I will say this is a much speedier client then before, that said there are a few issues to note that are a pain and I will try to outline in detail below.

First off the client tends to crash, ussaly as you try to move from standing still. I cannot pin point it yet but have been sending in logs and dumps as they occure. Once was in a dragon cave plot flying to the celing the other in dralk in the floating trainer area when i pushed forward key after standing still.

Secondly, I have noticed an increass in memory usage. The client is taking up a huge foot print and only slowly releasing memory. I have seen the client eat up to just shy of 2 gigabytes of ram on my computer. I am running a 2gig machine with about 4 gigs of swap set aside. I am not sure if crashing is related to the increased memory foot print? But will keep my eyes on it.

thirdly, I am seeing stuttering on moving around the world at times, this occures when newmodels are coming into the world such as NPCs. Its almost as if the Client is paused and waiting for the files to be finnished loaded, this also could be somthing to do with swapping of memory? Also could it be that loading some types of objects are not threaded correctly? Just shooting ideas out...

Another thing to note after I crashed out as noted above, the client stated it did not look like Horizons was installed after I tried to log back in using the new patcher? It did load up though and went along just fine but the dialog stated it was not installed. Strange.