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Thread: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

  1. #1

    Default New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    August 27th, 2010, I received a Developer's Desk email that read the following:

    "And speaking of art, the dragon appearance revamp is near completion. Not only will the new art assets provide dragons with new Khutit head designs that match the head of their character in dragon form, but it will also introduce some new appearance options, as well as improving existing dragons. The tech team has been hard at work on designing a method for players to be able to change their appearance post creation and plans to integrate this system into the same system that will be used for the loyalty tokens. While I don’t have the full details yet (and this is something that will be released after the fall), I do know that the system that’s implemented will be one that can be used for all characters who wish to change their appearance after creation and will allow us to introduce new appearance options over time for all races."

    It'l be a year later as of tomorrow, so what's going on with that? I mean no disrespect of course, I'm merely curious as to whether or not these things are still intended to be implemented soon. As far as I can tell, there haven't been any further updates or mention of these features since. Again, don't mean to nag, but I can tell you that this is something myself and quite a few other dragon players have been eagerly waiting for, so throw us a bone x]

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    *sighs* I don`t think they`re going to do it now. >.>
    maybe they scrapped that idea. I dunno o.o

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    Unfortunately the artist who had been working on that project had to put it on hold indefinately due to real life.

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    Awww. 'Tis a shame that happened- though real life always comes first.

    Did the character recustomization (was mentioned a year or two back!) suffer the same fate? Was looking forward to fixing an error on my dragon!

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  5. #5

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    Gah, that sucks, but I know how it goes. Thanks for the note at least, Velea. I guess there's no hint at when it might resurface, huh?

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    Aww that`s unfortunate. thanks for letting us know Vaela. *nods* real life is more important. ^^
    well maybe someday he/she will return
    wish them luck for me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    If i was better with texturing I'd offer to create tints and appearances, but currently I'm not very good at it... and idk how to edit the texture files...

    But as everyone says, RL comes first, as always. -nods-

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    Just a quick question (that I hope someone will verify..)

    Are you saying that the person who was working on the heads/tints/etc. has had to back off due to RL committments??

    Or are you saying the whole workings re: the ability to be able to shift appearances after creation (for anything at all, not just dragons or any new stuff) has been cancelled entirely due to these RL committments??

    I totally understand the new tints/khutit head fixes and all that was work falling on mostly one person and can totally understand that having been put on hold.

    But the mechanic of the idea - putting something in game (as mentioned, tied to the loyalty program or whatever) that allows you to change your created character appearance I HOPE has not been called off. There are "newer' dragon heads that us originals never had the option of picking that I am sure some would like to have. And of course the color-changes that happen between creation and in-game light. As well as the same options for all non-dragons..

    I HOPE that has not been called off. If it has can you let us know that clearly?

    I realized after reading all this that Val's answer could apply to both, or just one of, those areas .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New Dragon Appearance Options; Where are they?

    I have one other question that I think may be related. The sparklies for the lunus essence and smelter rooms, is this same song next verse as to what happened to those?

    Dracaena Starfyre

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