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Thread: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

  1. #1
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Kreetir the Researcher stared at his notes, clutching his claws against his head. The pieces of the puzzle were all there in front of him, laid out! But he couldn’t connect the dots.

    Sighing, he takes a step outside into the bright Kion sunlight, feeling the dry heat beat down on his fur. He walks around town, organising his thoughts. First, there were the small attacks across the Empire that have become more common than ever lately. Secondly, there is this nonsense with Aegis summoned portals out of nowhere. Third is the Aegis’ advance into the forest, a rather non strategic position unless the Aegis wished to attack Selen, which is just another small community. There were far too many cliffs to make attacking anything larger from that position a possibility.

    Kreetir turns the corner, hands clasped behind his back as he walks up the hill. Next, there’s the researchers babbling about connecting realms and trying to access new places, such as the Realm of Energy. Such places are far too dangerous even for the undead to step into! Lastly, there’s little known about which faction of the splintered Aegis armies is even leading this change in pace.

    As a researcher, the Saris did
    not like being unable to piece things together. Everything these monsters were doing just seemed to make no sense! Why expend resources into touching a Realm that you cannot even enter? Why try to expand places that have little meaning? It made... no... sense!

    Frustrated, Kreetir drops down onto the sand atop one of the taller points in the city. Looking out to the ocean in the distance, he debates on his facts, fiddling with the sand underneath him.

    It has been a long time since the last big attack, but even now, Kreetir feels on edge. The enemy was always moving, always approaching, and always ready to kill. Cities are strongholds in a world slowly being infected with a disease that is hard to cure. He held part of the cure in his hands, but lacks the tools to utilize it.

    His cat-like eyes admired the waves in the distance. It was time to call the Gifted together once more and get to the bottom of this. If two heads are better than one, what about ten?

    When: Saturday, the 18th of November at 7:00pm CEST/1:00pm EST/10:00am PST
    (Timezone not listed? Use this converter.)
    Where: Begins in Chiconis, south of the landing pad.
    Goal: Depends on the decisions of the Gifted.

    Details: Kreetir needs your help on putting the pieces together. We have a lot of information now between Gaileach’s research and the High Researcher that was captured not too long ago. The event begins with trying to put together the pieces and we will see what happens from there....

    This event will likely be a bit shorter than prior ones due to the fact that I have a family event I must attend to 2 hours after the start. I will not truncate it on purpose, but I cannot spare time to let you all figure things out and guide yourselves like I normally do and will be giving hints when I can. I apologise for the inconvenience.

    ( If you are a very low-level or a non-Order player but would still like to attend, watch, or record, then tell me and I’ll gladly try and resurrect you if you die to let you follow the group. )

  2. #2

    Default Re: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Sounds fun!

    Do you mean Friday the 18th? Or Saturday the 19th?

  3. #3

    Default Re: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerech View Post
    Sounds fun!

    Do you mean Friday the 18th? Or Saturday the 19th?
    Gotta be Saturday the 19th, or he missed it as well as us...?

    I am psyched, I think I can make this one! :-)

    Now if only my backordered replacement brain arrives in time...

  4. #4
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Saturday the 19th, sorry! I looked at the current date instead of my calendar.

    Hope to see you two there

  5. #5

    Default Re: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Rats, I seem to have checked the forums yesterday before this was posted and when I look now I am way too late.

  6. #6

    Default Re: [EVENT/RAID] - A Grand Puzzle

    Will be there this time i hope but i am still a lvl 14 weakling. Well see how far i come tho. I would love to record ^^

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

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