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Thread: (F)< Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

  1. #1
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    Default (F)< Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Type of event: Tournament - combat

    Represents a contest between teams composed out of 2 members each. Those who want to participate must have their level between 40 - 50 and their adventure level between 40 - 55. A contest tax is needed for the reward [tax = member's adventure level * 100c ;

    {a level 43 with adv rating 44 will pay 44*100=4400c=4.4s} ].

    The winner - the team with max number of points; the winner team takes all the money home; The high level 80-100 we'll require to make notes of the monster each team killed (their lev) can donate some money for team with IInd rank and IIIrd rank.

    The points are gained as fallowing: X pts = [ (monster rating) / (total team adventure rating) ] *10 .

    {So if i'm level 45 (49 adv rating) and my partner is level 46 (48), the number of pts gained for killing a lev 53 monster would be: pts= 53/95*10=5.57 pts, and if someone other team, with a lev 43(44), and 45(45) would kill the same monster, they would get pts=53/89*10=5.95 pts}.

    If one member of the team dies, your total points decrease by 25 . Each team will be allowed to hunt for a maximum of 10 minutes and must attack as a team (stay close to one another). Teams will be balanced so we won't have two lev 50 and two lev 40 teams.

    We require 3 high level persons (80-100) that offer to record &lt;monsters each team have killed&gt; and to note special abilities of the team and team members (this one depends on the donations and instructions this donations(sponsorships) have, i.e. person with lowest health after a battle gets X s) . I think being such a high level means you really have no reason to interfeer in the team fight, not even if the monster attacks you, thus not interfeering with the spawns and chances for the team to win (also if you need to attack the monster, then the monster is considered nule and no point ca be gained by it). At the end of each team time, i will ask them to share their notes of which monsters the team killed (only level) and i'll compare all 3 results. After that they should calculate the final team points and we'll compare results to one another.

    *Note: The location this event will take place hasn't been settled yet, it should have monsters rating from level 43,45 to level 55,60 , and the monsters shouldn't be in packs. Also a very nice spawn is required so we don't have to wait too long. We must inform everyone that hunts in that area to clear the spot.

    The best time of the event i think it's Friday, once a week, around 18.00 GTM.
    More suggestions and a spot for this event is needed, give some coordonates for the place you'd like this event to take place.

    NewsFlash: for the high-lev guys that might want to help, here are some things i've done in Microsoft Excel:

    * a printable table to help them note what monster each team killed:
    * a graphical nice table for outside of game viewing:
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  2. #2

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM


    here a few suggestion

    forthe area trymahagra the way sw to ice fortress grulets are sadly abit packy but 40 up
    then when you reach ice fortess you have about lvl 50 if iam not mistaken ogres and pygmies

    for the referres try dragon adults they can fly up the teams and wont distrub the prey

    as donations you must be decied who gets it (gruesometask hehe)
    a i make 5 s for the fastet singel hit kill
    3 s for the spectaculust singel heal
    4 s for the singel char with the lowest afterremaing hp (noted if we have more then one player with 1 hp left hp you wil lneed to split the money
    5s for the best team
    4 s for the second best team
    3 s for the third best team

    7 s for the team that has sufferd no casulties

    for the record the money (i count 31 S ) to you i transfer it to you in advance if you want it pls be in dralk today and then send me tells or shout in dragons i will recall then

    i will be in at about 1700 cet

    greetings dunkel and family
    dunkel_ice helian 100 100 5,5 mio hoard
    dunkelzahnjr helian 80 42 280 k
    Hrdunkelzahn helian 80 41 280 k
    now all adult

  3. #3
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    :) that's offly nice of you, but the bad thing is i'm at school at that hour. There's still time untill Friday, the best way to find me is tomorrow evening around 18:00-22:00 GTM .
    Very nice idea. The people that will volounteer (3 very high lev persons) to note each team kill and the things you said should also note this thing cool . Thanks for all your help.
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  4. #4

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    I will offer some time as Sunuke lvl 96 healer

  5. #5

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    oki 1800 then jsut call me an d i cahnge dragons willlog out in dralk with the paying dragon
    jsut shout in dragons and then we will meet

    dunkel_ice helian 100 100 5,5 mio hoard
    dunkelzahnjr helian 80 42 280 k
    Hrdunkelzahn helian 80 41 280 k
    now all adult

  6. #6

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    What a lovely idea and action, Enoeth![:D]

    I would like to make a contribution to it too if that's okay with you.
    As a fitter I can make all metal tools from bronze up to cobalt (at this moment).

    I would like to give, as a prize for each member of the winning team, two tools of their choice (within the range I can make); and for the winners of the second place one tool for each member. (Would it be possible for you, Enoeth, to post the names of the weekly winners here? Nice for them, easy for me and maybe other contributors...)

    I will put a time-limit on this though (to keep things possible for me): the winning team-members that want to collect this prizecan contact me for this within one week after having won (so before the next of these events takes place).[:P]

    (Now I wonder whowill haveequally nice ideas [I] for the players that are less into fighting-as-fun; and who could transport this tournement-idea to the players below, and if possible also above, the levelrange of this event...because I am sure this kind of event would be great fun for ány level player that is into fighting-for-fun [:)])

  7. #7

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Well ofcourse this would be a great thing to do on kion isle.

    Hold a tournament like this on kion mountain which can be a good arena for a tournament.

    I really love the idea.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    added: Thank you Sunuke for your support, in the end we can hold this event with only one very high person but i'd wish for at least 2 , for security because each person will give quite a sum to get in this tournament, not much , but still something.

    Yes, this kind of event was designed for all levels; and it can be made for levels 1-20; 30-45; 40-50, .... as long as there is someone to take care of it(three high lev that offer to help am make notes, it can be done), becousei'm allready lev 45 and soon i might hit 50 , so i'll make a lev 50-60 event when that happens

    Yes, i can place the winners here, and every friday, as long as i am within the 40-50 levels i'll make a new topic with edition 2,3 of survive in the wild championship, when i reach lev 51, i'll make the 1st edition of S.I.W.C. ; that's if no one made a topic with SIWC for lev 50-60

    If no one decides to make a new topic with the next edition of SIWC, then for that level range the tournament might stall.

    I also have another great event different from this one , that's very fun and cool .... this event (look up) is kind of a "UnDeRgRound racing like event" [:P] , the other event i have in mind is something like: "protect the VIP" , more info's when this first event takes shape and we'll see how it goes [;)]

    P.S. also, the excel printable version is very easy to use for anyone who might want to be in the part of the three HIGH lev characters that want to help.

    AND DON'T FORGET: tell everyone that's in this section of the SIWC 40-50 range to check the horizons forums the final decition about where the event will take place: Thrusday evening ... most likely is the place near mahagra. cos you also get money for those grouks [:D]
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Galilee: About your donation: are those items able to be teched, can you also make teched items ? :P
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  10. #10

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Oops sorry, forgot all about mentioning something about that.
    Sure I have the skill to tech everything I make; having the techs is a somewhat different story. I and II; no problems, have all I think. III: working hard on it, getting completer each day. IV: pain in the rear-end for all, even more sofor a non-adventuring type as myself. Have some, try to get more. V: have a few, but cobalt is IV so not important (yét).
    As for tech-items: hmm... again I and II no problem, III and above: we'll have to see how we make ends meet there. I'll work on it (pretty positive I can get a few good adventurers to donate along with me [;)])

  11. #11
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Well, teched or not teched still a good thing . Also, if the winner wants the item teched as well and you don't have the teched resources, he could give you some money from what he has earned in the tournament so you can buy them from vielo ... but if that is, YOU must buy them at least so the winner doesn't have to personally move and basicly do what he would have done without the contest .... and could have simply asked someone to help him (make him that item).

    But , what if you could craft something special .... like nothing there is on the market, something to remind him he won the X edition of that event and with the notes on the item ... if someone would have a crystal to donate that would be cool[:P]
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  12. #12

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Wouldn't that be great, to be able to craft something really unique (VISIBLY unique...). Would love it! But as for an inscription: sure, thát at least can be done and will be done, good idea again!

    As for teched or non-teched: I have found a good adventurer, Nicko_earth,willing toco-sponsor this by helping with gettingtech-items[:D] so that part seems solved: if I have or can somehow get hold of the tech the winner wants, it will be made.

    Btw same Nicko_earth might want to help as referee too (he's double-100, so that should be fine I think?). But how is that organized? Would-be referees have to send you a tell? You send them a tell? They 'just show up at the event' (or not, so seems bad idea...)? How are you going to do this part, what can I tell Nicko (who doesn't make a habit of visiting these forums) about it, or others I meet that might want to help one way or another ?

    Edit: Enoeth, the link you gave above to the xls printable gives me the message that 'this site could not be found': can you take a look?

  13. #13
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Well, from what i'm seeing it, the event will take place this Friday at 18:00 GTM or 19:00 CET near Mahagra, South of Mahagra right before you get to those grouks ... (i'll give coordonates a bit later in this post) . So this means the high level guys that will help will be Sunuke and Nicko_earth. I suggest they get hold of this little thingie i've done in excel and print it:
    That excel thing is basicaly a table with SIWC edition box, team name, members in team (where you can write their adv lev), an adv rating of the team box, lots of small boxes in which the guys that are high lev can write each high lev monster the team kills, and at the end there are a total no. of pts .....
    My idea is that each 10 min a team hunts, the high lev guys go in the same group with the other two, in order to note the other sponsorhip information (the person with the lowest hp remaining after a battle, etc).

    I will contact all that are willing to help me make this event work, and i'll mostly be online today (Wednesday and Thursday) in the evening 18:00 GTM - ...
    The high lev guys i think should meet with all of us that want to participate to the event at the place and time it is going to take place .

    P.S. the web host has recently upgraded and that was the reason you couldn't get the .xls file, the whole mainframe was down that day, it works now. ;)
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  14. #14

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Good idea at all.

    But how about char's that are killed ?
    who will be allowed to reeze ? If a team member can reeze, there seems to be no problem, but what about teams that can't reeze ? Is the observer allowed to reeze ?

    Perhaps one idea could be: if a player is dead, than he's remains dead until time is over or all team members died. In a result all teams have to take care on staying alive and no team has an advantage/disadvantage from being able to reeze themselves,needing to recall or getting reezed (with perhaps some morehealth restorea team with reezer would get).

    But regardless who this is handled, have fun with this event.


  15. #15

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    this wouldn't be fair.

    I think a 1 min penalty would be fair.

    If a team is 2 mages then this would mean they can't kill anymore when both died. Each school has it advantages sure but i think ressurection should be dealth with by the referees only.

    When one dies 1 min DP and if this would mean a penalty because they already have too many then that would be a sad thing.

    I think the best thing would be to have healers to refferee so the concestants can have 2 super res.

    We could make it that a team can have 2 deads and the third means disqualification

  16. #16
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Well, about being dead, yes ... there should be some high healer guys that can rezurect without dp, but i don't agree with discalification and i'll give you a very strong reason: if someone in the team dies, the team has a minus 25 points and they also lose time, not to mention the death penality that might happen. The teams i think should be balanced this way during the event: Mage like school with melee like school .... if not possible, then we should try and do the fallowing thing :

    Ex: let's say there are these adv lev guys: 45, 47, 55, 52, 48, 46, 43, 44 ----&gt; 8 guys.

    We make 45+47+55+52+48+46+43+44 = 380 ; 380/8 = 47,5 the average adventure level, this meaning we will have to make teams wich will have in the end about this kind of adv level .....

    the way i'm seeing it, we should take these steps into making the teams :

    1) each team should have 1 mage like school and 1 melee like school , if not :
    2) each guy ask someone to hunt with on his own desires
    3) we apply the average adventure level shown above.

    what do you think ?

    Added: Dunkenzahn: Sorry I couldn't meet you at that hour. I'm so pissed off right now i couldn't log in hz since 20 minutes before 18.00 GTM('been 6h without hz and keep trying); I can't log in auth server and tried everything from deleeting cache, prefs, full scan, and some other things and I finally decided to Reinstall Horizons (bleeh, it'll take ages to download) and if I'm at it i could give it a defragment as well :P I noted all your characters names and i'll get hold of you, don't worry ;)
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  17. #17

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    I think it would be better to use (MR/TTR) x 1000 = points per kill

    if you would kill a lvl 52 mob with a team of a total rating of 96 this would mean the team would have made 514.66667 points so this could be made 515 for this kill

    This would make the total points higher which in my opinion would be easier then getting amounts with decimals.

    MR = mob rating
    TTR = total team rating

  18. #18
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Yes, it would be higher, but there would come a time when such hicher numbers really confuse somebody.

    For instance: if the same TTR=96 and MR=52 and the team kills 20 mobs in that 10 min timer, then we would have a 515*20= 10300 points , which aren't bad, but might confuse somebody if he has 9677 pts .... And the pts penality if someone in the team dies would be 2500 pts .... come to think about it is not a really bad idea :P lol

    Anyway, i also ask you if you would preffer an (MR/TTR)*100, that would make a 51.4 pts and we would keep the decimals . We would also have here a penality of 250 pts if someone in the team dies.

    or, the initial (MR/TTR)*10 , and we would have a 5.14 pts with both 2 decimals left and a death penality of 25 pts ...... it is up to the majority. ;)

    I vote for the *100 one with the pts of 51.4 like XX.x

    note: MR = mob rating
    TTR = total team adventure rating
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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  19. #19

    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    I think I'll go along with Enoeth here, the *100 figures sound nice [:)].

    Itlooks like some more referees are needed to make this event work (preferably healers with total rez) ? Is Sunuke the only referee so far(seeing that Nicko, due to irregularworking-hours,found it betternot toapply for this position) ?
    And are two or three referees needed: has that been decided yet ?

    I hopeenough people willing to help will come forwardin time to be able to start this friday with this event (no use for an 'almost non-adventurer' like myself here, else I would gladly help out). Though of course the roof won't come falling down if it doesn't start until néxt friday either[:)].

  20. #20
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    Default Re: < Survive in the Wild Championship > 1st edition 40-50 (40-55) - Friday at 18:00 GTM

    Don't worry, i have lots of high lev friends so they won't be a problem to find ;)
    Proud member of Angelic Protectors
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