Greetings elders and wise - wise ones and fair
In the distant mountains, the beat of wings can be heard. For TaleSpinner comes, and the Hall of Mirrors waits!
For those who might have interest, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING - STORM RISE, STORM WAKING (the first Istari novel ever published, back in 2008) is being told again on Chaos as once it was on Order. In the player Channel 'The Hall of Mirrors', chapter by chapter.
Thus far the Prologue and the first three Chapters have been told. Dark whispers of The Clan, and the Single Shadow, told where only young draku not yet winged can hear. A new-made drake struggling from a Primal pool deep in the mountains. And a child, a young girl, storm born and storm tossed, plagued by Clan magic - her mother mazed and her father sorrowed. For Sonea lost her smiles and laughter and was sent near wild - but now she smiles again, her mother's head dead at her young feet from her father's blade and her own strong staff.
They have yet to meet, she who will become the Lightning, he who will be the Thunder. They are not yet the Storm. But the tale wakes again - Saturday, estimated start time 17:00 Eastern. Chapter 4 - A LESSON WITHIN A LESSON. Order, Chaos or Blight, come one come all to Chaos, and the Hall of Mirrors. Did ye ever hear tell of the Thunder and Lightning? The Fool and the Fair?