The next project you give us TG, make it use up to T5 resources.

Hey! Here is an idea, put in the huge underground city model, place it at the big door at the deadpool. Then make it need up to t5 resources to rebuild, and make it rebuildable in stages, easy at first and harder as you get further in. Then, populate it with increasingly harder mobs the further in you get. At the bottom, in the big cage, place an imprisioned welger wizard. Once we free him, he recalls them and they become a freed race. Then they reclaim the city and 6 more months have passed.[8-|] [img]/emoticons/emotion-15.gif[/img]

With this event, you don't have to create any new models, nor art. All you need do is, use what you have and give us all something to hold us until you can finish other things. With the new mines on LA its very obvious that this is not a hard thing to do.