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Thread: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

  1. #1

    Default Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Now, don't get me wrong, I like people, particularly gamer people, being one myself. But I only get to play at odd hours, and never know when She Who Must Be Obeyed will call me away to do some spousal thingee like cooking food or carrying heavy things. So I usually end up soloing, rather than group for 20 minutes then have to say "gotta go or I'm a dead gamer." So how is this game for those of us who often are stuck soloing, except for the rare occassions when we KNOW we'll be able to play for 6 hours, making it safe to group with out being a "loot 'em an leave em" type of guy?

  2. #2
    Britt Tigahare

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    That's what's nice about this game, you can choose to solo. Some classes may find it difficult to solo, in which case leveling will be a lot slower. Don't get me wrong, I like grouping and would love to group more. But at the times I play (late at night), there aren't very many people to hunt with. Well, none for my lower level characters. The people who are on at the same time are either too high or too low. So, in a sense, it's almost like forced soloing [:)] But I don't mind it so much. I'm happy doing either.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Welcome to Istaria! It's very solo friendly. If you need a hand with anything or just some friendly advice feel free to shoot me a tell if your on chaos.
    60% Achiever
    46% Socializer
    46% Explorer
    46% Killer
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Nimk a Beer)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    As I play during the quiet hours I am the only member of the guild I belong to who is actually logged on. So I play solo. I like to hunt and loot, but as things have turned out I spend most of my time crafting. There is so much to do crafting wise, such as making my own armor, weapons and potions that I spend all the time making adventuring gear so that my character can hunt.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Welcome to Istaria.

    My play time is constrained much like yours. Between the "She Who must be obeyed" and the "Those who must be watched and shuttled and cared for", and that other thing called "work", my play time is very limited and subject to many interruptions.

    I've been here since Beta (Aug. 2003). I'd guess that my play time has been about 40% solo, 50% grouped withseveralpeople that have the same RL obligations, and about 10% in a group of 3 or more. Solo is definately doable but you'll be missing out on some great people and great battles if you limit yourself to that. I've found that most people in this game share the RL obligations you mention, and if you just let your group know "Hey...I've got 30 minutes but may be interrupted" nobody gets bent out of shape. At least that has been my experience. This game has a great group of people playing it.

    Drasdil Redin
    100 Paladin
    Order Shard

  6. #6

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Thanks all, for the info and warm welcome... Personally, I'd rather group too. Made lots of good friends that way in other games, and the lot here seems really nice, which is a big plus. Now if only I can get the trial account created so I can run around getting killed and begging for advice [H]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    I almost always find myself playing after 10:00 pm EST. I too have daytime responsibilities and could never relax playing other MMOs... what if I died, just as my wife asked me to come to bed, or my children asked me to read a book? Then I was faced with giving up my night's efforts to the gods of death penalty or respecting my loved one's needs. Horizons doesn't do that. And I can group up within 5 minutes no matter where I am in the world on those occasions when members of my guild are playing at the same time as I. Most schools let me solo, albeit slower than when working with a good group. And as mentioned by others, the people who play Horizons are some of the best people in gaming.

    I hope you enjoy your time in Horizons.

    David Bowman

  8. #8
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Wherever Mayhem Ensues

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bowman
    And as mentioned by others, the people who play Horizons are some of the best people in gaming.
    amen to that
    Got Cowbell?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    I've enjoyed it so far, and have been delighted by the people I've met here and in the game. Now I'm off to gallumph about with my new dragon. Or should I flutter with my dryad? Sigh.

    This game needs more character slots ;)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Downloading the sample platter...How is this for solo play?

    Soloing is affective in this game, and it's rather easy.

    I play more than you do from what you've said (Just a lil kid with no job and gets everything his lil heart disires[H])

    but in the summerI was able to get 80-100 in four days, probably with 6-10 hour roughly a day. I just moved to a new city this summer so I have an excuse to do this[:D]. ANYWHO! Divide that up to fit your game cycle and it wouldn't be so bad.

    Of course some classes are better at soloing than others[H]

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