Okauy I know it may seems like a bug, but I think it's a design flaw and as such it is a suggestion that the speach of Gerix be modify to give a text that say to go check the adventure trainer when you don't meet requirement for him to talk to you.

Please can you modify Gerix speach patern to include warning of "go do your adv quest"

Here is the txt I posted in the bug section;

I had an adventure quest "find the lost patrol" in my list. I taugth maybe because that quets was not finish, so I deleted the quest. But no vail Gerix still would not talk to me. I wen got the quest back, because I compare the quest someone had and Gerix was talking to him. I completed the quest and then Gerix, gave me the rest of his speach.

My deduction is ... somewhere the adv quest list prevent Gerix from offering you options for quest. But no where is therea message that,when they check if we dont have the current adv quest that we should have to go talk to the adventure trainer.

I think some code line of messaging need to be added.