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Thread: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

  1. #1

    Default Charlie Sheen gets fired.|48871

    Seems official to me.

    Networks need to keep doing this, to teach these people that they can't be doing the crap Sheen was doing.

    Is it so hard to act like a mature, grown, normal person these days or something?

    I'm glad that there's a network out there who is ready to say "Screw the ratings, screw the contract, we'll just pay the lawsuit, just get rid of this idiot!" instead of caving in to people who have so-called "Talent" and letting them do whatever they dang well please.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Hey...they can't do that to someone with Tiger and Adionis blood! He's a vatacican ninja assassin Warlock! Sheesh.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Still a shame, was a cool show...
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    Still a shame, was a cool show...
    Our opinions differ greatly, so I'll... keep to myself on THAT subject.

    Either way, I think Sheen deserved it; we need to start teaching these people that they can't just go and do whatever they please. Sheen obviously thought he was invincible because of his contract and his ratings, and it is satisfying to watch him get knocked down a peg or two.

    Oh, he's laughing *now* and bragging about how he's going to sue for breach of contract, but to be honest, Warner Bros can handle it and I don't know of too many courts and judges that would be sympathetic to Mr Sheen's cause. They might award the lawsuit, but I doubt it'll come with all the bells and whistles. Mr. Sheen will likely get barely the amount the law affords, and considering the extent of his apparent insanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he fails to find another job and ends up spiraling downhill until he disappears entirely.

    I can't say that I'd be in tears over that sort of scenario. He belongs right beside Mel Gibson, to be honest. The two of them should at least be pretty close buddies by now.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    Our opinions differ greatly, so I'll... keep to myself on THAT subject.

    Either way, I think Sheen deserved it; we need to start teaching these people that they can't just go and do whatever they please. Sheen obviously thought he was invincible because of his contract and his ratings, and it is satisfying to watch him get knocked down a peg or two.

    Oh, he's laughing *now* and bragging about how he's going to sue for breach of contract, but to be honest, Warner Bros can handle it and I don't know of too many courts and judges that would be sympathetic to Mr Sheen's cause. They might award the lawsuit, but I doubt it'll come with all the bells and whistles. Mr. Sheen will likely get barely the amount the law affords, and considering the extent of his apparent insanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he fails to find another job and ends up spiraling downhill until he disappears entirely.

    I can't say that I'd be in tears over that sort of scenario. He belongs right beside Mel Gibson, to be honest. The two of them should at least be pretty close buddies by now.
    I just feel sorry for them both.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Aye I feel sorry for them both.

    I agree with the decisino to fire his butt - but I feel horrible for his costars and the staff and crew who will now be out of a job when they could have had at least another season or two (I liked the show as well) of employment.

    I agree this behavior should not be catered to, enabled, or allowed and that yes they shgould be sending this message.

    But I also realize that Mr. Sheen is suffering from a severe mental health issue. Wether it was present before the drugs or after is irelevant at this point, he needs help. He will of course only get it if he realizes this, and people with his conditions rarely realize it until they have a moment of sanity (yes its possible), but he may never truly get the help he needs and that is sad.

    The plight of the mentally ill is a serious one, because rarely is the mental illness their "fault" (The diagnosis of Substance Induced XYZ is there for all mental health diagnosis), and much of what has resulted in Sheen's sickness was probaboy there even before the drugs, but went undiagnosed and unnoticed due to the nature of Hollywood and such.

    And yes I AM that kind of doctor. The man is clearly Manic - book case Mania. Seriously you could put every single one of his beahviors in the last two weeks under "signs of Mania" and match it up one by one. He also is definitely Narcissitic Personality Disorder (that is NOT brougth about by drub abuse, but the mania can definitley be). I've seen movies joke with the idea of "narcissitic rage", well now the world sees what that ACTUALLY means.

    Its no joke. And now hundreds of people's livelihoods are down the tubes because one sick sick man doesn't get help (can't, won't, doesn't have teh insight - very normal really).

    Just sad. Sad all around. Gibson has not this excuse, he made a couple of comments - but he can come back from this bedcause it was just a couple of comments.

    Sheen has no excuse. He's proven he is sober, and he doesn't have the insight to see how sick his statements are. His excuse is that he really is SICK and not in any way that can get better without him first seeing that its a problem.

    I hope he's able to see that one day. Noone should have to suffer with such things.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    Still a shame, was a cool show...
    Same here. I loved the jokes they made. But probably mostly the writers wrote them, so actually kudos to them.

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    Our opinions differ greatly, so I'll... keep to myself on THAT subject.

    Either way, I think Sheen deserved it; we need to start teaching these people that they can't just go and do whatever they please. Sheen obviously thought he was invincible because of his contract and his ratings, and it is satisfying to watch him get knocked down a peg or two.

    Oh, he's laughing *now* and bragging about how he's going to sue for breach of contract, but to be honest, Warner Bros can handle it and I don't know of too many courts and judges that would be sympathetic to Mr Sheen's cause. They might award the lawsuit, but I doubt it'll come with all the bells and whistles. Mr. Sheen will likely get barely the amount the law affords, and considering the extent of his apparent insanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he fails to find another job and ends up spiraling downhill until he disappears entirely.

    I can't say that I'd be in tears over that sort of scenario. He belongs right beside Mel Gibson, to be honest. The two of them should at least be pretty close buddies by now.
    If you have an opinion about my opinion please tell me… Always fun to know someone who is a complete opposite of myself.

    I for one liked the show as a whole and not specifically for him. For that reason it saddens me to see the show itself in trouble, it however was indeed time to give not only Charlie, but also all other self-proclaimed superstars in present and future a wake-up call. He might get loads of cash from the lawsuit now, but if nobody will hire him in the future who laughs last?
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
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    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  9. #9

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    f you have an opinion about my opinion please tell me… Always fun to know someone who is a complete opposite of myself.

    I for one liked the show as a whole and not specifically for him. For that reason it saddens me to see the show itself in trouble, it however was indeed time to give not only Charlie, but also all other self-proclaimed superstars in present and future a wake-up call. He might get loads of cash from the lawsuit now, but if nobody will hire him in the future who laughs last?
    One thing, is that I absolutely cannot stand sitcoms.

    I find them very unfunny and that laugh track that keeps playing over and over again? I just roll my eyes and groan, like "was that supposed to be funny?"

    Two, the show itself... I've seen clips of it and such, and meh. Didn't look all that funny to me, but then I've yet to actually like a sitcom, any sitcom.

    Humor is best when it is unintentional, or when it just happens out of the blue. That moment of wit in the middle of a drama that hits you unexpectedly. Or sometimes, writers have some really good senses of dark humor (Sarcasm, Snark, etc). CSI is (in)famous for this; each one of them (CSI, NY, Miami) has some good deadpan snark in it for example.

    Ever watched the 1962 (IIRC?) version of The Dirty Dozen? That movie has some of the most awesome humor I've ever had the pleasure of laughing at. The best line in the entire movie wasn't even scripted, and the reactions from the other actors was entirely natural. That's what was so dang funny about it! (for those of you who have seen it, the line in question is where Lee Marvin says "Oh they played an active part alright").

    That's my type of humor. Unintentional or "Dark" humor, like Snark and Sarcasm. And it is best done in a movie/tv show/etc that is not meant to be funny in the first place. When people TRY to make something with humor in mind, it is rarely actually Funny. You can tell they were Trying to make humor, and it just doesn't work very well for me. People are the funniest when it "just happens that way". It is more "natural" rather than "tried".

  10. #10

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Dhalin, you would love Red Skelton then... half of his humor is unscripted. his old show was a mix of writing and ad-libbing. very funny.

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    i just find it funny that it took him talking stuff about his boss to get fired, not the public intoxication or spouse abuse.....

    america is a funny place, even to americans.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    i just find it funny that it took him talking stuff about his boss to get fired, not the public intoxication or spouse abuse.....

    america is a funny place, even to americans.....
    Well, you see, that stupid sitcom was supposedly one of the top rated shows.

    He was a huge cash cow.

    They were willing to put up with some craziness for awhile, because they like their cash cows.

    But there's only so much they will tolerate, and him trash-talking his boss was the proverbial straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    i just find it funny that it took him talking stuff about his boss to get fired, not the public intoxication or spouse abuse.....

    america is a funny place, even to americans.....
    Never talk bad about the boss

    Goes in hand with the phrase " never bite he hand thar feeds you"

  14. #14

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    Never talk bad about the boss

    Goes in hand with the phrase " never bite he hand thar feeds you"
    Going to say first that I am NOT on Charlie Sheen's side in this, but your statement of not biting the hand that feeds you goes both ways. Even if they decided to continue the show with a new actor it will quickly lose ratings and be cancled. People tuned in to that show to watch Charlie Sheen act, well, like Charlie Sheen.

    And If I read the news articles correctly his boss actually fired the first shot...but then Charlie went way overboard and fired a nuke in response to a musket.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    your boss can down talk you all he wants basically as long as it does not violate any laws. if you dont like it leave.

    my job i constantly get told by my Superior dont talk to customers dont text dont take so long. but in truth i only really text to him with job related stuff. i barely talk with people as i work and i get stuff done fast and ahead of schedule.

    but if i every point out the fact that his phone goes off every 5 mins with a text that is not work related or that he goes out of his way to talk with people about soccer as we are on a customers clock with a person he met on the job or on the phone I would get yelled at by him saying how he never does stuff like that and he is the you just shut up and do your work you are told to do.
    Last edited by Blue Hasia; March 19th, 2011 at 03:37 AM.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    your boss can down talk you all he wants basically as long as it does not violate any laws. if you dont like it leave.

    my job i constantly get told by my Superior dont talk to customers dont text dont take so long. but in truth i only really text to him with job related stuff. i barely talk with people as i work and i get stuff done fast and ahead of schedule.

    but if i every point out the fact that his phone goes off every 5 mins with a text that is not work related or that he goes out of his way to talk with people about soccer as we are on a customers clock with a person he met on the job or on the phone I would get yelled at by him saying how he never does stuff like that and he is the you just shut up and do your work you are told to do.
    Yeah, but Joe's statement of "that goes both ways" still applies:

    Ever heard of the statement, "Good help is so hard to find"?

    I'm not applying this to Mr. Sheen's case, but in the workplace in general. Generally, bosses who have *good* employees tend to be bosses that know this. They really don't want to get rid of a good employee over something petty.

    Employees make the bosses -- without the employees, the bosses wouldn't make any money, as there would be nobody to do the work. The bosses feed the employees, but the employees feed the bosses too. In the end, the boss tells you what, where, and when to do something, and it is your job to do it. But yet, that doesn't mean that he can say/do whatever he wants to you without consequence either, and I'm not talking about laws.

    If you're a good employee, then you likely already know subtle (and lawful) ways that you can push back, and make subtle threats. A good boss knows that good help is hard to find, and if the boss knows what he's doing, he'll be willing to listen to reasonable requests in effort to save a good employee, rather than having to play the gamble game trying to find a suitable replacement who is probably going to want very similar things anyways.

    As to Warner Bros and Mr. Sheen's boss... yes, they will likely lose money over this. Again as I said earlier in the thread, they are in breach of contract if information that has been released, is true. That alone is a small chunk of money (though I doubt it is the 320 million that Mr. Sheen is going to try for, from what I heard). Also, losing ratings, well, yes there are people who watched it for Mr. Sheen, but I've also read polls that suggest that a decent portion of the population also disliked Sheen at the same time; I remember reading a TV Guide poll that said 36% didn't want Sheen replaced at all, and the rest was split among three different possible (by TV Guide's guesses) replacements.

    It is very possible, that the show will still get enough viewers to continue on, even without Sheen. It won't be the huge powerhouse it was, but if they pick the right guy, they'll still get enough people that will continue to watch the show, to warrant its continuation. And if not, well... I guess they need another show.

    It isn't like CBS is hurting for ratings anyways -- they already have powerhouses like the three flavors of CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and the two NCIS shows.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Well as for "First shot's across the bow" and SHeen's countersuit - they aren't in breach of contract considering he didn't go to rehab as required either.

    This has all been falling apart since last year (and probably long before then) when the first re-negotiations went up. I remember the word before last season was that it may not have another, but they renewed Sheen and so the show was back in business.

    Then in late 2010/Jan they told Sheen that he HAD to go to rehab for at least a month and that's when the show went on hiatus. Sheen decided that since he's "special" he didn't need a month of rehab - he did 2 weeks in his home and showed up back at work with a sheet saying he was drug free (that isn't rehab and ready to work. THAT was when they said "Uhh we don't have anything for you to do, you haven't been to rehab yet and its not been amonth.." and he comes back with the "I blinked and cured my brain cuz I"m Charlie Sheen" and everything's gone from there.

    Even if they made amends and he wasn't fired at this point, Sheen had already ruined the ratings for the show most probably - by turning into a crazy-butt-head. He's not half as funny to watch when you realize he's actually not acting - or rather he's acting being not

    Not only that but that production company, specifically wiht Chuck Lowe writing - has no problems putting out hit after hit after hit. Chuck has been writing tv-sitcom/drama hits for over 20 years - whatever the man writes turns to tv gold practically (I know he goes as far back as Rosanne, not sure about before then). Lowe has no problems coming up with genius tv shows that last for decades. He'll put out another show. Sheen better hope his royalties are enough to cover his expenses...

    And yea, again CBS isn't hurting there either. Yes they lose a popular show that was already on its way out and in its last couple of seasons, so the that milk-cow's life is shortened. But they have plenty more, and stil Chuck Lowe, waiting in the wings.

    And they could still turn the tv show around - there are a few possibilities they could go with to keep the tv show up and running for another few seasons. The question is wether they feel its worth it on their end or to just cut their losses and throw up another new top 10 comedy.

    Me personally I watch Big Bang Theory (another Lowe creation) far and away more than I watch 2 1/2 men anymore (haven't watched that show for a couple years now, moved on). That's my favorite comedy on the tele across ALL stations.

    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Big Bang Theory?

    Mmm. I've heard of it, never watched it... though, I really wanted to see the episode featuring Summer Glau, because.... well.

    It's Summer!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    Well since you said before you don't like canned sit-coms with laugh tracks and straight-gibb lines...well Big Bang Theory setup isn't any different than any other sitcom.

    I find it hilarious, but I don't have problems with sit-coms in general .

    It IS about nerds - with nerd characters and nerd-inside-jokes and nerd-mannerisms which is why I love it so much. A nobel peace prize winning Physisist is on the writing panel, so it IS brainy .

    But if you don't like sitcoms well I dont know that this one would be any different. It isn't mean to be clever in that snide-drama type way. Its just a standard sitcom with its basis in nerds who are roomates (ala Friends really) instead of the "family" or "the odd couple" type basis.

    But I love it! It and The Office are the only two comedies I watch on tv right now. Everything else is dramaz.

    Its on Thursday nights at 8EST, starts out CBS's thursday night lineup. Course right now its basketball so it won't be back on until basketball is done heh.

    And Summer Glau, if it is who I am thinking it is, she was on one epsiode several seasons ago. Will Wheaten has been in several as a reoccuring character (himself) lol. As well as various scifi-nerd-stars in on guest slots (like George Takai, the hot alien chick from Battlestar, etc.)
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Charlie Sheen gets fired.

    *nods* Yeah, -that- girl. The one who kicks so much butt, who learned bits and pieces of a martial art over the course of several months, who does ballerina IRL, and had incredible flexibility and did all of her own stunts in -That Movie-.

    Yeah, That Summer Glau.

    Anyways, yeah, the only reason I'd watch that episode, would be for her. lol. I've caught bits-and-pieces of it while waiting on another show... which was that, last year? Wasn't it on before CSI:NY or CSI:Miami? One of the two. Or maybe it was before Criminal Minds last year... I forget. One of those 3; those are the only 3 I watched last season.

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