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Thread: Winterfestive AppleJack

  1. #1
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Winterfestive AppleJack

    Well and all, it comes again. WinterFest, Kindle tide - whatever name best fits thy lips, let it's spirit fit thy heart . An d of those tides, by whatever name, why not a song?
    In the land called Real there is a thing many sing at these tides, and it's name be 'Good King Wenceslaus'. The words here be old, aye and older, and they are not directly part of the Tale THUNDER AND LIGHTNING, though they speak of Sephiranoth Fool and Donea-Fair. But if ye know the tune of the land called Real well, these words may wake that tune in thy heart, and mayhap then thy lips also . Let it be so, and Kindle greetings to ye all!


    Sonea-Fair took walk-a-bout
    WinterFest the eve'en
    Long stored cask to offer out
    Many friends to seek-en
    Bright her smile and merry sight
    Walking with the Foo-el
    When they came upon a Blight
    Aegis-Foe so cru-el
    Sonea's staff stood in the Hall
    Drake hoard slim past mention
    How to save their neighbours all
    From the the Blight's intention
    Sonea-Fair stepped to the Blight
    And she bade it greeting
    "It's WinterFest, mayhap we might
    Set aside thy beating.
    Surely even Blight's have thirst
    Let thy thirst be riven..."
    Sonea-Fair took up her cask
    Poured it Blight upon him
    Sephiranoth opened jaw
    Casting out a flaming
    Flame and Sonea's spirit bore
    Green Blight to an ending
    Fool and Fair saw Blight made burn
    And it made them ponder
    Made their path to Deadlands turn
    Aegis lands to wander
    There a WinterFest they brought
    Any chef might relish
    AppleJack and drake-fire taught
    Flambe-d Foe to perish
    So now all ye Gifted folk
    Or if ye be other
    WinterFest's cask cheer store up
    Ready glass to offer
    When the Foe are at thy back
    Keep the Festive spirit
    Off them some AppleJack
    And a light to see-ee it!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Winterfestive AppleJack

    I wouldn't mind seeing Sonea. It's been years and years.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  3. #3
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Re: Winterfestive AppleJack

    Would it were possible, Ming wise one and fair. For my heart would fill, truly. But the Lightning no longer walks worlds such as this one, for matters of the land called Real make it so. But there are winds to it that make my heart sore, to speak of her, there are other winds that hearten - that she not fall from the Land's memory. That is in part why the Tale of THUNDER AND LIGHTNING is being told on Chaos as once it was on Order - Chapter by Chapter, in a player channel. But melted wax is no new candle, and the world turns as it must. Still, for me, and I hope others - the Lightning is all she ever was, and I will hold it so until my last and final breath .

  4. #4
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Winterfestive AppleJack

    sonea (and the player behind) live for the millions, as long as we remember her
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Winterfestive AppleJack

    I shall put a monument up for her on the Strata Guild plot.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

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