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Thread: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

  1. #1
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    Fought back by the might of the Gifted armies, the largest parts of the Aegis forces have retreated back to their fortified Blighted lands, scheming. Reports have streamed in that Reklar isn’t always present at his mountaintop home. Son of Gigaroth has been wandering out of his usual path only to disappear into the depths of the Blighted zones. Even Fafnir has retreated back slightly. The world holds its breath in anticipation for what the General and his fellow Epics may bring in the future…


    “Lord-Commander! Lord-Commander Jatell!” A woman trots across the camp towards Jatell, who is currently busying himself studying maps of the Eastern Deadlands. He lifts his head at his name being called. “Private Smithers. What is it?”
    “Lord-Commander, our prisoner is getting restless. It’s muttering something about promising vengeance and being freed soon,” she reports, looking worried. After a moment’s hesitation and silent, she quickly amends her statement. “And being freed soon, sir.”
    “It is a skeleton. A skeleton commander, yes, and one that is intelligent to talk on top of that, but it is a skeleton. What could it, alone, possibly do? Stripped of all weapons?” Jatell retorts tiredly. He has far too much to do to worry about this. Has she even heard of the recent reports of General Reklar going missing?
    “Sir, he’s not muttering in the arcane language of the Blight. He’s speaking our tongue. Call me crazy, sir, but I don’t think he’s as mad as we think; his muttering is a threat. I believe he’s threatening us,” Smithers insists.
    “Smithers,” Jatell begins, straightening up and sighing. “How many times do I have to tell you that such lowly Aegis do not have much mental ability? I don’t honestly know why we are commanded to be keeping him hostage, but Valkoth demands it and I do not wish to anger half of the dragons under the Empire’s control.”
    “Lord-Commander…” Smithers begins, but is cut off before she can continue. An arrow lodges itself in the center of Jatell’s map, who slowly stands up and looks over the walls.
    Smithers’ eyes widen. “Sir, I believe the Aegis want their commander back.”


    When: Saturday, the 3rd of September at 7:00pm CEST/1:00pm EST/10:00am PST
    (Timezone not listed? Use this converter.)
    Where: The raid begins at the Imperial Outpost. From there, depending on how well the Gifted stave off the assault, the raid will shift courses to various other places of interest.
    Goal: Defend the Prisoner at all costs. If the Gifted are wiped out at any time, then the Prisoner is reclaimed by the Blight and any information gleaned from him is lost. The outcome will influence future raids.
    Retreating and regrouping is, of course, not considered being wiped.

    Other information: The Event channel will be used to give status updates. Please join this channel before the event begins to form groups and decide plans of action!

    For future reference: I do not plan to continue these raids perfectly weekly. The larger attacks will most likely be bi-weekly to allow for some downtime, but I do plan on doing smaller attacks on the off-weeks. Only larger ones will be announced on the forums.

  2. #2

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    Aiiii wheres chaos version of this. Are you going to play the Skeleton Prisoner?

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  3. #3

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    Ooh, looking forward to this. Den shall again be there, he misses Sarsilas. :3
    Denaryr, ancient, 100/100/36/10Fireth, ancient, 100/100/19

  4. #4

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    looks like i have to make Romirez as tanky as possible.

  5. #5
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    Summary of Events

    The Gifted began the return assault with a near entire team wipe. The onslaught against the Imperial Outpost was too strong and the prisoner started to be taken away by the undead horde. Fortunately, the Gifted fought hard enough to prevent the escape of the small raiding force, defeating it and reclaiming their captive.

    The captive was then moved to Harro, but the parade was rained on far too quickly. The Aegis expected this and the gates of Harro were guarded by many of their own kind. The Gifted slaughtered these all much more successfully. Fafnir decided to join in on the party at the gate, but fell swiftly. Shortly after, a portal loudly opens in front of all the Gifted warriors, revealing none other than a disgruntled Reklar.

    Reklar called into the portal as he was cut down by the too-large army, screeching unknown words and commands. The General then succumbed to the claws and swords... but left the Blight portal behind.

    Bravely, the Gifted stepped through the portal, only to be transported into the middle of nowhere in the Blight. Two Greater Blight Anchors awaited them, presumably preparing to attack some city and take it over. These were quickly dispatched along with the various critters within the deadlands. Charging onwards, the Gifted found a weak Aegis minion casting a strong spell to form another portal, but he was slaughtered before he could finish it. Who knows what back-up he could've been summoning?

    The Gifted wandered deeper into the Blight, following the source of the resistance they met along the way. Daknor, Son of Gigaroth, anchors.... Finally they came upon two Lesser Anchors and Valkor. Suffering many losses in this valley, the Gifted were eventually victorious.

    They discovered a haphazard work station within the large cavern among the odd-looking inhabitants. Upon the many items strewn around, three took interest: a slightly glowing blight-covered keystone, a pitch black piece of parchment with slight bumps along the surface, and a pitch-black essence orb that absorbed all light. First taken was the parchment, followed by the orb, but the third item vanished from a protective spell.

    These objects are of great interest to the Empire. They will be studied carefully and soon their properties will be revealed...

    The prisoner is also safely stashed away in Harro, deep within a dragon's lair. Hopefully he may be able to shed some light on these strange objects.


    I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as I did Eat off those death points!

  6. #6

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    yay Khutit line!

  7. #7

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    That sound sooo interesting... Is that all on Order?

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  8. #8
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [RAID] - Prisoner of War

    Yes, it was I manage the Order raids while Liseth manages Chaos' so we can give them as much love and time as we can. We host them on different days just in case some people want to cross both servers and see both stories, as well

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