Hi, I am Azramael from Chaos. A while back I acted like a real jerk towards the Istaria community and I would like to apologize.

Back when I first joined, I LOVED the sense of community the game offered me, in fact it was the main reason why I played, and I really, really wanted to be involved. I made art, a biography for my character and even tried my hand at submitting some things to be put inside the game.
Over time though, I became frustrated with some members of the community, which should not have been a big deal, because it's bound to happen in any social setting. Yet instead of acting like an adult and going on playing as usual I decided to get involved in some petty drama for the sake of petty drama, though I don't blame anyone for how I acted, what happened was my fault alone.
The negativity ended up really getting to me, I started to view the entire community in a bad light and I pretty much only stuck around to cause trouble, like a complete twat.
Finally I just blew up at some people and then decided to just leave all together, and since then I've been able to reflect back on how I acted and realized that I threw away something wonderful, and for what ? For the sake of making edgy jokes and making a few of my friends laugh. I really regret how I acted and If I could take it all back I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm sorry for being such an ******.