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Thread: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

  1. #1

    Default What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    Dev respect

    Most of us have it, the devs work hard to keep this game running and fun for all who play. From my understanding over the years I've played this game and interacted with people, everyone has a different opinion of certain Devs, the most famous in my recollection being Velea. (forgive my misspelling if I did)

    Personally, I've never had the experiences others had. I've heard her called many things, but but that always seemed boogus to me. Rude? She was always friendly to me, of course I was polite in my tickets I sent to support as well. I think that goes a long way in terms of communicating with those who, quite honestly, don't have to work on the game.

    And that brings me to the recent issues I've noticed. We've two newer Devs, Liseth and Sarilas, who each work a seperate shard for raids. Who hasn't been asking for raids and more dev interaction, right? Lots of fun for the players, and from what I've seen, fun for the devs.

    I believe that previously Liseth came from Chaos and split her time between both shards, some Order players disliked her methods for things, and she was driven off Order. End result was Liseth prioritizing Chaos heavily over Order after one final issue, and eventually another dev appeared, Sarilas.

    Ever since her arrival, I've heard of some Dev-bashing because she asked Order shard to remember to use brackets for OOC. And more recently, I've heard she was "stealing" Liseths raids? Sarsilas made it pretty clear that they both know of each other managing the shards raids, which, clarifies that neither sarsilas nor Liseth can be stealing ideas from the other. See link here:
    I also heard Liseth logged in after the accusations were made, to clarify that the raids were shared.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but attacking a new dev as aggressively as I've seen, for something minor like requesting brackets (which she clarified when I asked) or sharing the job of raids.. it all seems wrong to me. And makes me wonder why the Devs should continue working to keep this game running if people will only be rude and aggressive to them.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    Quote Originally Posted by silverth View Post
    I believe that previously Liseth came from Chaos and split her time between both shards, some Order players disliked her methods for things, and she was driven off Order. End result was Liseth prioritizing Chaos heavily over Order after one final issue, and eventually another dev appeared, Sarilas.

    Ever since her arrival, I've heard of some Dev-bashing because she asked Order shard to remember to use brackets for OOC. And more recently, I've heard she was "stealing" Liseths raids? Sarsilas made it pretty clear that they both know of each other managing the shards raids, which, clarifies that neither sarsilas nor Liseth can be stealing ideas from the other. See link here:
    I also heard Liseth logged in after the accusations were made, to clarify that the raids were shared.
    I'd like to clarify, for the sake of transparency that yes, I had to leave Order after some issues arose, I however only started to actively prioritize the Chaos shard once Sarsilas joined.

    Sarsilas and I have good contact when it comes to the raids (we read eachother's reports after we launch one on the Istarians), and while we do share concepts, we still try to keep them as unique as possible while experimenting what is possible with the system...sadly, due to limitations that we currently still face it will be rather common that some concepts will cross-over.

    Furthermore I'd like to add that the issue relating to the bashing (most notably that of last Sunday) has been looked into and taken care of.

    Random Fact: I am in fact by origin a Blight Player, not Chaos.
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  3. #3
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    Liseth essentially has hit all the points I wanted to mention already, but I still want to add my voice in to confirm what she's said and expand upon a few things. We do not directly converse and plan raids together, no; we work separately and I may draw inspiration from what she's done, but I always try to make what I do unique. Since we do our raids on separate weeks and days, it may happen that players from both servers swap to see both attacks. I don't want to disappoint these players with a 'rinse-and-repeat' look.

    Usually my own raids have an outline before Liseth even posts her introductory post on the forums. Last time I was very surprised by how similar we ended up on our story lines - closing blight portals. I knew the function of Order's 'black essence orb' the moment the players chose to pick it up and was already trying to find someone in Aughundell who would know enough about magic to research it. (Gaileach) This happened a week before Liseth's most recent raid. When I saw her thread and summary, I honestly chuckled seeing that Liseth had a dryad on another area researching a device related to portals as well

    I thank you for your concern about our welfare, Silverth, but these events have been looked into and the participants, as Liseth said and I will confirm, taken care of.

  4. #4
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    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    Just to add to this in a random way,
    Liseth is a very welcome "newcomer" to Chaos and I hope she is feeling welcome, I have heard nothing but good things when Liseth's name is mentioned in MP chat.
    ....thou we are slightly concerned with her Sheep breeding skills.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    First, thank you Sarsilas and Liseth for responding. I'm glad to hear the trouble has been handled, and am sorry you both had to deal with issues while still new to the job. I've seen many have enjoyed the raids and hope you both continue having fun running them.

    It has also been made known to me that my thread seems to be for something other then my intention.

    I made this thread to address people attacking both on a personal basis and not for the job they've been given and are doing. It's one thing if it's their work, another if it's their person. That's what I'm upset about.

    Edit: Sindala, I agree. I've glanced at the Chaos raids and see they've been going well. �� Hope you all keep having fun.
    Denaryr, ancient, 100/100/36/10Fireth, ancient, 100/100/19

  6. #6

    Default Re: What has really been grinding my gears lately..

    Whoever helped drive Liseth off Order and over to Chaos more, thankyou. Your loss is Chaos's gain.

    Thanks to both Liseth and Sarsilas for making Istaria a better place.

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