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Thread: Into The Doom

  1. #1

    Post Into The Doom

    (Thought I’d write something to pass the time while my financial issues, among other things, are cured.)

    The General they called him, though his name was Isarius, the massive ancient black dragon, teal stripes accenting his entire body, had earned that title in his escapades against the Aegis blight. Fate had dealt him a sour hand early in life, his parents killed, while he was still yet in the egg, in the darkness of night by conspiring dragons that traded their souls to the Aegis in order to gain power.

    The human village that his parents had protectively watched over sent one of their best scouts to scale the destroyed mountain side to see what had become of their protectors only to find their decimated bodies and a solitary egg that they had obviously died protecting. To this scouts surprise, the egg was untouched.

    In the days to come, the scout and his family (wife and infant son) would be given sole responsibility to care for the egg and see to it’s hatching. Without any other dragons in the area to trust, they felt it necessary to try to keep this precious gem within their own grounds to protect.

    As time passed and the now hatched youngster grew to become part of this human family, fate dealt him another nasty blow. His human father, returning from his usual scouting duties to their humble dwellings in the village, raised his bow and with deadly accuracy, and killed both his human mother and brother with lightning speed.

    The overwhelming stench of blight hit Isarius’ sensitive nose and in sheer panic, he bolted out the window, narrowly being missed by the same arrows that had killed his adopted family. Something had gone terribly wrong in his father’s trek today, and once he had made it far enough up a cliff side, certain that he was no longer being followed, he saw the horror that was the Aegis blight. Just as they had done to so many other villages, they came in innumerable hoards, killing and destroying everything in their path, and then raising hundreds of the dead villagers to become part of their blighted army. His mind was reeling from shock but he knew he had to leave immediately before he too became just another member of the fallen.

    Time knows no bounds when you’re growing up, but Isarius had to grow up quick, and quick he did. In his journey, he came across many who had been victims of the blight’s rampages. Orphans, husbands and wives who had lost their mates, all races, all ages, all who had one common goal: The Aegis must be stopped.

    Isarius worked with each of them, training them into fine soldiers, each with their own unique strengths. Firm, but compassionate and loyal, his make-shift army came to call him "The General" as he led them through many battles against the blight, each one ending in success.

    His travels led him to Delgarath, as his curiosity was pricked by tales of “monsters” living just below the ground. After gaining entrance to this place, he spent a large portion of his time there, fascinated by these creatures known as the Myloc. His comrades often joked about him spending so much time in the Delgarath underworld, known as the Doom to most who dare venture there.

    As he studied the Myloc, he realized that their poison could actually be used as a way to treat blight poisoning. With the assistance of a local potions expert, the two began their experimentations to concoct something that would benefit anyone who suffered the effects of the blighted poisons.

    With each visit into the Doom, Isarius began exploring farther into the bowels of the Myloc dwellings, discovering many old relics from ages long since past. However, concern began growing when the General turned up missing. Passerby’s had watched him enter the Doom as usual, but he had not surfaced in several days. This spurned an all out search by his comrades as they entered the Doom and searched for their missing leader without finding a trace of his existence…

  2. #2

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    Many sheets of parchment perfectly aligned in their binding are blotted with writing, barely illuminated in the dim blue glow of the corridor in which a large black figure sits.

    "I don’t know what happened really. I’ve been through this place a million times, traveled down the same corridors, know every stone and crevice, and yet… here I am. Lost. And where ever “lost” is, I’ve never seen so many Myloc. Even with my size, I dare say I would be overwhelmed by their numbers if I tried to take them on. These Myloc, though much similar to what I’m used to seeing, have an odd red hue covering their body. They seem to ignore me much like the other Myloc I’ve encountered unless I get too close, so for now, I keep my distance. I’ve found, pretty much, a hole in the wall to use as a shelter for now. It’s a good distance from the ground, and seeing as how I’ve yet to see these Myloc climb the walls, I think I’m safe up here.

    This place is much more spacious than the Doom I’m familiar with, probably due to the fact that the amount of Myloc here is far greater than any amount I’ve come across previously and I’ve barely begun to explore.

    I can’t help wondering how I even got here. My only theory is that I some how activated one of the old portal pads that I’ve crossed over hundreds of times. I’ve checked them all out, but none of them had previously worked upon inspection in my initial investigation of the Doom. But it’s the only thing I can come up with.

    I think I’ll retire for awhile. I’m tired from all of today’s excitement. Tomorrow, I have to find something suitable to eat."

  3. #3

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    “Couldn’t sleep really. My mind was too busy thinking over everything that had happened, and the predicament I now find myself in. Is there a way out? I’ve hardly explored yet, mostly just to find some place safe for me to dwell while I’m here. I did locate a water source, though I haven’t been able to get close enough to it to decide if it’s fit for drinking.

    The Doom is a foul musty place with very little light, and much like the Myloc here, almost everything is poisonous. I don’t recall there being anything edible in the other part of the Doom, but I’m sincerely hoping there’s something I can consume to sustain me until I find a way out."

    A large splotch of ink is scrawled across the paper.

    "I…just heard some awful noise from deep within the corridors. Something along the lines of a screeching groan, if that’s possible. Every single Myloc down below my dwelling froze in place for a brief moment then continued about their business. How very strange indeed.

    I see an opening now near the water source. Time to investigate!”

  4. #4

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    “The water source proved to be the only one I’ve found so far that is pure, but I have to drink quickly when I do. These Myloc seem to guard this one particular water source with the utmost ferocity. Regardless, at least I’m able to get clean water even if it takes some effort to do it.

    I haven’t found anything edible yet, but for now, I’m fine. I can go for many days without food, but I would certainly feel better knowing there’s at least something I can sate myself with. I think later I’ll follow the clean water and see if I can find it’s entry location. Surely something edible must grow near it, at least…I hope so.

    These Myloc seem to come in shifts, which works to my advantage as their sheer numbers drop drastically during these brief periods of time. It allows me the opportunity to explore further, which is what I’ve been doing in my attempts to find an escape route. I believe I may have found the entrance to a Myloc egg chamber, but I was unable to go inside to investigate. The Myloc Hierophants that guard the eggs were numerous…far more than I could handle, and vastly larger in size to the ones I’ve encountered before with that same red hue that the other Myloc in this area have.

    I’ve yet to figure out why these are different than the others, and why the population is vastly larger. Perhaps it is simply that these have not had their numbers thinned down because of the inability to get here? Or maybe these Myloc are more efficient than the ones I’ve encountered in the past? Maybe both?

    All I know is, it’s starting to get rather lonely down here. I hope Verinax is staying out of trouble.”

  5. #5

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    Nice story there
    I hope Isarius will manage to get out of the Doom, and I hope to see you in game when you can go back.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    Sitting near the ledge of his safety, the dark ancient concentrates on his writing in the darkness, quite thoughtfully as he does.

    "It has been several days since I last wrote something about my misadventures in my current location. In that time, I have managed to traverse the path of my fresh water source, but unfortunately, I came to a dead end with no way to follow it further. I also found no viable food source near it.

    Speaking of, hunger got the better of me and in my attempts to not starve, I managed to harass one of the Mylocs enough to pull it away from the rest. And yes, I ate it. I attempted to make a meal out of one in my early exploration days of the Doom, and became extremely ill from it. It has been two days since I sated my hunger on one of these, and have suffered no ill effects from it. Either these secluded Myloc do not carry such high amounts of poisons in their bodies as their counterparts, or I have become immune to their effects due to the amount of time I have spent in the familiar portions of the Doom over the seasons. Either way, I at least know that I won't die of starvation at the very least. I can't say my meal was very tasty though. I believe I would much rather chew on a dung pile.

    Also, I'm not entirely certain, but I caught the faintest whiff of another dragon down here, however slight it might of been. I've yet to see another beast here aside from the Myloc though, so I wonder if the putrid smells that envelope the senses in the underworld are toying with me?

    Either way, I have some artifacts that I stumbled upon earlier that I have yet to examine more closely. I shall write more later perhaps."

  7. #7

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    "My lapse in writing entries has been due to an interesting mishap. A young Myloc scaled the cliff into what I have made into my make-shift lair and stole it. For what purpose, I had no idea. They had shown little to no interest in my presence up until that point even though I was killing them for food when I had to. I was surprised to see my journal returned to me along with some interesting "food" items brought to me by this same young Myloc...aborted Myloc egg sacs. I'm guessing they were aborted due to the Hierophants sensing abnormalities in them. The whole experience of eating these eggs was say the least. The texture, just..ugh. However, I must say that it's was more palatable than eating the full grown Mylocs themselves.

    "I thought that I was looking far too much into this. That perhaps these Myloc had some sort of intelligence but I wanted to dismiss it. I couldn't though. It was obvious to me that my journal had been taken, they had realized that I was killing their kind because of hunger, and they were clearly giving me an alternative to satiating my appetite. It was almost too much to wrap my mind around.

    "Since then, the Mylocs have allowed me access into their egg chamber to feed myself as long as I only take the aborted eggs. They almost seem to welcome my presence now. I'm no longer attacked when I drink, and the young Myloc who stole my journal and introduced me to the eggs seems to find me rather interesting. He stays nearby quite often.

    "Recently, I even believe I have been able to hear them. I first thought I was finally going mad, but the voices I hear are a collective. It's as if I can hear the thoughts of the entire Myloc collective as a whole working together in unison to accomplish their tasks. They appear to communicate telepathically with each other, and some how, I can hear them. Maybe...they're allowing me to? Maybe they have accepted me as one of them? I have no way of knowing, but what I do know is that things are certainly growing more and more interesting around here with each passing day.

    Even so, I miss the sunlight. I miss fresh air. I miss home."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Order/Chaos, Harro and Pleasant Canyon respectively

    Default Re: Into The Doom

    ((XD I've been so missing your entrieeees! Epic one as always, as always!))

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