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Thread: Hypocrytes...

  1. #61

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Soraii View Post
    Talk to me in PM about the lair Tigris. I need to get stuff taken car in it incase this quit turns into weeks/months off. However my Wifi antenna has gone down the toilet and have as of yet been unable to stay in long enough to get things cleared out. Not to mention right now I don't have much at all desire toget on that server anytime when real people are in. I wont allow it to be reclaimed, and I wont decon it, but I will need to take measures to clear it out before giving it away. If you dont feel that is reasonable, I apologise.
    Perfectly reasonable. I just needed a response and some rough idea when you'll get back to me on this. That's all.
    TIGRIS EUPHRATES and TEKKA RUNECLAW. Istarian Veteran, The Original Order Shard Herald, Herald of the Spirit Shard. Storm Disciple, Flame Disciple, Spirit Disciple, Ice Disciple, Monk, Ranger, Healer, Druid, Spiritist. Grand Master Biped Crafter.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Soraii View Post
    You talk to me rationally, and calmly, Talk stays that way and things can be worked out easily. You start off tossing fowl language and yelling out your views. And I am far far less disinclined to listen to you.

    It's funny that you mention this... It really is. *briefly motions to the thread's title*

    I liked you back when you were an awesome little Alaysar! Back when you helped people, talked to folk and didn't spend the majority of your playtime sulking in dragon chat. What happened to the old Alaysar, my friend?

    Just like someone previously mentioned- If I see a half-naga demon/vampiric/high-elf/werewolf/worgen character in WoW, I'd run for the hills. Screaming. Nothing says Mary-Sue more than this! The entire world of Istaria seems to revolve around the same group of people, all of them... Uhrrr... Mary-Sues. Blighted dragons are fine, it somewhat fits within the lore... Demons? Uhm, fair enough if they're well RP'd! But vampires!? Whut. That's just too much.

    We normal dragons feel completely alienated among the colourful population, especially since most of us feel we get ignored.

    *gazes longingly at the Blighted Labyrinth before flying back to WoW*

    Sigvard Nemena (Order) | Piano Forte (Order) | Lello (Order) | Vasken (Order) | Skreel (Order) | Ursala (Order)
    (Click names for biographies!)

  3. #63

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    Freeform just means your character can take any shape, that says nothing for the established world and histories that go back further than 12 years ago.
    What I really meant was that some worlds aren't conducive to characters taking any shape, and some are. MMORPGs usually aren't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    I am not attacking you. My thoughts met with such sarcasm like I'm some random stranger. We talked a lot a while back, I thought I was able to talk freely.
    I give up. I lack the eloquence to explain that I wasn't being sarcastic and this isn't personal, and will certainly fail to convey my opinions any further. It's possible they're invalid and I'm making a fool of myself (not that I wasn't already).

    Let it be understood that 99% of serious roleplayers, including everyone I know, are much nicer than me. My ramblings do not represent them.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  4. #64
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post

    I give up. I lack the eloquence to explain that I wasn't being sarcastic and this isn't personal, and will certainly fail to convey my opinions any further. It's possible they're invalid and I'm making a fool of myself (not that I wasn't already).

    Let it be understood that 99% of serious roleplayers, including everyone I know, are much nicer than me. My ramblings do not represent them.
    join me in the boat, xos!! we gots lots of room......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Don't worry, Xoshara.

    "I love ye, always have." - Braveheart XD
    You've always been nice to me. <3
    __________________________________________________ __________

  6. #66

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    “I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.� — Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

    It applies to personal RP as well.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  7. #67
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    not just rp, lo, but gaming life in general....
    trust heinlein to say it more eloquently than we can!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #68

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    I don't play Istaria anymore precisely because of what is being discussed in this thread but when I left it wasn't nearly this bad.

    Yeah, Drae was a blight dragon. At the time she became blighted I had no idea it was so popular or was going to become so popular. Besides, I was young. And now I keep reading about vampire and demon dragons and I just have to roll my eyes. What Xoshara said is right - most people who come up with the demon/vampire/evil characters are young and novices at roleplaying who have yet to learn that pretending to be evil and mysterious isn't unique, it's annoying. I mean, there are a select few who can really bring it together but in general they're characters to avoid.

    My advice to new players would be to really think about who your character is. What's her backround? Her likes and dislikes? Her ambitions and goals? What about hobbies? Now, tie all of that in with Istarian lore. If it strays too far (like early drafts of Drae's story) either scrap it or revise.

    In the end you are never going to get somebody to create a character that they don't want to create, but I think new players should keep in mind that there are better ways to make a char interesting than slapping "evil vampire demon" on it and calling it a day. Don't like how another person roleplays? Explain (politely) via OOC tells or like Frith suggested, pretend the other person's character is a loon and move on but whatever you do, don't make the whole thing an even bigger drama than there already is.

    Ancient dragoness of Order - Retired

  9. #69

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    I would also like to say that my rant was NOT directed at anyone in this thread in general (I don't know any of you personally in RP cept Veya and, but at the general trend I've watched in the forums and in game in the last two months.

    I would also like to say that while Frith-Rae will RP that some dragons may be loonies, that doesn't mean I think you're a "bad RPer" for making some lore-breaking dragon, nor do I disapprove of the dragon in and of itself (i.e. a plant dragon and that drawing is an awesome), just that I see such creations more appropriate IN a FREE FORM rp area, and not in a game that DOES have set rules and lore.

    As for the person who wants to know what hte "game RP rules" are - well you're righ tthere is no rule on dragon creation and such things. But the game does pretty well cover where dragons came from pretty far back int he history and what they can and cannot do in the present World of Istaria.

    Now, I'll also say that if you can truly convince the dragon Frith-Rae that what you're supposing can actually happen using present Istarian mechanics - then hey you can pull off that half-demon-half-vampire-worgen pregnant with dralk's illegitmate baby who happens ot be halfsaris... more power to you .

    And for the record I have Rped with Drae, we had to save her from herself a few times..but she really didn't take it so far as to godmod or have godly powers or anything else .

    But Soraii you made a point in the "who makes the decision as to how far" well - that's just it. If you're more or less following lore, then the decision doesn't have to be made. If you're going into out there mutant powers or whatever, then you're right - there IS NO LIMIT -a nd those players who attempted ot put a limit on you while RPing crazy stories themselves are not being fair. I'm agreeing with you there.

    Hence why most RPers usually remain mostly within the setting's-lore-allowances so that way there are sometype of loose rules so that noone gets too crazy.

    The fact that you had to come up with a mutant power to protect yourself from someone else's overpowered RP - makes no sense to me whatsoever... I mean in the "I can't believe you allowed that or tha tsomeone else could even permakill you in the first place" sense.

    Because that's what happens when you start RPing with random mutations or "crazy" powers - people start topping each other - people start feelikgn they have to RP something inventive back in order to protect their characters from "permakills" or whatever. (which in good RP would never happen without ooc discussion anyway...)

    Ok now I ramble...I stop.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    It should depend upon how these oddities came to be, rather than just the existance of them suddenly without any real explanation other than "they were born that way". (THAT is going against lore outright.) Which is entirely dependant on each individual to flesh out a convincing character to make them believeable. There are so many dragons and bipeds with different forms and capabilites, that a few other players decided to make dragons/bipeds with mutations of their own. I think I understand why it's so frowned upon. If a lot of people suddenly started doing it all at once, it takes away from the uniqueness of the original people that put a lot of effort into their characters, while they are surrounded by people that haven't put a single thought into theirs.

    Even with the above, there has to be time enough to prove said RPers aren't boneheaded-tardfaces, rather than dismissing ideas outright, BARRING those people that are known for horrible roleplay, god-pcing and one-upping craziness. Those you can roast over a slow fire. <3 I never like revealing the whole of my characters history all in one sitting, least of all through OOC.

    Hold off on passing judgement, until a reasonable amount of character storyline has been revealed. Talk to each other. If the ideas are so far-fetched, then ask for history. If there is none, or it's poorly constructed, then remember that there is another person behind the computer with feelings and they just want to interact. Politely decline further involvement.
    Last edited by Kodey; August 6th, 2009 at 07:18 AM.
    __________________________________________________ __________

  11. #71

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigvard View Post
    It's funny that you mention this... It really is. *briefly motions to the thread's title*

    I liked you back when you were an awesome little Alaysar! Back when you helped people, talked to folk and didn't spend the majority of your playtime sulking in dragon chat. What happened to the old Alaysar, my friend?

    Just like someone previously mentioned- If I see a half-naga demon/vampiric/high-elf/werewolf/worgen character in WoW, I'd run for the hills. Screaming. Nothing says Mary-Sue more than this! The entire world of Istaria seems to revolve around the same group of people, all of them... Uhrrr... Mary-Sues. Blighted dragons are fine, it somewhat fits within the lore... Demons? Uhm, fair enough if they're well RP'd! But vampires!? Whut. That's just too much.

    We normal dragons feel completely alienated among the colourful population, especially since most of us feel we get ignored.

    *gazes longingly at the Blighted Labyrinth before flying back to WoW*
    Ahhhh Siggy, siggyroo, siggareino wilkinson. I thought of you the moment I read this thread. I miss you and your fun RP
    Order Shard - Atlanna Embergaze 100/100 Adult:
    A'Sasha Windrider - Member of Keir Chet k'Eilerten

  12. #72

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Right, so.... as this has since become a discussion board, I'm going to try and touch one of the points that has recently been made in here by a few individuals. Mind you, I'm probably going to ramble quite a bit, please bear with me...

    Lore-Breaking: You know what, I personally have NO problem with lore-breaking, provided it isn't too overly ridiculous, and as such that isn't at all what my initial argument with the OP was about. Lore is there to set the stage and provide a background, what the actors do is up to them. It is NOT a leash to keep us completey bound to it. However, I do acknowledge and agree (and ENFORCE, even) that characters should still be kept as logical and realistic as possible. If we stuck purely to lore, a lot of the things even normal characters do, would be considered lore-breaking. A lot of the WORDS characters say, would be lore-breaking. Also, if you want to get technical... Blight dragons are lore-breaking. Selarth, Taylus, Tekka etc should all be drooling morons with their limbs falling off. Blight is an undead force, so how can living characters survive with it? Sure some bipeds can USE it, but we have dragons claiming that it IS them, they ARE blight, it is their ESSENCE. It makes NO sense, but you know, I rolled with it, and everyone else does. Know what else is lore-breaking? Vampire-anythings having children. I don't care how many Twilight books you've read, Vampires are undead creatures and should not logically be able to bear their own children, they 'pro-create' by biting others and producing more of their kin.

    In defense of my OWN character: If there are gods, there are demons. If there are staffs made with demon's skin, there must be DEMONS to get it from. This game hints everywhere that demons can exist, and as possession is nothing all that insane and unbelievable, my dragon being the vessel of a second party is a lot more believable than a LIVING dragon prancing around with Blight emanating off of it. Okay? Okay.

    (Note that this is not a direct attack at Blight dragons; I don't have an issue with THEM, I have an issue with how MANY there are. Moreover, I was just using them as an example to prove my point.)
    Last edited by Xeffer; August 6th, 2009 at 10:06 PM. Reason: Typo

  13. #73
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Elder and wise

    My words be but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    What be the demons ye speak of? There is a Lair called Demon. Is that within, then, a demon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xeffer View Post
    If there are gods, there are demons.
    Wherefore? Save knowing more of what ye mean by the word ye use... wherefore? That there be gods means... that there be gods. Not more, not less. That there may be other things... save each blade of grass be a god, this hath clear truth. That there may be those other things,and they be ' demon'... then we return again. What be a demon? Some thing unknown, that bears power and terror? Why then, to those blades of grass we know demon... it be a sheep! Has it not been said.. ' that which we call a rose, by any other name might be a cabbage'? But on that cabbage, the unwary finger may yet bleed. Might some that had ne-er seen Gigaroth's Child call it some name of fear and terror when first they did, and makr it ' demon'? Or a Satyr? Or... had they never seen one in any time before... a drake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xeffer View Post
    If there are staffs made with demon's skin, there must be DEMONS to get it from.
    Indeed. But what those demons may be is... at best... not known. If again we examine the Demon Lair, then thy staff might by that account bear draku skin. Indeed, it be of little chance that a one might speak of a ' skin-that-I-do-not-recognise-but-it-was-taken-from-a-most-mighty-thing staff'... Or it might simply be that the staff was made in tides long past, and those that speak of it now would speak of it in some form that masks their lack of knowing. Or... or many things.

    That there be demons.. if demon be a thing not known... this I would not gainsay.

    That there be demons, and these demons be a thing known... this I do not know.

    That there be much I do not know... is little of surprise.

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  14. #74

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Hrrm, little brief respite into history. "Vampires" are not something I brought into the istarian order server theme. In fact when first introduced I was flat against it. However it came right down to, Either I dealt with it, or I went and sat on the sidelines and ignored it and had no RP interaction with my friends at the time. Well the friends I was around at the times, ignoring it was not an option so I had to deal, and as predicted, as far as those players being a part of the "good rper" circle, it became known and accepted. And once a certain bout of RP becomes accepted, it's opened up for reinterpretations, for variations, for ... well you get the idea. These plans were directly linked to those older foundation RP and not just a hey new hatchling shown up on skaulkar this way saying "believe me".

    Why was not the foundation RP squashed?

    Good Roleplayer or not, I did not make stuff up out of the blue, I just built on the foundations left behind by past "accepted" roleplay. It was made acceptable then, so I was taking the idea in a different direction in a continuation.....

    But then again I dont care anymore. This is just an explanation of my actions, believe them or not.

  15. #75

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Soraii View Post
    Hrrm, little brief respite into history. "Vampires" are not something I brought into the istarian order server theme. In fact when first introduced I was flat against it. However it came right down to, Either I dealt with it, or I went and sat on the sidelines and ignored it and had no RP interaction with my friends at the time. Well the friends I was around at the times, ignoring it was not an option so I had to deal, and as predicted, as far as those players being a part of the "good rper" circle, it became known and accepted. And once a certain bout of RP becomes accepted, it's opened up for reinterpretations, for variations, for ... well you get the idea. These plans were directly linked to those older foundation RP and not just a hey new hatchling shown up on skaulkar this way saying "believe me".

    Why was not the foundation RP squashed?

    Good Roleplayer or not, I did not make stuff up out of the blue, I just built on the foundations left behind by past "accepted" roleplay. It was made acceptable then, so I was taking the idea in a different direction in a continuation.
    I understand where you are coming from, Soraii. I dealt with the whole "Blight" drama crap so I didn't have to sit in the sidelines and just watch and wait til it passed, so you're not alone in that.

    However, for someone who was against the Vampire thing, why would you want to make another one? I certainly am NOT and NEVER going to make a Blighted character. You're just feeding the issue, ya know? This, I think, is one of the reasons I snapped at you... It just didn't make any sense whatsoever, among other things I thought had no logic behind them.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    I know this has nothing to do with the thread...

    But my favorite type of vampire was the kind from 30 Days of Night. They weren't pretty, they weren't sensual, and all they really wanted was to rip your throat out.

    The ones from I Am Legend come in at a close second.


  17. #77
    Join Date
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    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    None of the people that see me play can tell you I am a real roleplayer, actually the only roleplay I try to do constantly on chaos is that Rvlion is the father of 2 adopted hatchlings namely DraLion and Gallinthus (both alts) from which DraLion has not been able to find his way to the Chaos dimension after the destruction of the Unity dimension and as such is still missing in the void.

    I do however wish to put my 2c in this thread after following it for some time.
    I would like to start by saying that by stating my opinion here I hope that I dont step on anyones toes to painfully.

    my idea of RP in any game, but in this case Istaria is following the lore that belongs to this game and create your characters history following that lore while being able to use some gray area’s up to a generally excepted or enforced point.

    The examples of players claiming to have godlike powers is very hard to explain according to lore, but I would like to see them prove their claim by solo killing any of the Stronger mobs like Reklar, SoG, Umyarr… ect.

    The Vampiric example might indeed be considered way too far from lore, but consider 1 thing…
    Would you like to pay the bills for all those real life people who mentally think themselves vampires and actually drink real blood? I for one don’t since my grand-grand-grand-grand-grandchildren would probably be still bankrupt from only 1 year of bill paying. The point behind this link to real life is that there are many excentric people in this world and as long as they don't harm anyone we should accept that they are different and game wise it is the same, have they created an extended history for the character with many links to Istarian lore... accept it. For example someone started out as real dragon, but after many travels getting attacked by a vampiric dragon somewere in the area around Dralk and turned to a vampire as well after losing a fierce battle. The father Vampire doesn’t exist of course as player or NPC, but what I mean to say here is that I don’t agree with the opinion that “if it is not in the games lore it’s BS�.
    Wouldn’t it be a thing for vampires to stay hidden and feed behind the scenes far away from Istaria’s official history?

    As for the Blight infected Dragons my opinion is divided.
    I do believe that with the CONSTANT use of a costume you can pretend to be a blighted ghost or perhaps even zombie dragon as long as they stay true to the Alliance and keep fighting against the WA.
    In a book called The Dwarves by Markus Heitz 1 of 5 great dwarf cities was totally annihilated by a mysterious magic plague and the remainder killed by a huge amount of Orcs who in the end managed to break through the massively weakened defenses only to be reanimated into slave zombies by a great magically orientated evil called the Deadland (translation from dutch, don’t know the English terminology) which also kept the Orcs in line. Only by there stubborn nature and force of will were they able to disobey their new “master� call and keep fighting against their enemies for over a 1000 years even though they were zombies and even helping their living kin when they arrive at the former dwarf city.
    I admit that this has no direct link with this game, but why shouldn’t force of will or extreme stubbornness be able to accomplish this kind of behavior lore wise.
    However I do agree with those who say/think that role playing evil blighted WA allied creatures in a game which has no pvp is so far away from the games lore that in my opinion it can be considered BS.

    I think many examples can be given for roleplaying actions that find there way into the vast gray area of Istaria’s Lore. While I personally would never do anything related to blighted or vampiric dragons, I can at least try to tolerate and accept that some people seem to find pleasure and fun in acting this way… Remember 1 thing people… This is and shall always remain a GAME with the sole intend of providing leisure and fun to a group of people and if you are bothered by it... Ignore them and/or roleplay them into crazed characters with whom you don't want any contact during that dark period of the crazed characters life.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  18. #78
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaleIron View Post
    I know this has nothing to do with the thread...

    But my favorite type of vampire was the kind from 30 Days of Night. They weren't pretty, they weren't sensual, and all they really wanted was to rip your throat out.

    The ones from I Am Legend come in at a close second.


    ooo yeap the 30 days vamps are the mostest awesome!!
    but i didn't care for anything about i am legend, myself.......

    my fave vamps are anne rice's, personally....

    okay sorry about derailing after a derail, but i couldn't resist....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  19. #79

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xeffer View Post
    I understand where you are coming from, Soraii. I dealt with the whole "Blight" drama crap so I didn't have to sit in the sidelines and just watch and wait til it passed, so you're not alone in that.

    However, for someone who was against the Vampire thing, why would you want to make another one? I certainly am NOT and NEVER going to make a Blighted character. You're just feeding the issue, ya know? This, I think, is one of the reasons I snapped at you... It just didn't make any sense whatsoever, among other things I thought had no logic behind them.
    It didnt make any sense to begin with.. overall in things it still makes no sense. But it was still there, was put out and eventually accepted. I just... erm.. like different spins on things, spins that are supposed to be "not another evil hidden ready to rip your throat out" The whole server seems to be filled with evil this, mean that, kill you for looking at them this other thing. Even the sorta good things are ready to kill you if you look at them crosseyed... or walk on their grass

    So much I want to say but so little really matters. In standing up for my beliefs I have alienated myself from this community, alienated myself from my friends, and turned myself into a despised outcast proponent for peoples own choice.

  20. #80

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    That is true Soraii, you did turn your back on friends, and that is sad
    In that RP with Ser I had no idea you would react that way, nor did I know what was going behind the scenes. I just rp'ed her O.o I feel like the straw that broke the camel's back. >.< Sorry again if I pushed ya.

    I am also sorry for being one of the group for introducing the 'vampire' idea. It did make sense the way it actually happened, and we put a lot of thought into it also to make sure no one jumped on the bandwagon so to speak. Didn't want a million OH HAI I AM A VAMPIRE, given how astoundingly unique the situation had to be. You can only do so much though. C'est la vie. Unless I have mind controlling powers....*plots*

    In the end though, the vamp thing has been cured with my chars and I am happy it has been. ^^ Was a mistake to start such a thing, but at least there is always a way to end it.

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