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Thread: 2021.2 Loading Screen Raffle

  1. #1
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default 2021.2 Loading Screen Raffle

    Hello everyone!

    Some of you may remember back in 2017, we would sometimes raffle off character spots in our update splash screens. While we never truly intended to stop doing so, a few factors stopped us from continuing the tradition. Now, we would like to run another load screen raffle - and we're starting out big!

    Our next update's splash screen includes a total of 14 characters. Twelve are player characters, including seven dragons and five bipeds. You all have the opportunity to fill those spots and be part of our update splash!

    Any biped race can enter. There are two hatchlings, three adults, and two ancients in the scene. Considering this is a randomized raffle, note that your character may not be their actual in-game stage (though we'll try to match it.)

    How will this work?

    You will be able to enter the raffle by entering your information into the Google Form linked at the bottom of this message. Each person gets one entry. Using a random number generator, we will choose 7 players with an available dragon character, and 5 players with an available biped character. (No doubling up)

    In the raffle form, you are able to write which characters you would like to see if you are chosen. We will not consider any characters not in this list. You can specify preferences, but we may have to go against this if you are chosen and we do not have a spot. (E.g. you win, and wish to include your dragon, but we only have one space left.)

    What will it look like? Can I choose where I am?

    I cannot tell you what it will look like because it features an area that received a full revamp that we aren't ready to confirm yet. However, I can give some general ideas if you want to know what sort of character to enter. The scene is nostalgic and peaceful and features cooperation of players old and new alike. There is no conflict and it is in full sunlight. You may find it nostalgic.

    You cannot choose your exact spot, nor your pose, as everything is pre-set. Your character design will simply be used for it.

    Bipeds and Armor

    We will be copying your character from the live servers as-is to get how they look. If your character happens to be wearing cargo gear, you may end up in cargo gear. If you're concerned this may happen, include your preferred gear set, tech kits, and dyes and we can replicate this for you. (Sorry, but shoulder pets may be a no-go depending on the availability of source files!)

    Rules of the Raffle

    - Only ONE entry per person. If we find you have entered multiple times, you will be disqualified immediately and blacklisted from future raffles. Please be fair and considerate.

    - We will not include any player modifications (such as dragon armor) or introduce any non-canon changes (such as altering models). As this is official to the game, we prefer to stay within the game's lore and rules.

    We will announce the raffle winners over Discord and the forums. The raffle closes 24 hours after this post.

    Last edited by Sarsilas; July 20th, 2021 at 03:27 AM.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  2. #2
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: 2021.2 Loading Screen Raffle

    The raffle is closed and winners have been chosen!

    The winners are...


    Slayvite (Sindala/Burnbones)
    Arkasia (Bluemyst/Lambano)
    Iz (Trekk/Mudz)

    Congratulations! You do not need to send anything in. We are able to grab your character and design simply from the info given. If you have any concerns, though, (for instance about armor preferences or something) feel free to message me here, through Discord, or send in a ticket.
    Last edited by Sarsilas; July 25th, 2021 at 07:12 PM.

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