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Thread: Old Istarian Ambiance

  1. #1

    Default Old Istarian Ambiance

    Why this MOD?

    Recently, Virtrium has modified the default ambiance musics for something more lighthearted. However, as much as I enjoy the tradeskill musics, I don't feel they fit a world at war on the verge of destruction by undead armies and I prefer keeping them for the rare oasis of safety that are the Imperial workshops.
    Also, ambiance musics don't loop anymore and it sounds weird to me to suddenly change music when you stay at the same place.

    If you prefer the new fashion for musics, then don't install it.

    What does this MOD do?

    It reverts the default ambiance musics to dungeon musics. The ambiance musics also loop again.
    However, everything wasn't reverted to old fashion: tavern musics (Bristugo, Dalimond...) now have a smaller playlist which is not exactly the same that Imperial workshops anymore.

    This MOD is meant to be updated with future client files.

    How to install it?

    Just extract the archive into your Istaria folder.

    v1.0.0 (January 09, 2018)

    - Initial release.
    - Based on v395.110.0 official client files.
    - Changes from official files:
    *Default ambiance musics reverted to dungeon musics instead of tradeskill ones.
    *Ambiance musics loop again.

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:

    NOTE: as this MOD is based on latest Blight client, Live players should wait next client patch before installing it (or patch to Blight now).
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    Thank you Firebrand! I've actually done some tweaking myself, although perhaps... not as comprehensively as you. I did find it unfitting as well for the guitar music to be playing... well, everywhere... not to mention, I never liked those guitar songs anyhow, so I changed all of them out too.

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  3. #3

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    I'm glad you enjoy it.

    I was told by devs that they removed looping as a bug fix, because they don't want to force you to listen to the same music if you stay at the same spot. Listening for the same music for a long time if I don't move doesn't bother me, but if people prefer a "no loop" version of the file, just tell me: I can make one as well.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    As client v395.110.1 is now on Live shards (sooner than I expected), you can use it on regular shards.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    Small update, mainly to fix a definition with a wrong named .mp3. Mod file also looks better if you want to dig into it and do your own customization.

    v1.0.1 (January 18, 2018)

    - Fixed default_mus by changing mus_amb_forest.mp3 to forest_mus_06.mp3.
    - Improved text indentation, code is now more readable for other modders wanting to have a look to it (not important for regular players).

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    Another small update to follow the changes brought with v396.1.0 on Blight. For Live players, I suggest to wait for the new client version before trying/updating this Mod.

    v1.0.2 (April 26, 2018)

    - New musics for Chiconis and New Trismus from v396.1.0 official client are now supported.

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    With v396.18.6 client, now on Live shards, a new music has been added which is now supported by Old Istarian Ambiance.

    v1.0.3 (August 18, 2018)

    - New music for desert areas by YagamiFoxClaw/Shawn Badolian which has been added to v396.18.6 official client is now supported.

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    With new changes with Istaria client, I have updated my Mod. There should have been a v1.0.4 version, but I never published it... and I don't remember why, maybe I just forgot to to it.

    Anyway, the new music for Land of Exile and Draak is supported.
    With official client, the new music in Chiconis has been removed to be added to some other specific places as Karane the Historian or Vladtmordt the Chronicler as the Peaceful Dragon ambiance. It's now supported. However, the music is still in the Chiconis playlist with the Mod, I haven't removed it.

    v1.0.5 (January 19, 2019)

    - Peaceful Dragon ambiance music is now supported to match v397.1.8 Live clent.

    v1.0.4 (December 15, 2018)

    - New music for Draak and Land of Exile by YagamiFoxClaw/Shawn Badolian which has been added to v397.19.2 official Blight client is now supported.

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    Some additions have been done with the upcoming content and this MOD now supports them.

    v1.0.6 (October 13, 2020)

    - Reklar's Fortress musics by YagamiFoxClaw/Shawn Badolian are now supported
    - New Korelia music is now supported

    You can download it here:

    The english guide to download on the website:
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    This new version matches some changes brought by client v404.83 to stay compatible. It is required for current users to update their Mod. v1.0.7 (August 08, 2021):
    • Uddorakh music now supported.
    • Various changes to match v404.83 client definitions.

    Last edited by Firebrand; August 21st, 2021 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Trying to format the post. Forum isn't cooperative.
    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Old Istarian Ambiance

    This new version is just for staying accurate with the official file which has been updated a few hours ago. This fixes a Saris music not playing. v1.0.8 (September 02, 2021):
    • Fix for Saris Musics

    Firebrandcrest Arma: Ancient Helian Dragon | Dragon 100 / Dragon Crafter 100 / Dragon Lairshaper 100 / Dragon Crystalshaper 100 (Order) | My MODs: Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack v2.5.4.0, Alternate Dragon Bolt Casting v1.4, Old Istarian Ambiance v1.0.8.

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