From my understanding, "banners" are suppose to be the biped equivalent to dragon murals. If that is so, why is it that banners are limited to 1 per type?

Now if I recall correctly, in the past it was stated that the Christmas banners were purposefully set to a limit of 1. Granted, that does make some sense since they are "special" banners that required unique resources to make. But I don't understand why the "regular" banners were also set to a limit of one or what the purpose would be behind this.

What I had originally planned to do was place two banners outside the door of one of my buildings. One of the banner to the left of the door, and one banner to the right of the door. The problem is, because of the limit of 1, I can't use the same type of banner, which breaks the "symmetry" I was trying to accomplish. And non of the banners really "match" or are similar enough that fit in a way I would like.

So my suggestion is simply this: could the limit be removed OR at least limited to 2 instead of 1 for the sake of having matching pairs? Thank you for reading.