Thank you Alisto for kindly explaining the techs and how they work... I finally get it, lol. My scales are finished and now I am ready to tackle the claw! It appears that I have four different tech kits to choose from:

Quote Originally Posted by Alisto View Post
Sharper - Gives +dps and +to-hit. Applies to all attacks.
Battle Forged - Gives +dps and +tooth and claw skill. Applies to all attacks.
Deadly - Gives +dps for the Ravage ability ONLY as well as +to-hit
Rending - Each melee attack with a claw teched with this has a 15% chance to apply a bleed effect.
How in the world do I decide. They all sound so neat! Can I use more than one on the same claw?? Should I have two sockets or just one? I would love to hear some input on these. What has been successful and what hasn't.
