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Thread: Primal casting glitch

  1. #1

    Default Primal casting glitch

    I have some sort of graphical glitch occuring every now and then when using primal magic in battle, it appears the casting animation blueish glow ends up in a infinite loop, even after the battle ends.

    Only restarting Istaria solves this for me.
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    Edit: recall doesn't solve it aswell.
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    Does going back into battle resolve it, or casting on other spell?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    Nope, when it happens, it remains until restarting the game.

    Also strange thing is, it first started to occur while fighting amethyst golems at dalimond peninsula, then kept happening with the beetles there and around chiconis with dark crawlers.
    Might also be a timing issue with area of effect primal spells queue, I dunno.
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    have you cleared your cash. this is under options when you log in into the game ( before you press play)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    Giving it a try with clear cache + full scan, will report back if the problem still persists.
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    ...and it happened again, even with file check and cache cleared, tho this time a recall removed it.
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    I also have it some time hanging, starting combat again, recalling casting spells do normally stop it from hanging around. what happens is sometime the spell is broken half way. and the ensignal is not given of the total animation. rerunning the annimaltion it will then end it.

    SO any thing that will give the bleu glow will normally give an end to the animation, if the animation it not broken beforehand.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Primal casting glitch

    Yea seems it can have one of the two outcomes, it's sporadic but there, ah well. Dragon mage problems~ :P
    Chars on Chaos: FengWindstalker (Dragon), Lethoxus (Sslik), Keleth (Sslik)

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