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Thread: Repeated an old Idea Again

  1. #1

    Default Repeated an old Idea Again

    So we payed for the month and are going to try and work around the none character sink deal. Sounds like most of you have learned to deal with it.

    I posted this a long time ago... But last night as we were flying around as dragons. I couldn't get this out of my mind.

    I still think dryads should be able to fly as High as Tree Tops. Then let them make tree houses. You guys already have dragons flying so to add the dryad
    flight isn't like your going to throw the game off balance. You might find dryads become more popular. Then the ones who work hard on dragons get the benifit of high level flying along with everything else.

    Dryads have wings... If they were real they would be up in the air. I like to think of them as dragon fly's fast and agile. If you don't want them to fly then pluck there wings. because there useless as they are right now.

    I say put it up for a vote or something......
    And please don't take this as a negitive thing. I'm not comming in the game after being away for so long and trying to tell you how to run your game.

    I just think it fits is all.

    Sorry I just now saw there is a Sugguestion forum.. *Move me*
    Last edited by palaxe; March 13th, 2010 at 04:41 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    *chuckles and points to the multipage thread below about the same thing*

    You're right, it has been suggested over and over again. Devs has said no.

    If you want a fuller disucssion, look down a few titles..

    I think its included in the "flying for everyone" (yea it may say everyone but it gets about dryads somewhere in
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Ya I know...your right but...If I were asking for a dwarf to fly I could see there point. But the Dryads come with wings. Its who they are. Then clip there wings... I still say If this subject has been brought up over and over...Doesn't that mean the players want dryads to fly?
    So do the devs want to make the player base in a whole happy? why not put it up to vote...?
    Then if everyone says No... then no is no..
    But If the community says Ya... Then lets get them in the air where they belong. :P

    ( And I for one don't expect them to fly high like a dragon or even as fast.)
    LOL... Anyways,
    Thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Dryads already do fly. In fact, they never touch the ground. :P
    Really though, if I were to see them do anything, it'd be gliding like hatchlings. Doubt it'll ever happen though.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  5. #5
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    penguins and emu and ostriches have wings and they don't fly......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Personally, I like the idea of limited flight for Dryads. While its true there are
    flightless birds, that doesn't mean a race that doesn't touch ground is in the
    same class. I was thinking about some sort of magickal based limited flight
    using 'pixie dust' that an alchemist might make with essence (for the magick).
    Thinking it would function like a potion. Perhaps with a Quest for the formula?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Can someone please merge this with one of the below threads

    Flying for everyone:

    Dryad Glide:

    To OP... These were on the 1st page of Suggestions.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  8. #8

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    So we payed for the month and are going to try and work around the none character sink deal. Sounds like most of you have learned to deal with it.

    I posted this a long time ago... But last night as we were flying around as dragons. I couldn't get this out of my mind.

    I still think dryads should be able to fly as High as Tree Tops. Then let them make tree houses. You guys already have dragons flying so to add the dryad
    flight isn't like your going to throw the game off balance. You might find dryads become more popular. Then the ones who work hard on dragons get the benifit of high level flying along with everything else.

    Dryads have wings... If they were real they would be up in the air. I like to think of them as dragon fly's fast and agile. If you don't want them to fly then pluck there wings. because there useless as they are right now.

    I say put it up for a vote or something......
    And please don't take this as a negitive thing. I'm not comming in the game after being away for so long and trying to tell you how to run your game.

    I just think it fits is all.

    Sorry I just now saw there is a Sugguestion forum.. *Move me*
    True, dryads do have wings. But they hover, not fly. And while it might logically seem that they should be able to fly for gameplay purposes it is better than flight remain a thing for Dragons. It makes them more of a draw and more special, than if another race could fly as well.

    So do the devs want to make the player base in a whole happy? why not put it up to vote...?
    Then if everyone says No... then no is no..
    But If the community says Ya... Then lets get them in the air where they belong. :P
    Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  9. #9
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post

    Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
    right. this is a theocracy, not a democracy.......may the gods live for the millions of years!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  10. #10

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    I would just be happy if it was possible to stop the wing flapping at times because I play 3rd person and it makes me dizzy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    I still say If this subject has been brought up over and over...Doesn't that mean the players want dryads to fly?
    So do the devs want to make the player base in a whole happy? why not put it up to vote...?
    Then if everyone says No... then no is no..
    But If the community says Ya... Then lets get them in the air where they belong. :P
    Nah -its been brought up over and over by new players - not be the rest of the community who already has heard the answer many times and understands the logic

    And yea, I was gonna say before Amon did it for me - development doesn't work that way on any game. Istaria, for good or for bad, is no different - lol.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    And yea, I was gonna say before Amon did it for me - development doesn't work that way on any game. Istaria, for good or for bad, is no different - lol.
    Actually I've seen games work very much like that, such as X3: Terran Conflict. A very large chunk of that games content owes its self to a group of people who made a huge conversion mod for X3: Reunion as well as a large chunk of the basic and modding community in general.

    Devs that understand the true value of their community can have quality content built to possibly include into their game free of cost to themselves (Pirates of the Burning Sea is another example that comes to mind), and the guys making said content for free? Well they get powerful reference material to place in their portfolio if and whenever they go for a job in the video game industry.

    The developers get free content that they otherwise couldn't afford to create, and the creators get their creations into commercial products which provides great stuff to put in their resume. *shrugs* But seldom does this ever happen, unfortunately.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Actually I've seen games work very much like that, such as X3: Terran Conflict. A very large chunk of that games content owes its self to a group of people who made a huge conversion mod for X3: Reunion as well as a large chunk of the basic and modding community in general.

    Devs that understand the true value of their community can have quality content built to possibly include into their game free of cost to themselves (Pirates of the Burning Sea is another example that comes to mind), and the guys making said content for free? Well they get powerful reference material to place in their portfolio if and whenever they go for a job in the video game industry.

    The developers get free content that they otherwise couldn't afford to create, and the creators get their creations into commercial products which provides great stuff to put in their resume. *shrugs* But seldom does this ever happen, unfortunately.
    Ya your right it does work that way with many games. SWG why do you think they revamped it and made it so anyone could be a jedi. For good or bad it still was done. Age of Conan which we also are subed to right now Also posted in there 2 to last post on a patch.. players you asked for it we delivered. So ummm ya games do listen to there players and try to make it fun for them... Right now were beta testing for Dawntide... Wiz the main producer and founder has taken in what players want and added them to it.. ( If its reasonable. )

    If its somthing that the developers don't want in there game I'll respect that. It is there game and they can have it ran anyway they want.

    I liked the idea of fairy dust...!!! So its a magical thing...

    Anyways... That is That!

    Thanks for the replys though...
    And on an up note at least the Devs respond to subjects

  14. #14

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    SWG why do you think they revamped it and made it so anyone could be a jedi.
    Well, actually a large portion of the community didn't want the revamp, sony did the revamp for the sake of trying to get more subscribers, but they sacrificed their existing community to do so. (The process of creating the update spanned over the course of months, yet nobody ever heard about it until the very last day when it was suddenly applied.)

    So I would say for SWG, the very last thing they did was listen to the community, to the extent of going around the communities back about the whole patch until the day they applied it. It wouldn't have gone down in history as one of the biggest MMO screwups had they of listened to their community. So SWG is the perfect example of what can happen when you give your community the finger. x3

  15. #15

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Well, actually a large portion of the community didn't want the revamp, sony did the revamp for the sake of trying to get more subscribers, but they sacrificed their existing community to do so. (The process of creating the update spanned over the course of months, yet nobody ever heard about it until the very last day when it was suddenly applied.)

    So I would say for SWG, the very last thing they did was listen to the community, to the extent of going around the communities back about the whole patch until the day they applied it. It wouldn't have gone down in history as one of the biggest MMO screwups had they of listened to their community. So SWG is the perfect example of what can happen when you give your community the finger. x3
    Ya.. I guess that is true. I'll buy that.
    Here is another example to replace that one. Ever Quest2 Had very little soloing. After everyone complaining and alot of subs leaving they changed it. I recieved not only an email but a letter in the mail saying we listened to you ( meaning the players ) and we have added in solo content.

    But I mean we can go on all day. I think any game listens to the players to an extent. It just depends on how they want to run there game.

    Here is what I noticed. Last night ( Sunday ) Choas had 48 dragons online, 3 dryads, no gnomes lol.. humans were second at like 5. Every other race was like 3-4 if that. Total of 57 users on line.

    K with that said. If Dryads could fly.. would I give up my adult dragon to play a dryad?... hmm I doubt it. I don't think the other 48 dragons would either.

    So I guess if they would make the change the point would be null anyways...

    So Dryads are grounded.

    My thought was, lets say they changed it. so everyone still plays the dragons. No one is taking that away from you guys.

    But as a new player comes in and makes a dryad, they might say hey this game is pretty cool. And It might get them more addicted. It would be a selling point is what I'm trying to say.

    And at worst it would make players less likely to play a dragon. Which would make dragons more rare.. Maybe... the server might look like 48 dragons, 23 dryads... anyway.. Its a dead subject.
    Peace out Everyone!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    oh no no sorry I didnt' mean to say no company listens to its players..

    I mean that I've never seen a post where a player goes "Ok let's all vote on it and if it wins the devs put it in" and then a dev goes "okey!" THAT's what I meant .

    I mean tons of devs listen to tons of players (and tons of devs don't lol). I won't get into Hz/Istaria's history of that - there is again good and bad.

    And I dont think the devs want dragons more rare if it means they lose paying subs .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    So we payed for the month and are going to try and work around the none character sink deal. Sounds like most of you have learned to deal with it.

    I posted this a long time ago... But last night as we were flying around as dragons. I couldn't get this out of my mind.

    I still think dryads should be able to fly as High as Tree Tops. Then let them make tree houses. You guys already have dragons flying so to add the dryad
    flight isn't like your going to throw the game off balance. You might find dryads become more popular. Then the ones who work hard on dragons get the benifit of high level flying along with everything else.

    Dryads have wings... If they were real they would be up in the air. I like to think of them as dragon fly's fast and agile. If you don't want them to fly then pluck there wings. because there useless as they are right now.

    I say put it up for a vote or something......
    And please don't take this as a negitive thing. I'm not comming in the game after being away for so long and trying to tell you how to run your game.

    I just think it fits is all.

    Sorry I just now saw there is a Sugguestion forum.. *Move me*
    Have you ever asked yourself. If dryads had some sort of flight. Have access to all the schools the other bipeds have. Why would i play a different race other than dryads if dryads have a bigger advantage.?

    Dryad flight will throw the game off balance. Bipeds with a rating over 180 and with the right mix of classes have no trouble playing around in istaria. Give one flight and even dragons become pointless. like i said before it will be totally pointless to play a saris, gnome, halfgiant ect. if i can have a dryad that can avoid battle, have tons of skills and abilities at my disposal ect.

    lets stop this discrimination against the other bipeds just because dryads can flutter close to the ground. Think well before you ask for somthing.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanukk Sytheclaw View Post
    Dryad flight will throw the game off balance. Bipeds with a rating over 180 and with the right mix of classes have no trouble playing around in istaria. Give one flight and even dragons become pointless. like i said before it will be totally pointless to play a saris, gnome, halfgiant ect. if i can have a dryad that can avoid battle, have tons of skills and abilities at my disposal ect.

    lets stop this discrimination against the other bipeds just because dryads can flutter close to the ground. Think well before you ask for somthing.
    I have thought about it! I don't see how being able to fly 10 feet above the ground will throw the game off. Could you please give me an example of how a dryad would throw the whole game off balance?

    They could make it so the higher you fly the slower you go.

    They could make it so at tree top hight your crawling slower than if your bags were full of ore.

    They could put a timer on flight.. like when you go under the water. ( your not strong enough like a dragon to stay up that long. you get winded )

    Or another though is when you fly up you loose the bonus speed of the roads.

    The only advantage is if you want to work your way up a mountain you could but it would take some time.

    Or make it so you cannot cast while your flying or in the air. Your not powerful enough like a dragon to do this.

    Its called Imagination.

    In Everquest 2 the fay can gain an ability were they jump and float for like 6 seconds. they also jump off a mountain and float down. It really adds to the race.

    I could not see out run a monster by flight if it slows you down.

    I could see it taking away the dragon is the only flying specail race thing. But If it was done right. and some THOUGHT Was put in it.." Think well before you ask " It could add more to the class.

    And as far as dragons becomming pointless.. Well they already are. After lvl 100 there is nothing left for them. Am I wrong?

    The point is they will never do this so its a dead subject.
    Last edited by palaxe; March 25th, 2010 at 08:19 PM.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    I don't see how being able to fly 10 feet above the ground will throw the game off. Could you please give me an example of how a dryad would throw the whole game off balance?
    what comes to my mind is that it could allow dryads access to areas currently inaccessible to bipeds by flying (however slowly) over hills/obstacles in their way. suddenly they would be the only bipeds able to cross the open ocean without drowning... there are quite a few place where i've tried jumping up and been soooo close but unable to get there - creatures with flight would be able to. flight at any height is simply an advantage.

    i do like the idea of allowing dryads to glide though, much like hatchlings can. that provides much less extra access and would still be cool. :-)
    And as far as dragons becomming pointless.. Well they already are. After lvl 100 there is nothing left for them. Am I wrong?
    imo, dragons are never pointless. lots of sharp pointy teeth and claws... ;-)

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Repeated an old Idea Again

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    imo, dragons are never pointless. lots of sharp pointy teeth and claws... ;-)
    But forever destined to have lower strenght then a biped who levels Fitter or lower dexterity then a biped with lvl 100 Weaver.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

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