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Thread: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

  1. #1

    Default Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Idk really what to think about this change, personally i feel it's quiet harmfull change,but I hope they had honest intentions.

    Personally, for me and probably also for others it means a blockade of self-support, it can make players cooperate with each other more, I'm not sure, opinions are divided, half are happy with this change, half are not, I already know from experience that if a change is questionable and opinions divided, such a change is doubtful, and potentially destructive, as far as I am concerned, I used multi login to help others, sometimes for fun, as a group support, unfortunately it is now blocked, a big blow for a smaller server and for other players, I don't quite understand this idea of change, what was wrong with the multilogin? paying now only for the possibility of multilogin is not quite a big deal if you have a different account?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    I will start off by saying I do not agree with above statement. I will leave it there.
    Yesterday, when they added this policy restriction, the game on Order had excessive lag. Did the change on free accounts cause the server to slow down this much? It was hard to play at all while this lag was on. It would take seconds (yes I mean seconds) to transfer items to any building. I was fighting in the arena and looting would take many seconds. Getting your bronze or silver star would be delayed for seconds. I hope this can be corrected for it has made the game very hard to play. Thank you. Slimey on Order

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimey View Post
    I will start off by saying I do not agree with above statement. I will leave it there.
    Yesterday, when they added this policy restriction, the game on Order had excessive lag. Did the change on free accounts cause the server to slow down this much? It was hard to play at all while this lag was on. It would take seconds (yes I mean seconds) to transfer items to any building. I was fighting in the arena and looting would take many seconds. Getting your bronze or silver star would be delayed for seconds. I hope this can be corrected for it has made the game very hard to play. Thank you. Slimey on Order
    I, too, had lag. It took several gathers for items to actually show up in my inventory. Splitting or crafting took several seconds of waiting. It was more an inconvenience than anything, but I would appreciate if it was looked at.

    As for this being harmful...not particularly. I don't see how it'd harm anyone to work around something so simple.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Generally problem is i spend seweral years, leveling adventuring, i even started to level biped for support self or others, sadly with this change it stroke dirrectly in all progress, about it if that wass intended or not been no word about it, not even single complain something is not right, for players who made progress with level and mastering alts is huge strike which turn into sensless grind, cause cannot login more than one, need pay subscription for both+ accounts and so on, as i said sometimes , it's mopre punishment, unjust punishment cause no one said is not right, than change.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    If someone could please explain why the dual log in is not good? I'm not complaining because I am not affected
    by this, but it seems like it could hurt the player base and we haven't got a load of players.
    I also had lag yesterday but that could be a completely unrelated issue.
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    very sad. very annoying.. and kinda...unacceptable ?

    I fear someone did not take into consideration what that might mean for some players/keyplayers=> the game
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  7. #7
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    The changes to the system would not affect lag on servers. There were many restarts of the Blight server yesterday, which may have affected the live servers as it started up over and over.

    Regrading the free account changes, there were multiple reasons for this change, including, but not limited to, the following.
    • Fairness to players who pay to have multiple subscriptions, which includes multiple log-ins as a perk. Allowing free accounts to log in infinitely undermined the players who paid for this access for multiple years.
    • Prevention of an overabundance of free accounts in the system. There were players who were getting to level 100, then moving their characters onto a free account, having upwards of 6, 7, 8 accounts - one for each character. This could then be logged in in any combination, leading to the next point.
    • Unlimited multiboxing can unbalance personal loot drops from things such as epics. More characters = more chances for personal loot = more loot overall. Allowing multiboxing for free made this very easy to do.
    • The free account system was never meant to allow multiboxing to assist a paid main character. The initial release of the free account system revamp was to allow for a trial of the game without time limits. It morphed into a system to allow for players to log in characters to assist friends or socialize. The purpose was never to allow players to spread characters across accounts to speed up farming or anything of the sort, and was a loophole. However, log-ins were never checked outside of the individual accounts, allowing for a situation in which you could infinitely make more accounts for more logins. This change was in discussion for multiple years but hadn't gone through until recently as it got buried by other issues, then was postponed due to the COVID-19 situation.

    There was not a small amount of players abusing this system, prompting us to make the change to prevent further use of this loophole. We are looking into an item transfer system to make up for not being able to log in a free mule to move items around.

    Grandfathered accounts need to contact support if you are experiencing issues logging into your account. This change is targeted towards new free accounts, not grandfathered ones.

    If you need to move items, characters, etc, in the face of this change, please contact support.

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  8. #8

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Am I reading this correct... "Grandfathered accounts need to contact support if you are experiencing issues logging into your account. This change is targeted towards new free accounts, not grandfathered ones."
    Hmm was only free accounts that were grandfathered ones back when could only have a human toon?

  9. #9
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Grandfathered accounts are accounts with free-forever humans on them from the original free-to-play system.

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  10. #10

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    It is not a bit about the rightness of the action, but about the period of operation of certain mechic, leaving such things for a very long time, developers hurt those who used these mechanics, and there had to be a lot of such players, looking at discord, this type of action without consultation and the proverbial BOOM can make this game fall quickly, of course I hope it won't, but I think sometimes a good kick in the ****** would be useful for this game, I just say it metaphorically. Personally, this state of affairs makes me very sad, it gives the impression of a lack of understanding and forces me to accept everything that is given on the tray, of course there are those who defend such changes, it is normal, there are also those who do not care, and there are also those who the changes touch, for some players it can't be justified, with the rest it's not the first questionable decision in this game, let only such changes bring something good to it, this game, and of course players.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarsilas View Post
    [*]Fairness to players who pay to have multiple subscriptions, which includes multiple log-ins as a perk. Allowing free accounts to log in infinitely undermined the players who paid for this access for multiple years.
    Certainly not true unless grandfathered accounts are removed too, but Im glad you admit the system is unfair and allowing grandfathered players to log in free undermines players who pay for access.

    Some people have to pay to play and some people dont have to pay to play, so that is hardly fair, and certainly not in keeping with the code of conduct. (aka Virtrium is fully committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all our customers. ) Its even worse if you consider the "humans only" policy and the racism issues in the world these days...
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Free Access Policy Update (doubts and thoughs).

    ugh even here can't get away from racism sigh

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