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Thread: Wanted Posters about the world

  1. #1

    Default Wanted Posters about the world

    ( A poster that has been scattered about as of late on clean parchment with an official seal.)


    One Ulharisk Hurthiner, a blue dragon of adult size is hereby wanted by the empire for aiding in the release of a dangerous criminal and attacking a Knight of the Empire without provocation.

    REWARD: 1 Gold Piece

    Shiarla Deneath | Veeka Sarahnk | Tryll Fallenleaf

    A Fantasy MMORPG Parody

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    (This gives me an idea...)
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    (( This is the new warrant being spread about now, thanks to everyone who joined in on the RP last night! ))


    Ulharisk Hurthiner
    Shiarla Deneath

    One Ulharisk Hurthiner, a blue dragon of adult size and Shiarla Deneath a small white-haired human are hereby wanted by the empire for aiding in the release of a dangerous criminal, murdering a knight of the empire, and other crimes.

    REWARD: 2 Gold a Piece
    Shiarla Deneath | Veeka Sarahnk | Tryll Fallenleaf

    A Fantasy MMORPG Parody

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    How many gold pieces for LungTien, who has badly attacked a hatchling recently?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    *a carved marble tablet is put up next to the wanted posters. Judging by shape and size of the scratchings, it is dragon handwriting*

    Wanted dead for repeated murder on both dragonkin and naka duskael, ravaging the town of New Trismus and spreading the blight disease among the gifted are:


    Rewards are 250 silver coins for one kill, 1 gold coin for permanent solutions.
    To be handed out by Rorix Bladewing upon delivery of apropriate proof.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Morphaz Bladewing View Post
    *a carved marble tablet is put up next to the wanted posters. Judging by shape and size of the scratchings, it is dragon handwriting*

    Wanted dead for repeated murder on both dragonkin and naka duskael, ravaging the town of New Trismus and spreading the blight disease among the gifted are:


    Rewards are 250 silver coins for one kill, 1 gold coin for permanent solutions.
    To be handed out by Rorix Bladewing upon delivery of apropriate proof.
    I know a black ancient who will agree with this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    ((Hahaha! Took long enough for Sel to have a price put on his head. He's been causing havoc for ages! Though, I think dealing with him and Azu would be worth more than 1 gold... >_< ))
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightCat View Post
    ((Hahaha! Took long enough for Sel to have a price put on his head. He's been causing havoc for ages! Though, I think dealing with him and Azu would be worth more than 1 gold... >_< ))
    ((That's just because I'm too nice a guy to be quick about taking down someone's character. But what they pulled off that night just went over the top. >_> I know the prices are modest, but I can't really promise rewards I can't pay. ;p))

    ((Edit: It's 1 gold for each of them. Not both together. ;p))

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Morphaz Bladewing View Post
    ((That's just because I'm too nice a guy to be quick about taking down someone's character. But what they pulled off that night just went over the top. >_> I know the prices are modest, but I can't really promise rewards I can't pay. ;p))

    ((Edit: It's 1 gold for each of them. Not both together. ;p))
    ((I gotcha. And which night? Their most recent escapade with Sel trying to pick fights and help Azu stuff a bomb down a hatchie's throat or was it another one? It gets hard to keep track of all the trouble Sel and Azu get into. :P
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Two separate messages posted in tidy scrawl:
    Test dragon for various tinkered contraptions designed for carrying bipeds.
    All testing to be performed at your own risk.
    Gingerbread gnomes and hot cocoa to be served in thanks afterward.
    Contact Awdz Bodkins if interested

    Bipeds to test various tinkered contraptions designed for dragons to carry you.
    All testing to be performed at your own risk.
    Gingerbread gnomes and hot cocoa to be served in thanks afterward.
    Contact Awdz Bodkins if interested
    OOC Note: I would like to role play these as impressive failures with me taking notes. ;-)
    Last edited by awdz; July 8th, 2010 at 05:58 PM.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightCat View Post
    ((I gotcha. And which night? Their most recent escapade with Sel trying to pick fights and help Azu stuff a bomb down a hatchie's throat or was it another one? It gets hard to keep track of all the trouble Sel and Azu get into. :P
    ((The one... two days ago? With Shaol, Nyoko, Kala, Eald and whatnot. I usually am asleep whenever they pull off anything like that, so I only know about those that people tell me off. :\ ))

  12. #12

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Morphaz Bladewing View Post
    ((The one... two days ago? With Shaol, Nyoko, Kala, Eald and whatnot. I usually am asleep whenever they pull off anything like that, so I only know about those that people tell me off. :\ ))
    I'm often asleep, as well, when that kind of events happen.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    I would, Awdz~!
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Silently, an unseen presence reads the tablet.

    In most cases, this would be cause for alarm. Instead, it wonders how many iterations of the story have been retold, and how many times it had been twisted around someone's tail to suit them.

    Most times someone wanted coming to read their name on a poster would be in alarm. They would try to hide it. Instead, the silent watcher smirks. A line inscribes itself on the tablet, crossing out the numbers. New numbers etch themselves into the stone, at double the value. The unseen one then stalks away, still partially laughing inside.

    One would have to wonder... why?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    poor Drysten....his master AND employer are wanted now :B
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Somewhere over the rainbow

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    A ragged frame approaches the town center of New Trismus. In the middle, there is a message board on which several tablets are pinned, including the bounty ones. In this cold, dark night only the few laterns spend a bit light. The ragged creature, a hatchling obviously, recognizes the message board and walks closer. The walk seems exhausted and defeated, though there is a certain grace in it. If the hatchling would be in a better shape, this stride could maybe even considered rather as a dance than just a walk which corresponds to the frame of the legs, the body; they are agile and fine, slender and gracious. Yet the two very long wings the unhappy creature drags behind itself on the ground tell of a terrible hardship the hatchling is going through; two wings that must be twice as long as the whole body of the hatchling, if not longer.

    Once the hatchling stops in front of the message board, she sighs and shakes her head, two limp earfins hanging down to each side, she frowns. A voice can be heard, a quiet and hoarse sound, much of the beauty it once contained is gone. "So this is how justice is enforced? Has to be enforced? By setting up rewards? Money? Bounties?"

    A mighty thunder suddenly erupts, followed by a lightning. Small raindrops fall down. The curt light showed the colors of the hatchling for a second, dim colors, colors, that aren't what they used to be, colores that faded just like the proud stride of the hatchling. With a grunt, she looks up and shakes her head again, tensing her earfins and body.

    She trots off, knowing that this is pointless, just like anything else.

  17. #17
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    hey awdz, derexx would volunteer! you let me know when you want to rp this, and i will be there, trying to remember how to become someone else again!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  18. #18

    Default Re: Wanted Posters about the world

    Another message posted in tidy scrawl...
    WANTED: Scavengers.
    All submissions to be subject to my evaluation.
    Prizes to be awarded.
    Contact Awdz Bodkins if interested
    I plan to post a list of 10 items and give 2 hours for completion. The 1st contestant to get all 10 items (linking them in public chat where I announce the list) gets 10 Ambrosia VII and a [Winter's Rose]; any others who complete it within the time limit will get at least 2 Ambrosia VII. I'll try to make cookies for everyone who participates, too.

    There will be flexibility in what I accept, within reason. For example, if I list "pungent flower" and you link either [Golden Bloom] (a fragrant blossom) or [Maple Sap] (it flows and has a distinctive odor) then you would get credit for that item. Please note that I must be able to access the link in order for you to get credit for it (I do not have item stack available to actually take any submitted items from you so you get to keep them).

    Tentatively I'm planning September 5 in the afternoon or evening US time, but that is likely to change pending my schedule between now and then. If there is interest in having it run another time, I may do another (different list) session of it the following Saturday in the morning US time.
    Last edited by awdz; August 10th, 2010 at 02:28 AM.

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