not a game bug but I think you should fix that. The image upload function of the forum is not really understandable enough for newcomers.

  • On uploading errors, there are no exact hints on what has failed (such like: max file size exceeded, wrong mime type, file does not exist, etc..).
  • There are limits shown about the extensions, but not on the file size. That's horrible. My thoughts: Noone resizes his picture in 10kb steps to find out they're able to only add a 10kb file. Especially not on Istaria Screenshots which are pretty big.
  • The 'Basic Uploader' link disappears once you've made your first try (and failed).
  • It looks like the allowed extensions are not true. I tried to upload a valid 30kb PNG file and got a fail (of course, no idea why - see above). I assume png is not allowed even if the tool tells me different. I tested that with both, the file uploader and the URL reference options.