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Thread: Gerix quest: Primal Instant Heal 1 missing?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Gerix quest: Primal Instant Heal 1 missing?

    Sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm rather lost right now. I just completed one of Gerix's quests, the one where you need to fight 20 large beetles on the beach in order to receive information about healing. I killed all 20 beetles and went back to Gerix; the quest ended, and a note in my chat log popped up saying I had received Primal Instant Heal 1. I opened up my inventory immediately, and it wasn't there. I tried reordering the contents, just to make sure I wasn't missing it, but still nothing. I also tried relogging and checked my inventory again, then checked Spells and Spell Formulas, just in case it went straight there for some reason. Neither section had it, though. Also, I know I couldn't have added it to my hoard accidentally, since I had opened up my inventory straight away (I did add a bell to my hoard, but that was it. I would've noticed clicking on something else and going through the motions again). I'm very confused and not sure if I'm missing something, or if this is a glitch. Something similar did happen with Kerion's quests in the past, too, where the game said I had received a formula and it wasn't there. I hadn't checked right away, though, so I chalked it up to me being silly at the time and accidentally adding it to my hoard. But now I'm not so sure if that was the case and if maybe it was glitching after all. Either way, I was able to just exit out of that quest and start it over since I hadn't completed it, though that isn't an option with this one.

    Does anyone know what could be going on? I've attached screenshots below; the first one notes in my chat log that I had just received Primal Instant Heal 1, and you can see my inventory doesn't have it. The second and third are after I relogged, and I opened up my Spell and Spell Formula tabs.

    Thank you!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gerix quest: Primal Instant Heal 1 missing?

    Primal Instant Heal isn't a spell but a new ability. New active and passive abilities obtained through Gerix's quests can be found by opening the "Character" window, going in the "Abilities" tab and clicking on "General"
    SuHuz Fieryclaw, Grand Master Dragon Crafter (Order)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Gerix quest: Primal Instant Heal 1 missing?

    Looks like I can't edit my post, but relogging again worked; I see it now, under Abilities (pretty sure I'd checked there before, but possible I hadn't. I went crazy checking everything I could think of...). Either way, it looks like all is good, one way or another.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Gerix quest: Primal Instant Heal 1 missing?

    @SuHuz Oh, you ninja'd me! I was just updating the thread in general. I found it now, and everything is ok! I have no clue if I did miss it there or if it wasn't showing at first, but either way, thank you!
    Poking around more, yeah, I think I did just miss it before. I didn't realize how many tabs there were for different techniques (I'm trying to find a different spell I know I have for sure, since it's on my hotkeys, and now I can't find it xD). So I'm guessing I probably did get confused on where this spell went and where I had checked.
    Last edited by Bermuda; November 14th, 2017 at 11:15 PM.

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