Yesterday I went to fight the giant crab Carcinus on the island of Talinis. Every time I got the crabs hit points down to 7k it healed to maximum of 13k. I did this for 40 minutes real time. It always healed back to maximum. I wrote a support ticket on this and was told to stay in the crabs area. I fought the crab this morning in the middle of its area. Every time the crab got to 7k it healed to maximum. How do you ever defeat something that heals to maximum whenever it gets to 1/2 its hit points? I have tried this 3 times with same result every time. I do not have any spell or weapon that can do enough damage to beat this. What is going on? I then decided to fight something else. I went to the Cooks area in Eastern Deadlands to fight Prison Guards. I selected a Prison Guard in area and started to attack. The Guard had only 2220 hit points. I hit it down to 1k hit points anf it instant healed to maximum. I fought this same Guard for 20 minutes with the same result. When the guard got to or below 1/2 hit points it went back to maximum hit points. What is going on? How do you play this game with the monsters fully healing all the time? Thanks. Fatuous on Order