista Users*******
    You must have admin priveledges for ClientPrefs_Common.def file to edit which can be set in file Properties. If your map displays as a series of mismatched map tiles the ClientPrefs is the file you need to fix. This may have to be done after a Horizons update or a full scan too!

    Both versions:
    1. Edit with any text editor such as NotePad the value "string mapPath" at the bottom of the file located in the one of the folders below: Program Files\Artifact Entertainment\Horizons\prefs\ f: or Program Files\Istaria\prefs\ClientPrefs_Common.def: string mapPath = "resources_override/interface/maps"
    2. Backup your current resources_override folder then delete everything in it. (there are changes to directory structure so this is important to insure you start with clean folder that has nothing leftover from a previous Map Pack).
    3. The UIMapWindow.def file in Resources\interface\themes\default\defs\ directory will be replaced with a write-protected version of the file and as a result when logging in where there is a game patch or a full scan is done on the right side of patch splash screen where it shows Now Downloading will show can't download ..uimapwindow.def.auc... but will continue smoothly through scan/patch and load game with Mappack displaying properly.


    Zip Version:
    1. Download file and save to a safe location I have a directory named Downloads where I save all such files.
    2. Unzip/Extract the file they extract to a Resources folder a resources_override folder, a license.txt, readme3.5.txt.
    3 Copy the Resources and resources_override folders into the game folder default locations are (Program Files\Artifact Entertainment\Horizons) or (Program Files\Istaria) and say "yes/yes to all" if you get asked to overwrite.

    Installer/Exe Version:
    1. Download file and save to a safe location I have a directory named Downloads where I save all such files(downloads as a Zip file).
    2. Unzip/Extract the file it extracts to map_pack_3.5.exe, license.txt, and readme3.5.txt
    3 Dbl-click the map_pack_3.5.exe file to start installation and follow the on screen instructions. Installs in Program Files\Artifact Entertainment\Horizons by default. If your game is installed in the other default location which is Program Files\Istaria you will need to change the destination directory. You can do this by typing correct address in the edit box or you can use browse button.
    I have tested the mappack on 2 WIN XP systems, and had some people on Blight test it on Vista and they had no reported problems.

    Thanks to all contributors (since V3.21E, sorry but I don't know the ones that helped before) and their permission to use their material:
    - Dahaka (for some resource locations)
    - Dorrin (a Version of the Riftmap, I decided to use the one from Steelclaw, thanks anyway)
    - Eisdrache / Finiaroth (for hosting the mappack)
    - Firebrand Crest (for suggestions to New Trismus and the missing Spirit Isle Map, for help on the installer version, resource locations and testing the pack)
    - IvoryClaw (for testing the pack)
    - Kala (for a lot nice confectioner resource icons)
    - Mimir (for the Rift mapmarkers)
    - Oakleif (for your suggestions, lots of markers and testing the pack)
    - Steelclaw (for the map of the Rift and hosting the mappack)
    - Trixter (for resource locations)
    - Zexoin (for some resource locations)
    Pekka, Cobal, Terao, and all helpers for all the work they did before V3.21, thanks for your effort!

    --edited url--

    Last edited by AmonGwareth; October 27th, 2011 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Thank you for this new version. We now have the new monsters locations on it, this will be very useful.

    But why did you change the folders structure and roll it back to Cobal's pack era?
    The resources_override\resources\... structure works usually better with interface modifications.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Just wanted to say, excellent work - the map now opens much faster, at least for me.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Does this mappack contain resource nodes? I'm having a hard time crafting because I don't know where to find anything. If not does anyone know of a mappack that does? Or is there a map somewhere that I can download and save to my desktop that I can check for references? Any help on this is very much appreciated. Thank you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Resources, monsters, NPCs, points of interest and more can be found in this Map Pack. Just have a try.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    or ask here on the forums, if you can - most of us can tell you where most resources, etc are......
    specially if you get someone who plays both a draggy and a ped....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #7

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Firstly... Hello, I am basically a new Player... I did buy Horizons when it launched but the lag and performance was so bad I left vowing never to return. Well I returned and very glad I did love the game.

    Secondly, thanks for creating the MapPack, I assume many Players have enjoyed the added functionality.

    Thirdly... I must report that after installing MapPack 3.5e I was unable to get it working, in fact all I got when I opened my map is a blank screen and then a crash to desktop. This is the first time I have installed the MapPack, as I just began playing a few days before the last recent maintenance update. I logged in multiple times after restarting computer hoping for a fix, but no luck. I can only guess I did something wrong, but I am now cleaning up my computer and re-installing Istaria. I will not be attempting to install 3.5e.

    I include my current DXdiag, perhaps a clue as to what went wrong is there.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by Gardavil View Post


    Thirdly... I must report that after installing MapPack 3.5e I was unable to get it working, in fact all I got when I opened my map is a blank screen and then a crash to desktop. This is the first time I have installed the MapPack, as I just began playing a few days before the last recent maintenance update. I logged in multiple times after restarting computer hoping for a fix, but no luck. I can only guess I did something wrong, but I am now cleaning up my computer and re-installing Istaria. I will not be attempting to install 3.5e.

    I include my current DXdiag, perhaps a clue as to what went wrong is there.

    Sorry to hear you are getting crashes. My guess would be a video driver/card problem. If you install the latest video card driver that may solve your issue. That seems to be the reason for crashes to desktop in my experience with Istaria.

  9. #9
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    now that you mention it and i recall - just before my old vid card went out, i was also getting a lot of ctds.........
    maybe it might be a good idea to try the vid card thing......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by Gardavil View Post
    Firstly... Hello, I am basically a new Player... I did buy Horizons when it launched but the lag and performance was so bad I left vowing never to return. Well I returned and very glad I did love the game.

    Secondly, thanks for creating the MapPack, I assume many Players have enjoyed the added functionality.

    Thirdly... I must report that after installing MapPack 3.5e I was unable to get it working, in fact all I got when I opened my map is a blank screen and then a crash to desktop. This is the first time I have installed the MapPack, as I just began playing a few days before the last recent maintenance update. I logged in multiple times after restarting computer hoping for a fix, but no luck. I can only guess I did something wrong, but I am now cleaning up my computer and re-installing Istaria. I will not be attempting to install 3.5e.

    I include my current DXdiag, perhaps a clue as to what went wrong is there.

    i had the same happen to me but worked out what was causing it

    even if you use the install.exe version you still need to manually edit the ClientPrefs_Common.def file (as i had the 3.3 pack installed i had to change the paths from the previous version)

    much thanks to the people who went into making this map pack its a great help for a new player to find there way around

  11. #11

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Returning somewhat after an absence. Installed the map pack, because it made everything easier long ago. So much to know.

    But I found it makes portalling very long. I am playing Istaria on the lowest possible settings, and I've just spent the greater part of an afternoon (from roughly 1pm to almost 5pm now) portalling around looking for a lair. I remember I was able to portal all around looking for lairs with an older map pack, and it only took an hour or so for me to explore most if not all of the lairs in the world.
    The loading most often hangs and or returns to loading Istarian entities (1) or somrthing similar. I've taken to watching tv because the loading is just that long.
    This changed after I installed the map pack.

    So, I'd like to uninstall the pack, but I don't know what to delete?
    Nisse 100 Helian/Nissei 100 Lunus/SShiak biped (All on Chaos)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Love the map pack always have, back to the days of Pekka, love the continued growth and support of our wonderful game, just got a possible correction. 'Abonimation' is what appears on the satyr islands, thinking it should be Abomination, like all the rest... not sure if that's how it's spelt ingame, haven't been able to check yet seeing as how i keep dying foolishly (always those Red Vex's, sily Synaptic Shock).

    Anyways, love all the new changes, loads suppa fast, running two toons on one box and never have any troubles.

    See yas in Istaria (long live Horizons!)
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  13. #13

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    I figured out how to uninstall the pack. Tested it, I can port to my heart's content. So it was the pack. :/
    Nisse 100 Helian/Nissei 100 Lunus/SShiak biped (All on Chaos)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    For availability in case above links maybe be down I host this version of the map pack again:

    --edited url--
    Last edited by AmonGwareth; October 27th, 2011 at 05:09 PM.
    Unitys Eisdrache Nemesis of Helian
    Orders Finiaroth Helian

  15. #15

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    I too downloaded the latest map pack version and had nothing but a blank screen that continually said it was loading. I did change the string path as stated in the instructions. I also checked my video card and it has the latest and best software. and I still get a blank loading screen. so now I've uninstalled it, rebooted my comp changed the string path and still no map. So I uninstalled and reinstalled Istaria and yep you guessed it still no map!!! at this point I'm really frustrated and clueless as to what to do next. any suggestions please? thanx.
    Chaos - Kinrath - Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper,
    Ashlind - hatchling, Corinnia - training biped
    Sparkled Sunbeam - hatchling

  16. #16

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by Ladydragon View Post
    I too downloaded the latest map pack version and had nothing but a blank screen that continually said it was loading. I did change the string path as stated in the instructions. I also checked my video card and it has the latest and best software. and I still get a blank loading screen. so now I've uninstalled it, rebooted my comp changed the string path and still no map. So I uninstalled and reinstalled Istaria and yep you guessed it still no map!!! at this point I'm really frustrated and clueless as to what to do next. any suggestions please? thanx.

    I had the exact same issue. I wonder if it has something to do with Vista? I also had to uninstall and then reinstall the game, the maps are okay now, but I have no map markers. I would really like to be able to use this Map Pack. Everyone seems to really enjoy it. Any suggestions would be great!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by Cassira View Post
    I had the exact same issue. I wonder if it has something to do with Vista? I also had to uninstall and then reinstall the game, the maps are okay now, but I have no map markers. I would really like to be able to use this Map Pack. Everyone seems to really enjoy it. Any suggestions would be great!
    If I had vista I would agree with you.. but on my main comp I am using windows xp.. hubby's laptop has vista, but I haven't tried to install the map pack on there yet and don't think I will seeing as its his comp.

    At this point, I'll just wait to get a new comp with windows 7 and try then. In the meantime I'm just making my own map and asking lots of questions as to where things are.
    Chaos - Kinrath - Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper,
    Ashlind - hatchling, Corinnia - training biped
    Sparkled Sunbeam - hatchling

  18. #18

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    I installed it on my computer that runs on vista,and it works fine.. I did have to adjust the admistrator rights on vista other wise I could not change the directory file name ClientPrefs_Common.def change to string mapPath = "resources_override/interface/maps/" ..

    It is told in de readme file attached with the mappack..

    Hope you get it working ..

  19. #19

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.5

    okay, I tried this again using the installer this time and that worked for me. The map pack is amazing, so thank you! It's made my game time so much more productive.

  20. #20

    Talking Re: Map Pack 3.5

    Hello, I was going to make my own map pack and publish it, but now i'm checking this one out and seeing if I should or not. Making my map pack is alot of work, so i'm thinking of just not doing it and leaving this as the best map pack there is. But if I think i can make mine better, than I will develop mine. Problem is, I don't use any coding, I just use the UIMapMarkers file that comes with the game so... Hope I like this map pack!

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