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Thread: Lair Maps and Istarian Retailer

  1. #1

    Default Lair Maps and Istarian Retailer

    Just a couple thoughts. Please make Lair Maps!!! Many lairs go down 6 layers or more. I was in a guildies lair the other day. Ionly went down to his second level, and I still had a devil of a time working through the maze of passages trying to find my way out! The thought of needing to go to the 6th level of a guildies lair... and then having to find my way out again?!?!? [:|] Might as well just recall! I know if we're in our own lair, we can just call up the lair planning tab and see where we areas well asa layout of the level. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to make this page accessable to anyone who can bring up lair info... and then just disable the + - and Build commands if the person looking at it isn't the lair owner.

    As for an Istarian retailer... I was thinking an NPC who can offer you a survey of any community you choose from his list. Or this could also be added in on the site, like the consignment link. I do understand this might cause trouble in making it easier for those who buy and strip plots, but that can be handled in other ways. (Such as the 1 month wait between buying plots/lairs.) On the flip side, the number of avialable lairs/plots are dwindling, and finding one in a usefull area is a difficult hunt, and by the time you have done your research like a wise shoper would... someone has gone and changed things on you. (Bought plots/lairs, or more plots/lairs for sale that wern't that way the day before.)

    I'll admit, I think theretailer idea would be handy, but I can understand why it might not be done. But I think the lair map idea is a nessesity.

    100/100/100 Ancient Dragon of Chaos
    ~The Ancients~

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lair Maps and Istarian Retailer

    Erf... well I feel silly. Today I found the Plots For Sale page. Had forgotten it as way back it hadn't worked. Anyway, I do think it'd be nice if they mentioned if that "plot" is a plot or a lair, otherwise, looks good.

    100/100/100 Ancient Dragon of Chaos
    ~The Ancients~

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